



yall’s tags are a journey

who needs to choose one name when you can have as many as you want thomas anduin varian illidan jaina sylvanas saurfang baine vol’jin kil’jaeden deathwing arthas malygos genn archimonde balnazzar elune malfurion n’zoth azshara tyrande turalyon alleria yrel oculeth romuul akama maraad kael’thas lor’themar grom garrosh g’huun talanji priscilla giblin millhouse lorna odyn skovald nuuri thrall gul’dan velen alternate universe velen jones


you dont need to be a specific race, gender, sexuality, religion, or ethnicity to be an epic gamer  😎


yes i can, next video

yknow but cis men can i guess, thanks kalvin 

really doing this community some good  /s if you like feminine things you actually have been born a woman im sorry i dont make the rules 


I literally do not ever want to hear that kalvin is a good person ever again.

Honestly, though I don’t agree with Kalvin’s views, I figured hey, maybe he’s a bit immature in the way he words his points, and he’s a bit.. passionate, but you’re entitled to voice your opinions on this debate, that’s fine I guess. But honestly, this is just unacceptable.  First of all I guess someone wanting to update their following on whats happening with them and why they’ve disappeared unexpectedly, and explaining their feelings and the situation makes them fake suicidal I guess.  (bets on kalvin just being salty bc he got called out)  How do you expect people to change their opinions on such a harsh and controversial discourse topic by bullying and harassing people? If you’re really concerned about the trans community, and the well-being of the people who consider themselves a part of it (dysphoric or not), you wouldn’t handle it like this.  Maybe I’m somehow misinterpreting this situation, and if I am, then I apologize, but honestly this looks pretty objective to me. Dude, you’re not going to convince anyone by bullying those on the other side of the argument and acting like a child. Grow up or remove yourself from the debate. You’re not helping anyone.  ik i never really post on this account but someone sent me a link to this post and i really wanted to address it 


Parents : You better not be having underage sex or even THINKING about boys and sex young lady !

Me : Its okay ! Im ace and not interested in sex at all so i wont ever be having it !  :) 

Parents : 


Some random person: “I think aspec people are valid and I support them!!! But I don’t think they’re LGBTQ+ or that they should be in LGBTQ+ spaces.”


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