
Have you ever felt like you weren’t enough? Your boyfriend broke up with you, and now won’t even acknowledge your presence. There’s a guy who likes you at work but he’s in a relationship and you can’t really pursue anything with him. Your friends won’t hang out with you, or even fucking text you, unless you initiate it. Your coworkers are treating you like shit. You’re being overworked and underappreciated at your job. You’re not even good enough for yourself. You’re too fat, you’re too ugly, you’re not enough.

Why am I not enough? Why am I always second choice? Why am I always settling for second best? What’s so fundamentally wrong with me that I can’t do anything right? Why am I so fucked up? Why does everyone I know want to use me? I just don’t understand anything. I’m just a quick easy fuck to some, an annoyance to others and literally nothing to everyone else. I just want to be enough.

I just want to be enough for myself, is that too much to ask?


in case anyone else needs to hear this it’s ok to be more serious. i don’t just mean ‘it’s ok to be serious sometimes’ i mean in general. not everyone has to be funny. it doesn’t have to mean you’re sad or unlikeable. you can just be serious and genuine most of the time and that’s great. i personally think that we’re too focused on ‘funny’ as the primary carrier of likeability right now. i often feel starved for serious conversation, for serious spaces, for a feeling of gravity. you don’t have make good jokes to give people a good time. i say, goof only as the spirit moves you, & don’t worry about it. 


lmaoooooo so a video popped up on my TikTok of a story time of some guy trying to buy his wife tampons and some woman going up to him thinking he was a trans man saying, “see? you’ll always be a woman!”

and he turned to the woman like “I’m buying tampons for my wife because I’m a good fucking husband. do you think if they were for me, I’d look this lost about where the brand is she wants?” he shut her up so fast lmfao. and she walked away looking pale and teary because transphobic people always have to play the victim.

(but also this is what I mean when I say transphobia can affect anyone and being transphobic literally takes over your mind. you cannot think critically at all about anything to do with gender or sex and anyone diverting from the image you have of how things are in your black and white world view is automatically The Enemy)

I hope she’s learned to keep her mouth shut and mind her own damn business


Why do I feel so fucking inadequate? Like no matter what I try to do, I can’t seem to ever be enough? there's always something more I need to be doing. I’m completely and utterly exhausted and I really don’t know how much longer I can pretend that I’m holding it together. I really don’t know how much longer I can even hold it together. Sometimes, I wish that could just simply disappear. Everyone would be better off. Everyone deserves better. I’m not worth it, so what’s the point? Why can't I seem to get better? I’m trying so fucking hard and I’m losing my mind. Why do I seem to care so much about what everyone fucking thinks of me? Is it because I don’t want everyone to see me the way I see myself? I know I’m completely and utterly useless. I know there’s no good in me. I know I’m not worth it. I know I’m nothing. So why can’t we all just stop pretending, so I can end my suffering.

I just really want someone to ask me if I'm okay. But what would I say anyways, no one wants to bear the burden of my mind. I’m not going to burden someone else’s life, because everyone has their own shit going on and I’m not worth it. I’m afraid to tell people what’s really going on up in my mind because it’s a scary place and no one would last long.

All I’m trying to do is not disappoint anyone anymore. But no matter how hard I try, that’s all I seem to be.

I just want to die. I’m not worth the oxygen I’m using. I’m not even worth the effort on anyone’s part. I just want it to end. I don’t know how much more I can take. Please, let it end. Please.


Thinking about how my mom tried to “seduce” my dad when they were in college together by sneaking oranges into his backpack, because she grew up food insecure and feeding someone/sharing food was a big deal with her upbringing with a lot of emotional meaning–

and meanwhile my poor dad is just convinced that he’s been haunted by some citrus poltergeist because why the fuck are there always oranges in his bag he swears he did not put there???


When you reshuffle the cards, hoping for a better reading outcome, and the deck spits out different cards that essentially mean the same thing-





*clicks play in morbid curiosity*

*hammers reblog button*


I think I find this post every April Fools Day and I am so happy that I do


hey everyone its april fools. but dont worry i dont have anything planned. just going to sit here and...




a lot of young girls need to realize that keeping friendships alive gets so hard after high school/uni and that you have to actively nurture your friendships if you want them to last yes even the friendships of 2 decades….. your 20s are so disorienting and trauamtizing no one can afford to take friendships for granted… everybody worries about not finding a romantic partner lets start worrying about being friendless by the time you hit 30


This is a real issue I feel we’re not focusing on enough. Friendships are such a crucial relationship because they are separate from “family“ meaning you can choose who your friends are! That commitment to friendship will definitely save yo in the times you’ll need it the most

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