
@nikolanna / nikolanna.tumblr.com

anna | she/they

this is literally how i dance


This went from “wow that’s pretty neat” to “WTF ITS ALIVE” real quick

she did that


this is what the rise of pedophile culture looks like–little girls are being indoctrinated into beauty rituals at earlier and earlier ages to feed the misogynistic pedophilic male gaze.

this is what the intersection of capitalism and misogyny looks like–fashion and beauty products are being marketed to females no matter their age as long as is generates profit and feeds the male gaze.

this is what porn culture looks like–due in part to the widespread availability of porn, females are considered sexual objects before they are considered human beings and so no matter what, a female must always be sexually available and presentable to men.

^Exactly. Please, when you see young girls who look like this, remember not to blame the literal children for their own oppression. They’re just trying to “fit in” and be accepted by their peers. Blame the fucking adults who sell them this image and profit from it.

Thank you for explaining what bothered me about children looking like that. I could never quite put my finger on it.


To be continued…?

@marinette_s_cup_of_tea on Instagram

I had some strips!

To be continued…?

‘___’ …. I GUESS.

@marinette_s_cup_of_tea on Instagram


A New Hampshire Republican State Representative anonymously created the “Red Pill” subreddit.


these aren’t just bullshitter dweebs in their mom’s basements trolling the internet, these are men who formulate the way we implement laws and who govern the way we live our lives.


^^^ Hello, yes, everyone needs to see this. It’s not always a bunch of nobodies trolling around on 4chan. It’s, doctors, lawyers, judges, businessmen, bankers, law enforcement, etc. People who have pulls on society. They literally don’t see other groups besides themselves as human or equal


LOL man.


never forget white people did nothing first neither the best, they sleep and eat false propaganda,


Ugh, why the shit does that have to turn into a race thing? Why does EVERYTHING have to turn into a race thing?

because white people have made sure that everything is about race

as proved by the fact that when you say explorer, you think of a bunch of white guys walking the world and discovering it ~exotic wonders~ even though Zheng He travelled through Asia, to the Middle East, and even East Africa. But you’d likely never heard of him before.

Same reason you never heard of Ahmad Ibn Fadlan, an Arab traveller who, as early as the 10th century, went to the Volga area for diplomatic reasons. He wrote about it, much as Marco Polo would do later for his own travels, and is one of our sources on what viking were like (and by all accounts, he wrote about them more accurately than western scholars of the same period did)

Oh, or Ibn Battuta who travelled throughout Africa long before europeans did, and even went to Europe himself.

And that’s just some example of Muslim medieval travel writers

Everything is about race because white people keep telling everyone that their race is the only one who every got anything done.

i have heard of precisely zero non-european explorers ever in my life, and that fucking sucks. this exhibit is amazing and i need to learn more.

That boat is a frickin aircraft carrier comparatively. Holy crap. And no. Never heard a peep.

Zhenghe went to over 40 countries in Asia and Africa and probably went even further, but I didn’t encounter that in history books before. He brought gifts from China to every country he went to and everyone loved him. It was just like “Hey, I’m here with a water-helicarrier and a gift,” and the kings of every country were lilke “holy shit son well here have a giraffe.” There are paintings depicting him leading a giraffe as well. Check him out guys, he’s really cool

That is so awesome. Fuck western history. This is the real shit.


“Everything is about race because white people keep telling everyone that their race is the only one who every got anything done.” 

zheng he was also a eunuch :)


Copying ALL the tags!

Columbia University Student Will Drag Her Mattress Around Campus Until Her Rapist Is Gone
“I think the act of carrying something that is normally found in our bedroom out into the light is supposed to mirror the way I’ve talked to the media and talked to different news channels, etc,” Emma continues in the full video which you can watch here.
So, I just want to go into HOW MUCH Columbia and the NYPD has failed, and revictimized, Emma Sulkowitz.

What I really love about this ‘mattress performance’ is that other students helped her carry her mattress across campus.

All those people reminded her that she didn’t have to carry that weight alone. That’s amazing.

this is her at her graduation

At her fucking graduation. God damn.

I’ll never not reblog this

This is about ten years old. Wonder what she’s doing now

Performance art and anti-rape campaigning, according to her Wikipedia article.


This was………………. the drag of the century

Same energy

Okay so in case y'all don’t know, this is from Pose. A series about the black trans community and ball culture in new York during the 80’s. Its got vogueing, lgbt+ culture, history, drama, romance, comedy, tragedy. Its wonderful and historically accurate and all the trans people are played by real trans actors.


“the trauma made you kind” fuck that. no. i am kind because i cannot allow anyone to go through what i did. i am soft because i chose to be.

Trauma made me scared, angry, and vulnerable.

I made myself kind.

“Ten spears go to battle,“ he whispered, “and nine shatter. Did the war forge the one that remained? No, Amaram. All the war did was identify the spear that would not break.” 

- Brandon Sanderson’s Oathbringer

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