
Hello Darling

@respect-the-king / respect-the-king.tumblr.com

Crowley |Supernatural Canon| |Multiship|Semi-selective|

estranged siblings is such an underutilized trope. i stand firm in this. they grew up together. in some ways they know each other better than anyone else ever will. and in other ways they don't know each other at all. it's tragic and awkward and tense and i want so so much of it


Last week I was supposed to train for a new job which would start today. That job would have enabled me to pay my bills, afford groceries and start working at the small debts that I owe while working an amount of hours that my disability could manage and in a field that I love. With less than 24hrs before training, the company withdrew the contract from me. It’s been a crushing week.

I got my support money today as my current work doesn’t pay me much right now and I was in my overdraft when it came in. After paying some of my bills, I’ve got about 20 quid to buy groceries with before I hit my limit. I won’t get paid again from my actual job until the 27th or later. In the meantime I’m applying to jobs outside of my field and trying to chase contracts and private clients where I can. The cost of living is huge in the UK and basic food and other items are just… Insanely expensive.

If anyone is able to spare some money so I can afford some more groceries (I’m type one diabetic) or to put to other bills (I have some vet stuff that’s come up bc their system didn’t take payment last month, that’s been fun to chase…) I would really appreciate it. Please share either way, thank you! I’ve put a link below.


(impromptu angsty thing from Roddy) "I don't know how many more times I have to say this until you believe it, but nothing happened! It's a photo, taken without my knowledge, which could easily be taken out of context, which it has! And I don't how the fuck posted it, or why they're so hellbent on breaking us up, but that's all it is! Photo evidence of some drunk girl trying to force herself on me, without my consent! And yeah, I know how it looks, and that anyone in my situation could use that excuse, but it's true! I am not that guy, Faith! I will never be that guy! I love you, and I wanna be with you, but not if you don't fucking trust me! So, please believe me!"


She doesn't say a word. She doesn't make a face, roll her eyes, or even lift a single brow. Faith stands in place, letting Roddy have his say, and boy howdy does he ever. At one point Faith was tempted to look at her watch, only she doesn't wear one, but the point would have been made just the same. When Roddy finally finishes speaking, it's that second to last line that finally gets a reaction out of her. She snorts a quiet laugh, and licks over her lips, but doesn't interrupt.

"Oh. Are you finished?" Feigning surprised, Faith blinks rapidly, lips pulling into a tight smile. "Okay. First of all, um, DAMN!" Her fawn eyes grew to the size of small saucers, "That was quite the rant you had prepared there. I'm curious. Did you practice that in front of a mirror-" she waved her hand in front of his face, indicating where his reflection would be, "or did Chris help you write that, because really, if music doesn't pan out, you should consider writing for those teen soap operas!"

Oh, the sarcasm rolled off Faith's tongue as if it were her first language! Levelling her gaze at Roddy, Faith leaned in slightly. "You need to learn how to lie better, because all I did was ask you what was going on in the picture, and who was the chick? I never accused you of a damn thing. YOU decided to go off on this multi-page rant about some drunk bitch at some show I conveniently didn't happen to be at and how she supposedly threw herself at you. I never said anything about any of that. I never suggested you did anything. YOU volunteered all that shit. Next," and here, the volume of Faith's voice dipped, her artificially sweet tone continued, but Roddy would have to strain a bit to listen to this part. "... And this is my FAVOURITE part. There's a picture of you posted that everyone can and, by the way, has, seen." Faith turns the screen of her phone towards Roddy, revealing the insane number of text messages blowing up her phone. "And you come at me telling ME you love me, but if I think you would cheat you're gonna what?" Her head cants a bit to one side, eyes narrowing slightly as Faith pretends to scrutinize Roddy and his intensions. "You're gonna dump ME?"

That caused Faith to snort. "Look, if you think you can THREATEN to leave me, then you've got another thing coming. I'm outta here." With that, Faith turns and heads for the door. She was not going to talk to Roddy right now. That last part? That was too much. She needed to go before this got so far out of hand there was no turning back.


The more Faith talked, the more Roddy realized he'd fucked up even more. He should have stopped talking about halfway through that, if not more. The last part was like a punch to his gut while he already felt like he was drowning. "No, that's that what I-" he began, wincing painfully, but she was already heading out. "Faith, wait! Faith!" He wanted to go after her, but he knew better. She needed space and who could blame her? His dumb panic just turned a bad situation a million times worse. If she wasn't suspicious before she bloody well would be now. "Fuck," he yelled out and sunk to his knees as the sinking feeling engulfed him. He couldn't sleep that night. Just lay on the kitchen floor crying and staring into space. He didn't know how much time had passed before Chris found him. "I'd ask if you if you're alright but clearly not." "No, I'm not alright, Chris." His tone was lifeless, his voice low. "I don't know who took that photo or why the fuck they decided to show the whole fuckin' world, but Faith saw it and now I'm fucked!" "Oh fuck. She assumed you were cheatin', then?" "No! She didn't, actually! She just asked me who the girl was, and I panicked! Stupid fucking words left my mouth before I could stop them, and she took it that I was threatening to break up with her." "Fuckin' hell..." "Yeah. But if this does break us up, at least you'll get your wish." His tone was bitter. Chris stiffened at that. "What?" "Ah, fuck, nothin'," Roddy mumbled, instantly regretting that jab. "I'm just not in a good headspace right now." "You're fuckin' tellin' me! Do you really think I'd be happy if you broke up?" "No! I'm sorry, I just-" "I get jealous sometimes, sure. And me and Faith don't exactly gel as friends, but don't you ever fuckin' accuse me of wanting you two to break up! Look, it was one fight! You don't know what's gonna happen! So, I'll tell you what you do, yeah? Go to fuckin' bed because you look like you've not even slept. Then when you've had a sleep and sorted yourself, out go talk to her, for fuck sake!" Roddy felt even worse now, lashing out at his best friend too over his own mistake. "What if she won't listen?" he asked, such pain in his eyes. "Then, give her more time. Keep trying until this is done with, one or another. I'm not exactly an expert at this myself, but I bet she's hurt. If I know you two, though, you'll sort this out, yeah? So don't worry about the breakup until it happens. If it happens." With that, he helped Roddy up and hugged him. Roddy silently went to bed and went to Faith's place the next day, since doing this over call or text didn't seem appropriate. "I know you probably don't wanna see me right now," he began solemnly, "but we need to talk. And I'm sorry, alright? Before we even get into this, I'm sorry."


☕(from Roddy bc I caved >.>)


Her hands wrapped around the somewhat faded Christmas novelty mug, lips pursed and blowing lightly over the edge in an attempt to cool the hot chocolate inside. From over the rim, Faith's fawn eyes slide over towards Roddy, smiling behind her cup as he stared out the window at the falling snow.

Faith's been in England for a few years now, but having grown up in Boston, snow wasn't all that fascinating to her. Roddy on the other hand! Faith wasn't sure she's ever seen his eyes so wide and bright ever! @respect-the-king

Roddy grinned from ear to ear in response to that, more than happy with the options. “Well,” he began as he set his mug down to wrap his arms around her waist. “I think that’s plenty of time to go see me fam.” His grin widened. “Annnnd I don’t see why we can’t find some time just for us. We’ve both been workin’ our arses off, running around trying to make sure everyone else enjoys the holidays. When do we get our fun, eh?” His hands moved lower, cupping her ass with a cheeky glint in his eyes. “What can I say? I’ve missed ya. In more ways than one.”
“Time for ourselves, eh?” Faith’s tongue curled behind her teeth, and leisurely played against their surface before sweeping over the swell of her lips. She blinked slowly, allowing her dark, lacy lashes to fan over her smouldering fawn eyes before nodding her head and smiling back. “As much as I like your dad, I like the sound of that,” she confirms, throwing her head back and letting out a laugh as Roddy’s hands move to her ass, pushing back into his touch.

“That vice is a whole lotta versa, Animal,” she purrs out, biting at the corner of her plump lower lip as her gaze lowers to draw slowly over Roddy’s sensual mouth. “I could stay at your place Christmas Eve night...? Maybe stay for a few? Even if we have to go to work, it might be kinda nice to not come back to an empty flat and a cold bed... You know? If you think Chris won’t mind?” 

The suggestion is made as Faith draws her palms along Roddy’s chest until her fingers hook over his broad shoulders making it easier for her to pull him in closer.


"Honestly, Chris will probably have his own plans but I can ask as per the roommate code. But if not, I'll be hellbent on finding a plan B because as I said, I really missed ya." His gaze raked over her body as he dragged his teeth over his bottom lip. "Warm bed, warm bodies, pressed up against each other getting all...hot. Definitely missed that." With that, he finally leaned in and kissed her hard, one hand still gripping her ass.


☕(from Roddy bc I caved >.>)


Her hands wrapped around the somewhat faded Christmas novelty mug, lips pursed and blowing lightly over the edge in an attempt to cool the hot chocolate inside. From over the rim, Faith's fawn eyes slide over towards Roddy, smiling behind her cup as he stared out the window at the falling snow.

Faith's been in England for a few years now, but having grown up in Boston, snow wasn't all that fascinating to her. Roddy on the other hand! Faith wasn't sure she's ever seen his eyes so wide and bright ever! @respect-the-king

“Oh, yeah, I will,” he replied nodding. “I was gonna ask if you’re available because I was hoping you’d come with. My dad loves ya.” His smile turned to a grimace as a heavy sigh left his lips. “I’m always afraid to book time off during the holidays. Me manager turns feral, especially around Christmas. Everyone’s booking time off, no one’s in to cover, blah blah blah… And I’ve not got kids so what do I need the time off for?” He rolled his eyes. “That’s not a slight at parents or part-time carers, either. More the managers and higher ups having no compassion when they decide who deserve a break and who doesn’t. And don’t get me started on Chris’s stress rants!”
Taking a big gulp of his hot drink, he sighed again. “Now I’m gettin’ all ranty.” He moved close enough to wrap his free arm around her and rest his head against hers. “I’m sorry.”

There’s an amused glint in Faith’s eyes as she listens to Roddy go off about his job during the holiday. It wasn’t that she found it funny, not really, it was more the fact that he felt the need to apologise for being annoyed at his manager for being an unfair dick and Chris for freaking out, that she found amusing.

“You don’t have to apologise to me,” Faith sets her cup to one side, and brings a hand to smooth over the top of Roddy’s leg. “Chris pitching a fit doesn’t surprise me in the least,” she snorts with a crooked grin, “not even at Christmas. And managers trying to screw over staff doesn’t surprise isn’t exactly a shocker either.” Faith’s dry response came from plenty of experience, “The pub gave me some extra hours for pretty much the same reasons the shop has you working. Dolores has kids and the owners don’t want to be there; but someone’s gotta make sure the lonely people have a place to spend their money over the holidays, so they put the American girl on the schedule figuring I’ve got nowhere else to be.” 

Ever since she quit dancing money’s been tight, so ordinarily, extra shifts at the pub wouldn’t be a bad thing. Only, with it being the holidays and all, it seemed like her and Roddy were seeing even less of each other which wasn’t exactly a bonus in Faith’s book. Everyday it seemed like he was working at the shop and then heading straight out to play with the band until the wee hours of the morning, while she was at the pub until past closing, which meant Faith couldn’t even make the band’s gigs. By the time they were both done for the night, the only logical thing to do was to retreat to their individual flats and start the cycle all over again a few hours later.

“I close on Christmas Eve, but the owners decided not to open for lunch on Christmas Day this year, so I’ve got that off,” Faith tells Roddy, “I was supposed to go in all damn day on Boxing Day, but let’s just say, I found a way to change their minds,” she smirked. “I only work until half past 3 on the twenty-sixth. So if any of those days work for visiting your dad, I’m game.”



Roddy grinned from ear to ear in response to that, more than happy with the options. "Well," he began as he set his mug down to wrap his arms around her waist. "I think that's plenty of time to go see me fam." His grin widened. "Annnnd I don't see why we can't find some time just for us. We've both been workin' our arses off, running around trying to make sure everyone else enjoys the holidays. When do we get our fun, eh?" His hands moved lower, cupping her ass with a cheeky glint in his eyes. "What can I say? I've missed ya. In more ways than one."


☕(from Roddy bc I caved >.>)


Her hands wrapped around the somewhat faded Christmas novelty mug, lips pursed and blowing lightly over the edge in an attempt to cool the hot chocolate inside. From over the rim, Faith's fawn eyes slide over towards Roddy, smiling behind her cup as he stared out the window at the falling snow.

Faith's been in England for a few years now, but having grown up in Boston, snow wasn't all that fascinating to her. Roddy on the other hand! Faith wasn't sure she's ever seen his eyes so wide and bright ever! @respect-the-king

“Really?” Obviously surprised, Faith took a sip of her steaming hot chocolate and looked back over at Roddy for a long moment. “Huh? I didn’t think it snowed that much over here. “I gotta warn you though. I’m pretty lethal with a snowball myself in case you start getting any ideas,” she smirked, “But I figure there probably won’t be a lot of time for playing in the snow, right? The store probably needs you extra with the holidays and you can’t tell me the clubs and bars won’t be looking to book the band over the holiday either.” 
A small smile follows over the rim of her mug, but Faith lowers it before she takes a sip. “Will you see your dad and uncle again this year?”
Faith had put the question forward as casually as she could. It was always awkward for her, broaching the whole family thing. She never wanted Roddy to think he had to chose between spending time with them or her. So even bringing up the subject felt tricky. The last thing Faith wanted was for Roddy to think she was trying to trap him into picking one or the other.

“Oh, yeah, I will,” he replied nodding. “I was gonna ask if you’re available because I was hoping you’d come with. My dad loves ya.” His smile turned to a grimace as a heavy sigh left his lips. “I’m always afraid to book time off during the holidays. Me manager turns feral, especially around Christmas. Everyone’s booking time off, no one’s in to cover, blah blah blah… And I’ve not got kids so what do I need the time off for?” He rolled his eyes. “That’s not a slight at parents or part-time carers, either. More the managers and higher ups having no compassion when they decide who deserve a break and who doesn’t. And don’t get me started on Chris’s stress rants!”


Taking a big gulp of his hot drink, he sighed again. “Now I’m gettin’ all ranty.” He moved close enough to wrap his free arm around her and rest his head against hers. “I’m sorry.”


☕(from Roddy bc I caved >.>)


Her hands wrapped around the somewhat faded Christmas novelty mug, lips pursed and blowing lightly over the edge in an attempt to cool the hot chocolate inside. From over the rim, Faith's fawn eyes slide over towards Roddy, smiling behind her cup as he stared out the window at the falling snow.

Faith's been in England for a few years now, but having grown up in Boston, snow wasn't all that fascinating to her. Roddy on the other hand! Faith wasn't sure she's ever seen his eyes so wide and bright ever! @respect-the-king


Roddy was grinning from ear to ear, giddy as ever. “Oh, I love snow,” he enthused. “I love playin’ in it. Making snow angels, bobsleddin’ down the steepest hills we could find. And the huge snowball fights we had with all the other kids on the block. We’d all split up into teams, build barracks and everything.” He sighed happily, lost in fond memories of his childhood for a moment. “Good times.”


I’m considering coming back here, but since I’ve been gone so long and half the reason is because I got overwhelmed, I want to drop all my existing threads and start from scratch. So, please do me a favour and like this if you’d be okay with that? Thanks guys x


I’ve put off writing this post for a while, but given my circumstances, needs must.

I was supposed to start a new job at the end of April/beginning of May, but due to a covid break out in the country of origin (I work remotely) my job was postponed. A client of mine from another company (I teach and coach online) stopped taking classes with me due to an 18-week intense training course for his job, and now I’m completely without an income.

I’ve applied for benefits, but they take five weeks to get started and in the past I’ve been denied an advance (and at this point of the process I can’t even ask for one), and I still have expenses through the month. On top of that, I’m already deep in two overdrafts from paying bills at the end of last month. One of my clients has paid two sessions in advance that he is finally attending this week (he broke his hand), but he can’t pay for more until his own pay comes in so that will have to wait, and I’m applying for jobs and contracts every day incase the other position I hold is further postponed or just cancelled outright.

I’d really appreciate anything that people can send me to my Paypal here or via other methods if you DM me to discuss them. Most urgent imo is that my dog, Miki, is down to her last two cans of food and I need to purchase more, and then of course all of the upcoming bills. I’ve never, ever wanted to beg like this, particularly in public, but with everything going up in price and just needing to survive this one month I really have no idea what I’m going to do.

If you can’t help, that’s cool, please just share and spread the word where you can. For reference, I do teach English as a Foreign Language and business/workplace skills such as presenting, writing, etc and I also do voice work such as recordings and live calls (feminine, neutral British accent) for whoever might want or need of these things. For the former I have five years experience with kids and adults and I write copy and blogs on the topics as well, incase this reaches anyone who could refer me to anyone.

Thank you so much for reading. I appreciate it!


I am sorry to see that this person is bullying you and using their past trauma as a crutch. Not only is them dumping it on you completely uncalled for. Like seriously, nobody asked if you were traumatised. But also trauma isn't a get out of jail free card. It may explain your behaviour, anon, but it doesn't give you a free pass to be a douche bag.

I hope that they stop bullying you and you take whatever steps are necessary to protect yourself.


Didn't answer this before because I was still dealing with stuff, but thank you for sending that.


psa on posting speed;

i am a slow roleplayer. not only do i get distracted easily, i get overwhelmed easily. sometimes i can’t talk and do drafts at the same time so i am sorry if i ignore your message. i am deliberate and methodical with every word choice. i like to spend my time on my writing and getting to that emotional level within myself to evoke a proper response with each reply. i’m not good at whipping out thread after thread. i never have been. i’m sorry if that’s the way you roleplay and i don’t match up, but i like to think the quality of the writing makes up for my lack of speed. thank you so much!
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