
An Indigo Mine

@jmindigo / jmindigo.tumblr.com

Virgo, INTP, Spoonie, Writer, Dog Person, Elf Apologist, Plays Video Games On Easy. All My Favs Are Problematic and that's okay.

Shocking how many people don’t know that hens lay non-fertilized eggs and think the yolk they’re eating is a baby chicken

once tried desperately to make my friend understand that yolks were not, like, a liquified potentiality of chicken, and she looked at me for a while and then said, "but they’re both yellow."



A chicken



A Man

This is the best thing on the internet.


I was just trying to explain this post to my partners and referred to the last image as a "featherless lemon".

Anyway now @dadhoc is literally laughing hysterically on the bed next to me.


hi love you guys do me a favor. big big big BIG breath in right now all the way all the way breathe in feel your belly expanding hold hold hold.. hold.. now everything out like ur a deflating balloon. whoosh. whooooooooosh. imagine water streaming from the top of your head down your shoulders off the ends of your fingertips and toes. u are a reed in a river a beam of pure light a steady anvil solid and heavy. ok that was all thank u


Photographers all know about polarizing filters. They remove reflections off the surfaces of objects. We use them to see into water or windows that are obscured by those reflections. But anything with an even slightly glossy surface has a layer of reflection on top. So if you have a shiny green plant, it can remove the shiny and reveal a very saturated green underneath. Polarizers also remove a lot of scattered and reflected light from the sky. Which reveals a deep blue color you didn't even know was there.

Here is a photo I took of my circular polarizer.

And the first thing I noticed when walking outside during the eclipse was the color of everything was more saturated, just like in that circle. Apparently, an eclipse significantly reduces polarized light and I got this creepy feeling because I was only ever used to seeing the world like that through the viewfinder of my camera.

The other thing I noticed was my outdoor lights. I leave them on all the time because I never remember to turn them on at night. And usually the sun will render them barely visible during the day. On a very sunny day they almost look like they are off.

But you can clearly see they are shining and even flaring the camera during the eclipse.

Our eyes adjust to lighting changes very well so it was hard to tell how much dimmer things were, but that is a good indication. I took this photo a few minutes ago and you can see how dim the lights appear after the moon has fucked off.

I did a calculation using the exposure settings between these two photos. The non-eclipse photo has 7 f-stops more light. That is 128 times or 12,700% more light.

A partial Pringle eclipse cut the sun's light by 99.2% and somehow our eyes adjusted to make it seem like a normal sunny day (with weird ass saturated colors).


Additional Observations

So, I woke up about 4 minutes before the eclipse. I was very unprepared to photograph it in the normal quality you'd expect from a photographer. However, I did capture some interesting details that I thought I'd share beyond the lack of polarized light.

First up... the shadows.

The shadows were very sharp. In photography there is this concept of light going from a spectrum of hard to soft. Hard light has very high contrast and sharp shadows. Soft light is more flattering and diffused with softer shadows.

To get hard light and sharp shadows you need a small "point" light source. A point light can either be very small or it can be very far away or a combination thereof.

In the studio you could use a bare bulb flash to get a point source.

Or you can attach a modifier like a softbox to create a large light source. The bigger, the softer.

The sun is massive, but it is also super duper far away. So it ends up being the smallest point light source available. However, the atmosphere can scatter and diffuse that light, essentially "enlarging" the light source.

To get perfect hard light shadows you need to go to... the moon.

But the eclipse blocked out about 99% of the sun and it reduced the amount of scattered light. And it greatly reduced the size of the light source causing some very defined sharp shadows.

But not *all* of the shadow was sharp. My left shoulder is very defined but my right shoulder is a bit fuzzy.

You can see it on my fingers too.

Sharp on one side, soft on the other.

This is essentially because the sun has been split into two different light sources in two different directions.

In one direction you have a larger light source causing softer shadows.

And in the other direction you have a smaller light source causing sharper shadows.

In photography we have these strip softboxes that we usually place behind a subject to create an edge light.

Only a narrow, small band of light is hitting the body. If we were to use a strip box to light a face, it would be a small light source creating sharp shadows.

But one trick we can do is to turn the strip light horizontal.

Now the light source hitting the face is large as it wraps around the head.

So a long and narrow light source is essentially large and small simultaneously. And depending on the direction the light is coming from it is either hard or soft light.

Destin from Smarter Every Day explained this phenomenon briefly in his eclipse video.

I also think this large and small light source phenomenon affected my lens flares when I photographed the sun.

In this photo it literally looks like I'm getting starburst flares from two light sources.

And in this photo the flares have a sharp bright edge as well as a dimmer more diffused area.

Normally these starburst flares (caused by light leaking through the metal aperture blades in the lens) have more homogenous tines without that feathering effect.

And then I noticed a different kind of flare in my photos—with all the colors of the rainbow.

And each band of color matched the crescent shape of my partial eclipse.

Like a camera obscura, these flares were in reverse orientation to the crescent sun. And while I wasn't able to get the sun in sharp focus, the purple section of the flare is very defined. I think that represents approximately how much of the sun was covered by the moon at my location—about 130 miles from totality.

I am a student of light. That is essentially what photography is. And I found this to be a fascinating lesson on how bonkers light can be. I was a little bummed I couldn't road trip to southern Missouri to see totality, but I am grateful to still have a cool eclipse experience.

Happy First of May!!

Hello! May is EDS (Ehlers Danlos Syndrome) awareness month! As a person with suspected EDS and with chronic symptoms, this is a very important topic to me. EDS is hard to diagnose, and many patients fly under the radar of healthcare professionals which can cause them to suffer lack of treatment and forces them to live with their painful symptoms.

More Information about EDS and associated variations has been attached below and the infographs were originally found on an instagram account that I follow at the username the_chronic_chronicles


Unrestrained summer fun 😁


this must be such a delicate experience for a creature that can dive two stories deep and has been seen cliff diving into the ocean


Such a quiet and gentle experience for a megafauna cryptid that can headbutt a speeding truck and walk away It’s like seeing Godzilla in a kiddie pool

During a summer heat wave in Alaska growing up (yes it’s a thing), my dad had several sprinklers and a tractor sprinkler going in the yard. From the woods behind the house suddenly came two young babies and a very large mother.

They came directly towards the tractor sprinkler and sat right down.

My dad verrrrry slowly pulled the hose of the other sprinklers, and repositioned them in the backyard so they would spray grass under the shade of several trees.

Lo and behold, the mother moose got up, walked over to the water now pooling beside these trees, and plomped down. The two babies followed after and just fell over in the cool water.


this is a callout post about the people in the Fiber Hell Discord

Their crimes; made me start watching Supernatural in the year of 2024

Me every single episode; what the FUCK

Ah, that explains the new side story.

This is how they got me.

I mentioned it would be fun to do like, a vacation fic, and the evil fuckers all went :)))))) Do you know what would be funny??? Do you know where it would be really funny to set a vacation?? There's a couple of Sad Boys who could use some adoptive parents and some shitty parents who could use some strangling!

Now I'm sitting here on season 4 like WHAT in the FUCK is GOING ON


Discord; okay which time


Ooh boy...how far are you now?

The weird angel dude who gives me news on Tumblr just showed up

One of these demons is gonna try and possess one of the squad and splat against Sys like a bug vs a truck windshield at 75 MPH

'Soil is too acidic for beets'

...in NEBRASKA???? They're mostly on limestone bedrock, just like me. The soil is ALKALINE AS HELL beets do GREAT.

This is an inaccuracy for which I will not stand, SHOW. How DARE you.

Btw lady you're gonna want a trap crop for squash vine borers if you plant zucchini those little fuckheads are all over

Ghost lady thing whatever, I have a feeling that slashing Baby's tires is a bad move

"Backwards hillbilly bitch"

....Dude these are my people you're talking about. Only Iowans are allowed to make fun of Nebraska YOU KEEP OUR SISTER STATE'S NAME OUT OF YOUR CITYBOY MOUTH


I feel like something that really works for Dungeon Meshi is that all the characters are good at their jobs from the beginning. At the start of the show/manga the Touden party is one of the best parties in the business.

They got wiped in the first episode/chapter, but they got wiped on the 6th floor where we don't see another party on a floor lower than the 5th, castle town, even then the only group we meet is Shiro's who was part of the original party and super skilled. Shiro is an expert swordsman who went to the dungeon to test himself, he was the best fighter in the party and the ace to deal killing blows to dragons. Namari is a dwarf who is likely a better fighter than Senshi and takes better care of her equipment. Laios is a good fighter, maybe not the best, but he is good an super knowledgeable. Falin and Marcille are two top class mages, Marcille might be inexperienced as a practical caster, but by the time the series starts she is very powerful. Chilchuck is the leader/creator of the half-foot union, he is good at his job and has survived since he was a wide eyed kid to a grizzled old man who looks like a kid to other races. they were stacked at the start of the series and it makes sense why they are well known in adventurers circles.

They aren't newbies who are blessed with plot armor and being the main characters of the story. They are very powerful and experienced adventurers who just happen to meet the most powerful monster in the dungeon on empty stomachs. Even once the series starts, they're at a disadvantage not because they're lacking skills, just they lose two of the parties best fighters. Marcille, the parties mage, is easily able to knock out/kill a running mushroom that was giving a party of noobs a thrashing.

I get why a lot of stories start with young inexperienced kids, but sometimes its nice to read stories that star older heroes who are good at their jobs instead of something like a rookie red ranger situation. Especially now that I'm older


Help I’ve hit Rohan and it’s like watching Fullmetal Alchemist in English… this is our military dictator, firstname King… everyone else is named after a WWII fighter jet but don’t worry about it… only this experience is packed in alongside some of the most beautiful, lifechanging prose you’ve ever seen in your life. Again not unlike. Fullmetal Alchemist.

“This is our king, firstname Prince (Old English Þeoden)” “this is our legendary horse named Hero/Chief (Eorl) and ok he can talk” Everyone is not named after a fighter jet! But everyone has the Eo- prefix and yeah don’t worry about it. That could just be an eo- prefix to do with the verb “to be”. Or it um. Could be eoh. Even just as a pun. In which case everyone would be named after uh. “Horse”.

I actually feel like this is one piece of meta I’ve seen before, but nah alas, I think (if nothing else bc the alternative is bonkers) he meant the eo- as in eom, which is “to be” and kind of modifies a noun: “I shall be X”. The rest of her name is wyn, which is joy. And is kind of— a big important joy? There’s a rune called wynn (same as there is a rune for horse/eoh, haha. I also ignored eo as the term for a yew tree)

The pun version, however, would be Eohwyn, aka Happyhorse

NEVERMIND someone is already telling me that nope Tolkien meant horses. She’s Happyhorse. He’s Horsepond. I give up. I give up. I


Per Tolkien Gateway, I'm not sure he is Horsepond:

"His name is likely derived from the Anglo-Saxon words eoh ("war-horse"), and mǣre, ("grand, excellent, famous")."

But it's not like I speak Old English and can tell what "-mer" is supposed to be.

With the caveat that there has got to be a historical linguist who has studied Beowulf names (Eomer being one) and knows what's what (and the reasonable possibility that that is exactly who wrote the Tolkien Gateway entry), and the additional caveat that yeah mærenysse/greatness makes absolute sense, axing beloved Horsepond--! Other -MER options include:

  • mere/myre - a mare (female horse)
  • mere - sea, pool, pond, etc
  • mæra (a stretch but funny) - incubus
  • mære - nightmare (still in the word)
  • mære - border/boundary

So for your next Kentucky Derby, we have Girlhorse, Horsepond, Hothorse, Horsenightmare, and Borderhorse


[ begin id: a screenshot of three tweets by Ana Mardoll @/AnaMardoll. The first tweet reads “If it weren’t for racism and misogyny, we’d view Marie Kondo the way we view Mister Rogers and Bob Ross.” The second tweet reads “She THANKS THE HOUSE, you look me in the eye and tell me Rogers and Ross wouldn’t love that shit right there. They’d think she was awesome.” The third tweet reads ““Thank you for your service”, said to a t-shirt, is this generations “happy little trees”.”   / end id ]

Mr Rogers would have had her on his show and they would have sorted his cardigan collection together.


There’s something so important about dungeon meshi choosing falin to be their missing party member. She’s their healer. She is, in many ways, the most important member. She’s the one who ensures they all come home in one piece at the end of the day. So from a storytelling perspective, it makes sense that it would be her. It intrinsically raises the stakes by taking away the party’s ability to quickly heal.

But from a thematic standpoint it’s even more significant. Falin is the best of them. She holds them all together. There’s a reason why the party splits up when they lose her, after all. The only reason Laois and Marcille know each other is because of Falin, so by extension she’s the only reason their party exists the way it does.

There’s something almost divine about the way she’s characterized by her friends. They talk about her kindness, think of what she’d do if she were with them. You never hear anyone speak poorly of her. Everyone else has flaws. Laois struggles to connect with others, Chilchuck can’t admit when he cares, Marcille refuses to be wrong, and Senshi is very stuck in his ways. None of these are necessarily a bad thing. It just makes them complex people. But Falin is almost more of an idealized concept than a person.

And then we see Falin on screen, a mess of bones and viscera. We see her put back together with forbidden magic, her new body soaked with blood. We see that there’s something off about her, that alongside her kindness is incredible power. And everything up until that point reframes itself. Falin has always been part monster, from her compassion for the dead to her magic school hideout in a dungeon. She dies and comes back, not just changed but amplified. She’s a healer, a ghost, a monster, all tucked beneath the same skin.


AI bastards wish they could achieve the glory of this Don Quixote art on the wall of a Mexican restaurant. Next to him stands Sancho Panza, a younger Spanish man with a dark beard. Behind them is a windmill. Their faces, hats, and collars form eye shapes on the windmill, rendering it another face of Don Quixote.

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