
Love. Magic. God.

@roman--empyre / roman--empyre.tumblr.com


Celph Titled

Welcome to Stunt Double. Your Gatalog, (98) has my 100 track Stunt Double, two part album, inspired, Thank you VINNIE PAZ, Apathy and Celph Titled, my favorite Emcees. I hate to look the fool, but im inspired to make bread and sell drugs (music). Much Love.

~Holographic Locust (Roman Empyre)


“Stunt Double” Pt. 23

Heavy handed dealings cause short tempers,

Sweaty palms become the bane of altercations,

How can you bring expansion when handshakes faultier,

Pounds only divide and intern become issues,/

How many flavors of ice cream can a scoop hold?,

“Don't razz me, I cant bear to grape the tangerine,”

Unlike your balanced breakfast, a fruity experience,

Causes the orange questions into one too many bananas,/

As the inflicted scurvy becomes delirium, 

From the peel to how many seeds an apple has,

The core of the problem with nutrition is a pit,’

Of complacent arrivals of dates to the slice of life/

So stand in your own right, sell according to plant,

How much pie can one man consume before bloated,

Overfed habitual acts cause man to grow sluggish and malcontent, 

Elidification is further along then the spacious meadows that grow,/

~Holographic Locust


“Stunt Double” Pt.22

Half off discount, the face value is off dismount,

The bargains details ensnare the consumer,

You can get the lowest percentage of value paid,

Practice with your radar gun,/

Gather barcodes and handle agendas in bagging, 

Can you image the serial number strings that must be recorded,

In the database,

Can you feel your mask, or half your face,?/

Does your fork silver tongue state the worst outcome,

When the bin of slashed values of currency loses its luster,

The appeal could be taken by a jury, how can houses be built?,

When the finalized document could be plagerized by the doppleganger, /

Who could read the footnotes when the floorboards creak?,

Under foot are the stage props and hands aid in this ordeal,

How can you spell submarine sandwich without the denominator, 

After the performance, your audience demands your presence with an encore,/

Your ceremony will be celebrated when the curtain drops,

The selection of wares that are available for purchase are unique with heart,

Its almost as if the products are alive with individuality, 

How can the packaging be wrong?,/

Are there enough pieces of plastic to pack this electronic device?,

Could the cords that hand precariously require another assessment of use?,

How can gravity be the tool,

When the Moon couldn't bend the will of Earth,/

When you search outer space for exteresstrial life, 

How can your skeleton be anatomically correct, 

When the species varies,

Can a telescope gather enough light,/

Refracted off mirrors to collect this image,

As the colliding dust comes together,

Forming the most pleasing visage of exploration,

Your serial number is a frequency granted by particles colliding,/

They are pieced near one another for the collection of faces,

~Holographic Locust


“Stunt Double” Pt. 21

These bars are at an incline, catch your breath, breathe at rest, holding,

Your repetitions brief and your lungs collapse to the pressure of your organs,

Enlarged by elephantits, 

The oxygen should of been saved,/

For you follow, the next mans path,

Rather then being the exhausted and weary traveler from cities unseen,

In a forest of illusions, you can pause for the bass,


Where did the minutes flow?,

How could we get expiration dates crossed,



All come together and become the component required for memory, 

After thought was like a taste I no further possessed any desire to be companions with,

Your organs, your organs, 


Cell death happens every seven years,

So your memory couldn't be stored in here, wishful,

Thinking on the side, you could bring the pain,

With your essence and interaction with being new,/

How many times will you recycle your energy?,

If you didnt wonder whether or not peace is possible, concentrate,

On the subject of bounty,

Did the wish cost too many lashes?,/

Or did your body succumb to tiredness,

The core root problem of a belief in restrictions on human condition,

Could you bring your notes with you?,

The topic most flattering was sought, brought and caught,/

Between the lot, 

Are the blueprints for the bridge that connects your residence with expectation,

You held,

Whenever you closed your eyes,/

Believing in yourself means more than holding others in high regard,

Could your mannerisms be any less self taught?,

How could you not be embarrassed,

For you contain the energy withheld,/

~Roman Locust


“Stunt Double” Pt. 20

Spackle cakes the damage over by the glob,

The concoction of chemicals and ingredients that create cocaine are necessary,

How could you not fall into trend, 

While the composition is leading you down the hallway,/

To an open room, filled with potential,

This space can seem like damage, yet,

As your relationship to the floor can be half hearted,

From a choice to horde detail,/

In the sandcastle you forgot how to build,

Keep dreaming,

Under the stars, we grow,

Follow your soul,/

Kick your feet up and breakdown your wait,

On foundation,

Build your treehouse now,

It doesn't hurt unless you try,/

Call me the claims adjuster, bet,

Hearing the tick of the safes lock,

The collateral is extremely out of sight,

How could you not manage?,/

To operate, your world around the salt,

A wound that could of been engulfed,

Through, how could you not hold,

Your arm, your sleeve bleeds to nothing,/

Your revolving thoughts perpetrated angst,

From your challenging previous events that made you,


-pause for three seconds-/


A meaningful effort placed for comfort to be achieved, 

You can keep your intimacy in private,

Your dirty laundry’ smell is intoxicating, /

You are completely concerned with who, when and where, bring your prejudice closer,/

~Holographic Locust


“Stunt Double” Pt. 18

Duck sauce for the chicken dun dun dumplings,

Margarine for the bread, meat for the cheese,

Come free from your standard dietary needs, 

You can fiend, but friend, if you shake my hand,/

Doubled down is the equivalent of shut,

Lips while, broken down script, is written,

Down along the signs say to be cautious,

The neon shimmers and fades in afterthought,/

You can believe in a good time, in Heaven, cant you?,

Follow your heart and come to the promised land,

Your everything waits to be gathered and sorted,

Into drink, dance and commotion,/

Two, step like the hottest commodity present tense, im not fucking around,

Playing kitten mittens im the coolest feline you could speak to,

Best believe im not stopping where I reside present tense, 

Im not going to abide to one abode, im traveling around the world,/

One shot left in the glass, its please drink time, happy hour for consumers,

“Feel the slogan?”,

You can catch the mitt outside the pitch, faggot,

-pause seven seconds-

Break down or coerce the verse of a hearse for better or worse ill speak my mind into a, device,/ 

Better to get cooked for six minutes, white rice, 

Easy baked like an oven with no electricity, how can you oscillate,

Without any fans, how can you rise without yeast and how can you be black without the fist up your bootie like a human muppet, apathy,

-pause four seconds-/

You cunt,/

You probably eat cats, dogs and runts, veal, you cant consume your.rival,

You’re lived out fifteen seconds of fame cause the recollection to be diluted,

By the attempt to become someone notable, through notoriety people become 

Instead of the discrepancy of cognitive avoidance from the first to second point,/

Connect the dots and like etch-e-sketch you can repurpose the meaningless into a scatter plot, 

You are the redundancy of remembering your name and writing it everywhere,

Just to call yourself important,


~Holographic Locust


“Stunt Double” Pt. 17

Patrick Star,

Tears of a clownfish,

Twenty thousand leagues, 

Beneath the bottom,/


Finding Nemo,

Check the Aronnax, (syntax and algorithms)

Below the surface,/

Of the text scribbled like Doodle bob,

Watching the young get lost,

Found and something in between,

Beyond your expectations,/

Lies, some monstrosity,

Between your thighs,

Is a white whale,

Not a Pearl, 

From Bikini,/

You can check the weight,

Gotta love it,

This, that scoop,

Keep it cold,/

Stone cold,

Cold stone,

You cannot udder, (utter)

Words unpronounceable,/

Excuses there are none,

So take from me, 

But do not give,


~Roman Empyre


“Stunt Double” Pt.16


James Bond,

Jason Borne,

Can you see an Ice sculpture?/

Jimmy Falcone,

Melting in the center of town,

Discover another wonder,

All cities gather and watch in horror,/

The prom scene from Carrie,

Pigs’ blood,

As the efforts of craftsman go unmentioned

Can designer Apparel,/

Be misinformed, misused and like a waste of time,

Bussdown the Rolex,

If I could afford to pay for one an outfit,

Watch one glistening as it ticks regardless,/

Like a South Park kid with turrets, 

You can go to pastor Mr. Mackie,

Drugs, drugs, bad, mkay,

Ahhhh! Coffee, coffee, fuuccck!,/

How many beans can be spilled,

When you work with a Brosco,

You get the canole for a discount,

Any vender is willing to lose a point,/

Dropping a dime or nickel in a cup,

Collections coming,

I.R.S meets D.E.A,

If youre a plant,/ 

You can suck it, 

Like water from dirt, 

Ivory against coal,

Who’s your informant?,

~Holographic Locust


“Stunt Double” Pt. 15

You walked into a Slaughterhouse, 

Expecting to see some regulated beef for order,

By some religious vegetables, 

Now, don't say they don't have heart still,/

Or they lack any appetizer, 

Theu might just pack the right prayer,

So nanunanu, anikan, lick my balls, 

Suck my five inch, 1.67 thick, cock,/


Faggot ass individuals can lick the glue,

Sip the syrup from a maple tree and get bracked,

Too, sweet?,

Not enough,/

Check the bars for the chocolate monologue, 

Catch the bitch from catfish or is it just the girl from my angry fat diary,


Or Jolene,/

Spun around jokes,

Best after the top,

Follow slow head,

With arithmetic,/ 

 Four five sixes,

Eight, nine, seven,

Straight razors and aftershave, 


Patrick Stewart,

American Dad,

Ricky Spanish, 

Family Guys’ Consuela,/ 





~Holographic Locust


“Stunt Double” Pt. 13

How many grams can a ruler measure?,

How much indigestion can clog your plumbing,

How many plastic grips can be flushed simultaneously, 

Where did the scope mark as the assassination target,/

Did the toilet bowl clean itself overnight?,

As the water goes down the drain, is there any justice, 

In who is alive and the person who remains is now in jail,

How did it come to this?,/

Why did the price, cost so much, the blood is lost and weight leaves,

As the colors blend the hue changes to one unfamiliar to the cause,

An aftermath of affirmations and applause, 

The corpse is simply fragmented disc space now,/

How many scratches until the sound has altered and the player skips,

Before Death or After Life, doesn't matter or make sense,

The third day was a break in reality, 

The stone was never cast,/

Removed and the bread was not consumed by the masses,

A broken representation of Armageddon,

Sin without punishment,

Leaves a bitter taste in my mouth,/

A poot scoot if you will,

All up in my tastebuds,

-pause for three seconds-


So how many flavors are available to smoke?,

Just to get the failure out of my mouth,

Far and in-between,

Yet the memory still exists,/

So I'll press the pen until I no longer exist a man,

Lost in the bindings of poetry I hold,

Before the man transforms into music,

And the sound takes him away,/

~Holographic Locust


“Stunt Double” Pt. 19

A cracked record can still record the measure,

The knob can be used for more than leverage or a keyhole,

Space between fingers can be meticulously intricate, 

Your heart cannot beat the same pump twice,/

Your mind frolics with merriment and wonder,

Stability comes to place, a pattern sewn,

Into the cloth timespan recording of the stars,

Each solar system brought your knowledge to the challenged beginnings,/

As the time taken to measure the distance between idols becomes stagnant,

These moments shared and depicted along for the history to be written,

How many spaces can there be prior to the next discussion topic,

Is there a methodical manner to compile these factors?,/

How many hairs can be frizzy, while the rest lie about nestled in a crows nest,

Are there reasons to laugh before the recollection of happenstance was brought to light,

Excruciating tendencies reexamined the longevity of this marathon, 

How many steps are there to cross the road, seven or eight, you can change your life in a minute or less, bless,/

Believing the multitude of parables brought the tears to drain, falling steadily to the surface of the table, 

How can you count the scars forming from years of harsh living, 

The taste of longing for the long lived tone of perspective was one not met by a thorough match, reality verses your expectation, proud,

To be human, the flaws and careless procedures that couldn't bring the project to paper,/

How did you turn, God, into God bless?,

Limitations on your happiness may bring a realization crashing before your eye,

The enclosure you inhabit and call pleasant, is brought to be barren,

Under sin,/

Besmirching the critical thinking that is present for analyzing the predicament, how could you not break the limits?,

These.seconds that are fraught with peril, 

The hope for a split second chance to reinstate, ecosystems,

You can bring the manner of coexisting to the forefront of the headspace,/

The record houses its purpose in the transmutation of sound to experience,

Experience, correspondance, 

Rather than a Neapolitan, scoop,

A vignette composing these collectives of information,/

Newspapers, white collar crimes registered for black dollar amounts,

~Holographic Locust


“Stunt Double” Pt. 14

Realistic nightmares come in thirty two chambers,

These pictures, combine into the leftovers, any remainder,

That resides afterwords is the indication of its existence,

The liquor that chases the memories that haunt follows in peace,/

There is so many frequencies of noise, 

The suffering that echos down winding mazes,


Contort the reflection in mirrors,/

Tainting knowledge of self and security, 

Change takes a mysterious path,

Clairvoyance in learning,

How to escape cyberspace,/

A dash of deception,

A pinch of panache,

Some pizazz, 

Stir in a goche mistake,/

Next you awaken next to a horse head,

Owing some money to the mob, 

Dollar bills look a lot like currency, 

When you glance at the kaleidoscope,/

Does the future look bright to you?,

Anything can be accomplished with,


So say your piece and travel beyond the walls,/

Of solitude,

A melancholic spice,

A zest of life,

Can you dine?,/

In on the way of the mannerisms,

Of the people who lost their way,

Searching for themselves,

Down in the odor,/

~Holographic Locust


“Stunt Double” Pt.12

Did you hear about the venue that suffered smokescreen damage?,

They had to rub in and leave in some cancer cream, feel the notice,

The attention, how each party began to move after the cause of anguish, 

Let the people acknowledge,/

That there purpose to a steady grip of who you are,

The time you took to read this post is enough to make a difference in someone's life,

Just smile,


One previous day,

Each of these minutes we have on this planet is like none before it,

There is so much precious commodities for bargain deals,

Make your hope in a better tomorrow come to fruition with hip hop,/

You have caught yourself in a cocoon of future impact,

Fair exchanges for goods, services and currency swap owners,

For material gain, to live in comfort, you must make sacrifices, for success to be probable,

Extend your gaze,/

As cattle feast in an open meadow,

There is more to the menu then vegetation, 

There is hope in a grand scheme of things,

An overview would not do the intricate aspects justice,/

We revolve around in a solar system made of secrets,

How long is there going to be hope?,

Is there a purpose for the Sun to keep burning?,

Does the Earth have any meaning to its existence?,/

So take the course to the most desirable trajectory, “straight to Hell”,

Or at least that's what the weather man says its going to be, a scorcher, 

The rope,

Is dangling precariously,/

Looming over the heads of the most influential, 

They have a price, their souls,

Once you pay,

You will never get away,/

~Holographic Locust


“Stunt Double” Pt.11

Make a sale, any God can judge you,

So cast stones, carry them durations of distance, find yourself,

At the balled fist of your accuser, you know change is necessary,

Yet too afraid are you to actually make a difference, drag your feet,/

As you walk beside Him, how could you claim a friend when you don't talk?,

Chatting with your significant other leads to manifested greatness,

Did Alexander the Great have a map and guide across his journey?, 

Just a compass, /

So what amount of miles did the wise.men travel to visit Jesus, 

Anatomically correct skeletons lurk my closet,

Any closer and the dog tags will signify something again,

How could the village be so far from the child?,/

As the spindle is spun around, the yarn coats the surface,

Of the item, -pause five seconds- so then there was religion, something to believe in,

A meal to choke down and swallow the makings.of, the water is tainted,

Next comes lessons,/

The worm is ate by the bird and put on display for the garden to witness,

A decision that tamed the heart of the bird,

Now with a full stomach, he’s off to his house,


There are so many kinds of ice creams, aren't there?,

Well love is an ice cream flavor, 

You have to eat it every day, 

Whether you like It or not, your home,/

Has transformed the cold season into comfort,

The correspondence between man and God is intertwined and backlogged,

Time is short, all the messages tell of how the second coming is nearing,


~Holographic Locust


“Stunt Double” Pt. 10

Actors and action scenes,

When the yellow tape and light are missing,

How can you keep one congruent piece,

When the seconds are walking by,/

To their own humming,

There is peace when you converse,

The notes they hit when singing, 

Will change your life,/

As the dollar bill performs its number,

There is so much that can be took,

Sometimes your at a stalemate, without a rook,


The Locust King is pronounced ready for war,

As the final. transmission is relayed,

The projectiles don't miss, like Mary Poppins taking a piss, 

In the cauldron,/

“Did you notice how the wind blows outside the window?”

The spent time is unfathomable,so keep your options open,

One open door for success is another mans exit, 

From the “Real” world,/

Everything is plastic and made of silicon, except you,

There are too many stimuli that go around,

As the world keeps slowing,

We’ve run our course,/

Landed on shore,

Nobody remembers their place,

After that,


Ol Mcdonald had a farm,


If you didnt know the alphabet, 

Those our vowels, so is your mom, in my mouth,/


~Holographic Locust


“Stunt Double” Pt. 9

Arm n Hammer cold cuts, go figure,

The last place you’d think to look, on the counter,

Find the missing ingredient is like learning a sacred art,

Passed down by generations to build an industry,/

A mockery,

The taverns are filled to the gills,

As people unlearn and then stupefy, 

These points stack to a sharp cheddar,/

So follow the lecture,

Knowledge of self is useful, 

To start an enterprise, you must first leave.on a self discovery,

Find you,/

In the reflection of the crumbled substance,

The mirror attracts unusual light,

Before the first sniff,

Everything could of been, they idiocy reigned,/

Before the belief in God,

There was a loyalty to the Sun,

Life stems from the outreached branches,

Your coffee table is made of,/

Can you smell the brew?,

Waking up to realize you are alive,

To do the exact same thing all over again,

Repetition to bring about a new day,/

Another cup of sunshine, 

A dash of perservative to mellow and safeguard,

Does the flow of drugs running through my veins masking,

Each facet that possesses a shine, since the gem,/

Is to be another plane of existence,  

~Roman Empyre


“Stunt Double” Pt.8

Break wind and you’ll be overrun with complaints,

Yet the meal was off the food chain, 

I desired to have a finicky stab at cannibalism, 

The meat was a little softer than expected,/

“How chewy can you get the smaller chunks?”,

After the pleasantries, it was good meeting face to face,

Have a facial reconstructive surgery just to make the bite extravagant,/

One jaw locked, the other side is used to talking,

It was crystal clear when the heckler brings their point,

To light, 

Another night,/

A different association,

While being a stand up, guy,

Don't sneak your taste, God is watching,

An unholy occasion,/

When someone said eat out,

I don't think they meant intestines,

When the bib is on,

You are able to control your feeding,/

So you haven't met the instrument or the keeper,

“The stuffing needed gravy,”

After your sample, how do you tell someone,

Anyone, God,/

The taste lingers and the knowledge stays,

Plentiful for the children who are studious, 

Learning how to cook has always been tough,

Now its a combination of xxx and a freaking bluff,/

~Holographic Locust

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