
Desire Drive: Ten Desires Fan Event

@10-desires / 10-desires.tumblr.com

Desire Drive is a month-long tumblr event to celebrate the game Touhou Shinreibyou ~ Ten Desires. Participation is completely open: Simply post art, animation, fanfiction, music, whatever creative endeavor your heart desires during the month of October!

Futo the Contemporary

‘Twas a quaint midsummer’s day, a radiant day, a great day indeed to be preaching the good word of the Crown Prince Toyosatomimi, yet I, Futo of the great clan Mononobe, did stand before the sanctum of the enemy - the Temple of Myouren! One must surely wonder why I, a noble and honest servant of Shoutoku Taishi, did come of mine own volition to such a bastion of pseudo-enlightened lunacy, yea, to such a wretched hive of youkai scum and villainy. Espionage? Something more insidious - sabotage? Mayhaps a direct assault on the these shameless prophets of youkai dominion!?

Nay, nay. Thy hypotheses, while reasonable, are incorrect! Thou hast not a clue of the true significance of my visit! There will be no skirmish here, for I, Futo, am here to seek the means towards a more noble goal - knowledge. Yea, I, Futo, desire to learn the method to becoming, as the modern people of this land of Gensokyo do say…


My last (and somewhat late) submission for Desire Drive is a fic! Please enjoy Futo’s attempts to become ‘cool’ and ‘modern’. Also, please forgive my probably awful attempt at writing in an archaic dialect.


Will you still be taking desire drive posts a little after the event ends? i've got a fic i definitely won't have finished until tomorrow but i'd still like to try and get it in, haha.


Absolutely! We’d be thrilled to have anything people are willing to create, even if it ends up being into November a bit.

Maybe the monsters and ghouls aren’t so bad. Maybe all they wanna do is have fun on the one night meant for them.

Anyhow this is my dual Halloween/final Desire Drive piece! I decided I would take inspiration from Jive at the Graveyard because damn what a catchy song right? Yoshika doesn’t seem to think so but she can endure a little bit of dancing.

Happy Halloween everyone!


Futo with a flamethrower and Seiga with a Saiga for the Desire Drive event. Not exactly happy with how some parts of it turned out (Ex. Futo’s arms, Seiga’s hair), and I discovered the hard way that my erasable pen doesn’t erase completely and leaves smudges everywhere. But still, I finally managed to finish it just days before the end of October.

I should probably get me some color pencils or something. Or some colored pens. And re-learn how to do pen shading.

Fun fact: The flamethrower Futo is holding is from some game called Reason 2 Die: Awakening. Found it on Google Images while searching for a flamethrower.


Apparently, today is Tojiko Day ! and it’s also the day i realize that drawing eyes (or just drawing.) is litteraly killing me … does it show that i gave up ?

hope you enjoy this mischevious ghost

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