
@busyibee / busyibee.tumblr.com

k&m (she/her x 2) c/o '17; east coast
we wanna see! : #busyibee

Synonyms For Very

This masterlist is a masterlist of words that you may use alongside the word very, very being one of the most common words that are used when writing. I hope this helps you as much as it helps me in our writing seem more sophisticated and unique. 


Very accurate - exact Very afraid - fearful Very angry - furious Very annoying - exasperating


Very bad - atrocious Very beautiful - exquisite Very big - immense Very boring - dull Very bright - luminous Very busy - swamped


Very calm - serene Very careful - cautious Very cheap - stingy Very clean - spotless Very clear - obvious Very clever - intelligent Very cold - freezing Very colourful - vibrant Very competitive - cutthroat Very complete - comprehensive Very confused - perplexed Very conventional - conservative Very creative - innovative Very crowded - bustling Very cute - adorable


Very dangerous - perilous Very dear - cherished Very deep - profound Very depressed - despondent Very detailed - meticulous Very different - disparate Very difficult - arduous Very dirty - filthy Very dry - arid Very dull - tedious


Very eager - keen Very easy - effortless Very empty - desolate Very excited - thrilled Very exciting - exhilarating Very expensive - costly


Very fancy - lavish Very fast - swift Very fat - obese Very friendly - amiable Very frightened - alarmed Very frightening - terrifying Very funny - hilarious


Very glad - overjoyed Very good - excellent Very great - terrific


Very happy - ecstatic Very hard - difficult Very hard-to-find - rare Very heavy - leaden Very high - soaring Very hot - sweltering Very huge - colossal Very hungry - ravenous Very hurt - battered


Very important - crucial Very intelligent - brilliant Very interesting - captivating




Very large - huge Very lazy - indolent Very little - tiny Very lively - vivacious Very long - extensive Very long-term - enduring Very loose - slack Very loud - thunderous Very loved - adored


Very mean - cruel Very messy - slovenly


Very neat - immaculate Very necessary - essential Very nervous - apprehensive Very nice - kind Very noisy - deafening


Very often - frequently Very old - ancient Very old-fashioned - archaic Very open - transparent


Very painful - excruciating Very pale - ashen Very perfect - flawless Very poor - destitute Very powerful - compelling Very pretty - beautiful


Very quick - rapid Very quiet - hushed


Very rainy - pouring Very rich - wealthy


Very sad - sorrowful Very scared - petrified Very scary - chilling Very serious - grave Very sharp - keen Very shiny - gleaming Very short - brief Very shy - timid Very simple - basic Very skinny - skeletal Very slow - sluggish Very small - petite Very smart - intelligent Very smelly - pungent Very smooth - sleek Very soft - downy Very sorry - apologetic Very special - exceptional Very strong - forceful Very stupid - idiotic Very sure - certain Very sweet - thoughtful


Very talented - gifted Very tall - towering Very tasty - delicious Very thirsty - parched Very tight - constricting Very tiny - minuscule Very tired - exhausted


Very ugly - hideous Very unhappy - miserable Very upset - distraught



Very warm - hot Very weak - frail Very well-to-do - wealthy Very wet - soaked Very wide - expansive Very willing - eager Very windy - blustery Very wise - sage Very worried - distressed




A/N: If you know of anymore words I can add please message me.

This is very important ;)


important things to remember during exam, test, and finals season

  • don’t put yourself down if someone gets a better grade than you
  • don’t put yourself down if you don’t get the grade you’re aiming for
  • be proud of what you accomplish instead of being angry at what you do not
  • your grades you get do not define who you are
  • give yourself breaks; don’t overwork yourself

Got my textbooks for the next grade from my school’s book rental program yesterday 💫 The program didn’t have all the books available so I still have to buy some more 👓


tips for how to get up earlier when you aren't a morning person

starting out:

  • remember that you don’t have to make drastic changes. start slowly, by waking just 15-30 minutes earlier than usual. get used to this for a few days. then cut back another 15 minutes. do this gradually until you get to your goal time. for me, my goal time every morning is 6am EST.
  • have a good reason to want to make this change. set something to do early in the morning that’s important. this might be something like exercising, checking email, studying, etc. this reason will motivate you to get up.

practical things to do:

  • if you use a physical alarm clock, put it in a physical space away from your bed. when it rings in the morning, this forces you up out of bed to turn it off.
  • never hit the snooze button on your alarm.
  • put your laptop and phone far away from your bed to charge at night.
  • get out of bed as soon as you turn your alarm clock off.
  • change out of your pajamas/the outfit you slept in asap.
  • be cautious about the naps you take; don’t overload on them as you are trying to make this change.
  • try a phone or desktop app that will make the transition to being awake easier for your brain to make.

benefits to waking up early:

  • waking up early correlates with better grades.
  • waking up early enhances your productivity.
  • waking up early gives you more time to exercise and/or study.
  • waking up early actually improves your quality of sleep.
  • waking up early helps you enjoy some quiet time before a busy day begins.

rare words

adomania: the sense that the future is coming too quickly
anecdoche: a conversation where no one is listening
kairosclerosis: the moment when you realize you're happy
monachopsis: the subtle persisting sense of being out of place
opia: the ambiguous intensity from looking someone in the eye
rubatosis: the unsettling awareness of your heartbeat
vellichor: the strange wistfulness of used book stores
zenosyne: the sense that time keeps going faster

A brief informative guide to highlighting your notes/book the right way so it doesn’t look like your book/notes exploded into a rainbow.


Studying With Autism

Being in a classroom situation with any sort of mental illness is difficult, but from personal experience i know how hard it is to be in school and autistic. 

How to Deal With Autism in the Classroom - It is very easy to become over stimulated. If this happens for whatever reason, try your hardest to calm yourself down before it becomes too bad. Try and block out the noise, close your eyes and breathe, if it’s still bad ask the teacher if you can leave for a minute, or ask to go to the bathroom.

- When in school I found it very hard to deal with other people. By this I mean I found it hard to concentrate and deal with my emotions while people were talking about/focusing on things other than the work. I would often get annoyed and worked up about it, I’d either work myself into a panic attack or get annoyed at other people. 

  • First try asking the people around you to quiet down a little, this doesn’t always work because, you know, they’re teenagers
  • Then, once again, try blocking out the noise, close your eyes and breathe
  • Try and fully focus on the work

- Make the most of lunch and breaks. Make sure you’re hydrated and have eaten. If you need to sit quietly, do that. If you need to get some energy out, do that. Do what ever you need to do so you can focus in your lessons.

- When I was in school I found working in groups extremely stressful. I was often the only one in the group who actually cared about doing the work and it all fell on me. Sometimes I didn’t mind doing all the work, it meant I was in control and knew exactly what was happening. But sometimes, it was hard.

  • Try asking the teacher if you can switch to another group, ones you know are more serious about the work
  • If this doesn’t work try and work out an agreement with the rest of the group, ie. you write, they present.

- Talk to your teachers. Understanding things can be especially difficult when dealing with autism. If you’re confused don’t be afraid to ask for confirmation or help. 

Studying With Autism - TAKE BREAKS!! 

  • I take a little break every 20 minutes, these breaks are usually only a few minutes long, definitely less than 10
  • I also take breaks every hour or so, these are around 20 minutes long
  • In these breaks I like to stim, or just do things that calm myself down

- Have something familiar in the background, this will help stimulate you but hopefully not too much. I like to watch a very familiar tv show on the background, but obviously music does the same thing. Avoid listening/watching to anything new, this will probably distract you and take your attention away from your work

- It’s okay to not study. If your attention is wavering it’s okay to stop. 

- I like to use different colours to keep myself focused. I write the titles in different colours to the rest of my work, and highlight if I’m loosing concentration

- Find the method that works best for you. Whether that be flashcards, note taking, practise tests. Learn what works best for you and do that. 

- Learn what the format of the test will be and practise that. If you know what will happen in the situation you’re less likely to get stressed about it

- It’s always important to sort out what needs to be done but being organised definitely helps me deal with my autism. 

  • Write down everything that you need to do and when it needs to be done
  • Do what needs to be done first, obviously 
  • If one day is particularly heavy with subjects you don’t enjoy/find hard switch some stuff around. Try and have one task that you know you will enjoy/will find easy every day. This should help you feel in control

french garden vocabulary 🌻🌷

🌿 Types of gardens

  • le jardin garden
  • le patio patio garden
  • le jardin sur le toit roof garden
  • la rocaille rock garden
  • le jardin floral a flower garden
  • le jardin d'agrément an ornamental garden
  • le jardin botanique a botanical garden
  • le jardin de fruit a fruit garden
  • le jardin potager a vegetable garden
  • le jardin paysan cottage garden
  • le jardin d’eau water garden

🍁 Some garden objects

  • un etang à poissons fish pond
  • le parterre flowerbed
  • le pavé paving
  • l’allée path
  • la pelouse lawn
  • la haie hedge
  • le potager vegetable garden
  • la serre greenhouse
  • le tas de compost compost heap
  • la fontaine fountain
  • le sol soil
  • la terre topsoil
  • le sable sand
  • la chaux chalk
  • l’argile clay
  • les outils de jardin garden tools
  • le balai à gazon lawn rake
  • la bêche spade
  • la fourche fork
  • le râteau rake
  • la tondeuse lawnmower
  • la brouette wheelbarrow
  • le terreau compost
  • le gravier gravel
  • les gants de jardinage gardening gloves
  • le pot à fleurs flower pot
  • l’arrosage watering
  • l’arrosoir watering can
  • le tuyau d’arrosage hose
  • la pelouse lawn

💐 Verbs

  • tondre to mow (the lawn)
  • ratisser to rake
  • tailler to trim
  • semer to sow
  • bêcher to trim
  • arroser to water
  • désherber to weed
  • pailler to mulch
  • cultiver to cultivate
  • récolter to harvest
  • cueillir to pick

🌱 Types of plants

  • les fleurir plantes flowering plants
  • les plantes plants
  • les mauvaises herbes weeds
  • le bambou bamboo
  • la fougère fern
  • l’herbe herb
  • l’arbre tree
  • la plante aquatique water plant
  • le palmier palm
  • à feuilles persistantes evergreen
  • à feuilles caduques deciduous
  • la plante grasse succulent
  • le cactus cactus
  • la plante en pot potted plant
  • la plante d’ombre shade plant
  • la plante grimpante climber
  • l’herbe grass
  • la plante rampante creeper
  • l’arbuste à fleurs flowering shrub
  • les graines seeds
  • saplings les jeunes plants d'arbres
  • plant cuttings - les boutures de plantes

🌹 Types of flowers

  • rose la rose
  • marigold le souci
  • tulip la tulipe
  • crocus le crocus
  • lily le lys
  • iris l'iris
  • sweet pea le pois de senteur
  • geranium le géranium
  • gladiolus le glaïeul
  • chrysanthemum le chrysanthème
  • sunflower le tournesol
  • zinnia le zinnia
  • aster l'aster
  • dahlia le dahlia
  • daisy la pâquerette
  • carnation l'oeillet
  • primrose le primevère
  • peony la pivoine
  • bluebell la campanule
  • begonia le bégonia
  • daffodil la jonquille
  • jasmine le jasmin
  • lavender la lavande
  • azalea l'azalée
  • orchid l'orchidée
  • water lily le nénufar

🌲 Types of trees

  • orange tree l'oranger
  • lemon tree le citronnier
  • plum tree le prunier
  • pear tree le poirier
  • olive tree l'olivier
  • cherry tree le cerisier
  • apple tree le pommier
  • apricot tree l'abricotier
  • fig tree le figuier
Anonymous asked:

How do you manage to be involved in so many things but still have time to go out and do lots of stuff with you friends?

hi bb! ^_^ i’ve gotten this question both on tumblr and irl before, and the answer’s actually really, really simple: i’ve always scheduled my life around the people in it, rather than all the other things.

here’s a very recent example: this past weekend, i made plans to go biking downtown with a friend and then go out to brunch-for-dinner and marathon rom-coms with some other friends for the remainder of saturday. on sunday, i watched deadpool with my best friend, played squash with another good friend, made valentine’s day cards for people and then streamed the all-star game with some of my more ~bro~ buds ^_^

some of these weren’t even set plans, but since i knew i wanted to spend time with these people and vice versa, i acted accordingly. civ paper due monday? finished it five days early. math and ochem psets due monday and today? finished them by last friday. deadlines related to lab meetings and nonprofit work? got what i could out of the way early, and postponed what i reasonably could.

the point is, the urge to put work off may be a given (i’m rarely what one would consider “on top of things” in this regard), and to be honest, if i paced everything i needed to get done evenly i would conceivably be busy all the time. but if somebody i care about wants to spend time with me i will do everything in my power to make myself available. while procrastinating on work is unfortunate and a definite time-suck, to me the notion of procrastinating on the people in my life just because i didn’t have my shit together is absolutely unthinkable.

have you ever seen that one quote floating around on tumblr that goes something like, “some people talk to you in their free time, and some people free their time to talk to you”? i’d definitely place myself in the latter category, and it’s no coincidence that i’m closest to those who do the same for me. so yeah, my schedule is very people-centric and it tends to work remarkably well, too, because you learn that most everything else is malleable and there are after all 24 whole hours in a day ^_^

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