
love square trash

@miraculousladylily-blog / miraculousladylily-blog.tumblr.com

Catherine. 20. I'm officially Miraculous Ladybug trash and this show is slowly ruining my life. Proceed with caution.
Follow my main!@timeladyofthevalley
Anonymous asked:

ok just saw that miraculous hogwarts au your reblogged and its awesome, but like no. under no circumstances would marinette be slytherin? she's totally a ravenclaw? like she's so intelligent and creative and can solve any problem? she's not cunning in the least, can't plan for her life (see, her love for adrien), and its doubtful she would use ANY means to achieve her ends, ya know? idk what do you think?

Uh, why “under no circumstances”? Because if this is some lowkey Slytherin hate then you can move right along, nonny. You done come to the wrong Ravenclaw for that.

Shit this ain’t even my AU but now I’ve gotten protective of it. As a Ravenclaw, it is my (educated) opinion that Marinette does not belong in this house. Sure she is intelligent and creative but those are not the only traits prized in this house.

Do you even know what Slytherin house represents? I haven’t got time to type it all up myself so here’s a quote from the wiki on Slytherin:

Slytherins tend to be ambitious, shrewd, cunning, strong leaders, and achievement-oriented. They also have highly developed senses of self-preservation. This means that Slytherins tend to hesitate before acting, so as to weigh all possible outcomes before deciding exactly what should be done.
According to Albus Dumbledore, the qualities which Salazar valued in the students he chose included cleverness, resourcefulness, determination, and “a certain disregard for the rules.” Dumbledore noted that all of these were qualities possessed by Harry Potter, who was in Gryffindor.

Bolded for emphasis.

*cracks knuckles*

  • Ambitious - girl wants to be a fashion designer
  • Shrewd - she is very sharp and can puzzle out obscure things (except Adrien’s dual identity lol)
  • Cunning - she’s not very cunning, I think (although someone can correct me on this) but girl can lowkey work to get what she wants
  • Strong Leadership Skills - ……………………………….do I even have to?
  • Achievement-Oriented - again, do I even have to?
  • Self-Preservation - she has done some crazy shit to keep her identity and her relationships intact
  • Cleverness - UH
  • Resourcefulness - UH
  • Determination - UUUUUUHHHHH
  • “A certain disregard for the rules” - *FLIPS TABLE*

Also I am SO here for a Gryffindor-Slytherin friendship with Alya and a Hufflepuff-Slytherin relationship with Adrien. FUCK YOU, HOUSE STEREOTYPES!!!!

tldr; Marinette is a Slytherin and if anyone really wants to fight me on this you better be prepared for me to begin citing things because I am in essay writing mode right now and I will do it.





omfg right yeah we all flipped our shit and about died

Idk I figured the English dub would keep it along those lines because it’s important and it shows how much he genuinely cares for her -  and she gets to hear it. We know he really cares for her but she doesn’t.

But what does the English dub give us?

“That was a wild ride.”


The US added one last animal pun… but at what cost……


*umbrella scene piano playing in the background* Yes I am a very inspired person

Here a little comic I did based on an idea of @feathersnow​ that Marinette patronus become a cat after she fall in love with Adrien

It’s my very first comic, i’m affraid i’m not very good at it ,but it was fun to do ^^

Anonymous asked:

XD it's okay! I was starting to think you never watched the office

No, I totally have! It’s just been a few years since I’ve watched it!

And also I’m running on a solid 2.5 hours of sleep at the moment, so my brain isn’t really cooperating with me right now

Anonymous asked:

Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica

*currently face palming at my inability to recognize an office reference*

It’s been so long since I’ve seen it, but I keep meaning to go back and watch it all the way through again!

Sorry I completely missed your meaning before, anon.


Power of Puns

Ok but imagine Chat Noir and Ladybug doing patrols of Paris. Chat is, of course, spewing out puns left and right when Ladybug stops on a random roof and turns to him with a pout.

“Would you stop with the puns already? You’ve been at it for an hour straight!” She’d throw, annoyed.

Chat, of course, seeing her pout grins. “I’m sorry if that BUGS you, but I find my puns SPOT on!”

Then Ladybug snorts and replies, “More like spot off.”

Then Marinette’s transformation undoes itself, leaving a suddenly very wide-eyed French/Chinese teenage girl staring in the face of Chat Noir, who’s grin has turned into a dropped mouth.

Tikki is staring too. “I thought you said Spots Off!”

This is now Marinette outted herself due to the power of puns.


I see you’ve seen the post :D




But where is the fic

I am so on this

(sorry for any typos I’m on mobile and v tired. Also Le Dessinateur hasn’t happened here because yeah)

Maybe it was a stroke of genius. Maybe it was a divine reward for saving the city so often. Maybe he was just having a good day.

Whatever it was, Chat was on a *roll*.

“Go ahead and go,” he calls out, “I’ll CATch up!”

From the opposite end of building, Ladybug whips around to glare at him. Even at this distance, Chat can see how red her face is, and it is absolutely from anger. He does a wiggling dance, giddy.

“Cha-aaat!” Ladybug groans, not for the first time that evening.

“Oh come on, LB, I’m just kitten around!”

Her shriek of frustration echoes over the rooftop. With hands raised to the heavens, pleading, Ladybug spins on her heel and approaches the edge of the roof. In one smooth motion she leaps from the edge, whips out her yo-yo, and swings herself through the air. Chat jogs across the roof to, as he promised, catch up.

He’s just reaching the end of the building when Ladybug completely flubs her landing. Either her foot got in the way, or her trajectory was off, or both: the crash down on the next roof over in an awkward, stumbling run, arms flapping as she tries to regain her balance. Chat waits until she’s standing one more.

“Sorry! I guess I must have CHATtered your concentration! My bad!”

There’s no containing the grin that leaps onto his face as he extends his baton and vaults himself over to the next building. Even Ladybug’s fierce scowl fails to damper it. If there were ever a world record for most puns told in an hour, Chat was rapidly approaching it.

“Chat, would you stop it with the puns already? You’ve been at it for an hour straight!”

She may be exasperated, but he’s a glutton for punishment. To see calm, collected Ladybug so frazzled is a rare, if not self-indulgent, treat.

“I’m sorry if it BUGS you,” Chat replies, grin still affixed to his face, “But I find my puns SPOT on!”

Wagging his eyebrows, Chat gestures towards her suit, as if it weren’t obvious. Next time, he thinks, he’ll have to bring his phone and play a rimshot every time he passed a new pun.

Ladybug is growling under her breath as she stalks over to him. She squares her shoulders and clenches her jaw.

“More like spot. Off.” she spits.

What happens next is unclear, at least initially. The moment the words leave her mouth, a bright flare of pink rises around her. He has a split-second to see her face frozen in mortification before Ladybug is engulfed in blinding pink.

That face is still there when the light finally dies down, though Ladybug is not. In her place is another girl: black hair, blue eyes, exceedingly familiar. Chat’s face goes slack in shock.

All they can do is stare. That was not what he was expecting - she was not what he was expecting, as pleasant of a surprise her sudden reveal is. A ball of red zips around his ear and settles on Marinette’s shoulder.

“I’m sorry,” the wide-eyed kwami (he assumes) breathes, “I thought you said ‘Spots off’!”.

The ladybug kwami collapses then, seeming exhausted. If the red and black creature is anything like Plagg, she and Marinette are not going to be able to transform back without some kind of food. Marinette looks down at her kwami, sympathetic if not upset, and strokes her small head. She takes one breath, then two.

When she finally speaks again, her voice is low. “I swear to all things holy, Chat, that I am going to PUNt you off of this rooftop. No one would stop me.”

Even without the suit, Marinette cuts an intimidating form as she lumbers close to him, closing the few feet between them. He takes a step back, then another. Marinette - face nearing magenta - crowds him nearer to the edge of the building.

“Whoa whoa whoa, Marinette, no! You don’t have to do this, I won’t tell, promise!”

There’s the magic word. Marinette stills.

“You… know who I am?”

He nods in affirmation, not entirely certain that she wouldn’t toss him off the roof just to prove a point. He’s not willing to risk making her angrier for the sake of science.

Some of the anger slides off of her face, replaced by curiosity. Marinette steps back, giving him some much-needed roof space.

“But I’m not famous or anything, and we’ve never interacted outside of Ladybug and Chat Noir, so how…?”

“I’ve known you for almost a year.” The words slip out, unbidden. The way her lips part in surprise is instantly captivating.

“And do I… do I know you?”

Chat smiles. This is better than he could have ever expected.

“Come closer, Marinette,” he says, “And I’ll *whisker* the secret into your ear.”

Marinette does come closer, but only to shout in his ear and berate him. Chat lets her, content and (for a brief moment), safe.

omfg yes!



@magical-awesome-kid here’s the sequel that no one asked for:

This time, luck is on his side: Ladybug is running late coming back from her half of the city patrol, meaning he’s got extra time to plan. Chat lounges against the ledge of the roof they’d agreed to meet back on and run through what he’s already prepared. She was going to be so pissed.

A few minutes later, she swings onto the roof. She’s halfway to him when he starts up.

“My Lady, good to see you! You know I’m a cat, right?”

Ladybug stops, expression dropping into one of familiar suspicion. Was it his voice? Maybe she was getting too good at predicting what he would do.

“Yeah…” she starts.

“I’d figured you’d forgotten and were measuring my life in dog years instead, because it feels like I’ve been waiting for seven years.”

Ladybug rolls her eyes and starts making her way over to him once more.

“Sorry,” she says, “I did forget you were a cat, considering how much of a bird brain you are.”

Ouch, she’s getting better. Despite her teasing, Ladybug meets his open arms with zero hesitation. A moment later, she rolls up onto her tiptoes and kisses him squarely on the mouth. It’s his favorite sensation, second only to the next one: the jolt of warm energy that shudders across his skin when she releases her transformation. Tikki waves as she spins out of Marinette’s earrings and then darts away. He can’t tell, the kwami being bright red all of the time, but he likes to think Tikki sports a blush as she goes. Plagg had mentioned before, the mix of energy that floods him when Chat Noir and Ladybug kiss - something about yin and yang and *gross human stuff* - and there’s no doubt it’s the same for tiny Tikki. Marinette is ever considerate of it, now; given how much Plagg complains about, well, everything, Chat enjoys giving the cat god some extra grief.

He sinks into her kiss. And maybe he sports a blush soon after: the idea of him, kissing Ladybug, who was Marinette, still fills him with a sense of awe. Her hands run up and down his sides, then course over his back. It’s almost enough to distract him, which was, in retrospect, likely what she was trying to do. Chat breaks their kiss and does not let her soft mewl of disappointed want lure him back in.

“But seriously, I thought you would try to be more PUNctual than that.”

“Chaton, no. Don’t you dare start again.”

“But you and bad jokes are my favorite thing in all of exkisstence.”

To prove it, Chat ducks in and sweeps away the furrow between her brows with his lips. Marinette giggles, then frowns, looking mad at herself. His hands settle on her waist.

“Just remember that it was your terrible puns that got us into this mess in the first place,” she says.

He steps in closer and pulls her to him. Just like that, Marinette’s shifts. Her lips part a fraction and her chin tilts down. A pretty flush darkens her cheeks as she looks up.

“I thought you rather liked this mess we got into,” he breathes.

Chat can already taste the sassy retort on her breath, so he covers it with his mouth. The cluck of protest in her throat fades fast.

The first time they kissed had been their second ever, really, but it had taken no time for their second to become third and their third to become three-hundredth. By now, she doesn’t just know his lips; she’s mastered them. She sucks his bottom lip between hers.

The purr she summons in his throat rumbles down his spine and gathers in his hips. So there’s no controlling the slide of his hands further down: his fingers fan out over her backside then dig in. He crushes his body against hers and lets her tongue plunge deeper into his mouth.

It’s teeth and tongue and wet heat between them. And still it’s not enough. Chat curls his fingers, claws sinking into her ass. Contrary to everything he’d wanted, Marinette draws away.

“Nu-uh, Kitty, claws in.”

He’s never gone so cold so fast. The sensation is undeniably familiar, as is the tickle of laughter at his temple.

“Plagg, don’t do it!” he yelps.

In the rush of it all, he sees Marinette’s eyes go wide.

“Plagg don’t do it-”

She’s electrified in green light.

The weight of the worst kwami in the world plops on his shoulder.

“Oh my god,” Adrien groans, scrubbing a hand over his face.

Plagg doesn’t even try to apologize or come up with an excuse, he just snickers and flutters away. Adrien can hear Tikki’s light reprimand, but it doesn’t matter.

Marinette’s lips part for a very different reason.

“Uh,” he starts, “So… hi. Um. Yeah. Hiiiii…”

She’s forming words with her lips but nothing comes out. It’s everything he’d ever feared: Marinette never spoke to Adrien. That’s why he’d insisted on waiting, with the hope that Marinette might fall hard enough for Chat to forgive him for being Adrien.

“I, uh, I swear I can explain why-”


She grabs him by the shoulders and shakes him. His head snaps back and forth. He does nothing to stop it, because really, he must feel the same way she looks. Without a doubt that’s desperate fear on her face.

“Ah… yes?”

Marinette finally releases him, only to hide behind her hands. If it weren’t for the fact that it was impossible for either of them to become akumatized, Adrien would be concerned that her rising groans were the sign of one newly evilized. It’s a bit like a cross between a banshee and an asthmatic goat; he’d laugh if he weren’t so freaked out.

Adrien wants to comfort her, to quell her short, sharp breaths with his hands and his words and maybe even his mouth, but he can’t tell if it would push her closer to or farther from hyperventilating.

“I…” he looks away, but the words have to come out, “I know you don’t like me very much in school, Marinette, but I hope…”

He doesn’t expect her hand on his chin, doesn’t expect her to yank his head up so that they are eye to eye.

“That’s what you thought?” she whispers.

Adrien nods.

“Because you barely talk to me…?”

She lets go of his chin to throw her arms up in the air.

“You thought- all of this time you, Adrien Agreste, thought that I- that I couldn’t talk to you because I didn’t like you?”

He nods again, unable - no, unwilling - to repeat himself.

Marinette lets loose another groan and tugs at the ends of her ponytails.

“Adrien, Chat, that’s not-”

But Marinette doesn’t finish. Instead, she bites back her words, plants both hands on his face, and kisses him hard. It’s not all that different from a few minutes before, but this time he stiffens, eyes wide and uncertain. The kiss doesn’t last all that long, but Marinette is panting when she pulls away.

“This entire time,” she says, “I had the biggest, most ridiculous crush on you, Adrien. I couldn’t even get two words straight. And so when I started feeling things for Chat Noir it was like, Oh thank goodness, I can finally act like a human around Adrien.”

The revelation doesn’t rattle the universe, but it does make his knees go weak. He feels his mouth pull into an open half-smile, an echo of the warring disbelief and hope in his gut.

“Wait, so, is it a… a good thing, or a bad thing, that I’m me?”

She doesn’t grace him with a response. She lets her lips answer him in a different way, with their soft press against his. All of the tension he hadn’t known was bubbling up in his chest boils over, released and relieved under her touch. They kiss until neither can breathe, or stand, straight.

The sliver of space between them is enough to shift just so: he rests her forehead against hers, and her hands move to his shoulders.

“I’m so happy you’re you,” Marinette says.

“I’m happy you’re happy I’m me,” he says, the words making him dizzy just saying them, “I think it would have been pretty catastrophic otherwise.”

Marinette reacts as Marinette always does, with a sigh and a rolled eye.

“Just because you’re my superhero boyfriend who also happens to be my super-hot crush doesn’t mean I won’t consider kicking your butt.”

“Love you too, Bug.”

Anonymous asked:

Question. Which bear is best?


Are we talking like which species of bear I like the best? Because definitely polar bears.

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