
it's just me💫


~no mourners✨ ~she/her ~luv yourself♡ ~also known as zoya ~find my boring af self on insta: @bookshatteredme ~this is probably the only place i actually am myself sooo it's my comfort app🐬(also i luv dolphins)

I’m sorry but if this paragraph doesn’t fuck you up Idk what will:

“Coriolanus felt his anxieties melt away. Full of fresh food, shaded by the trees, Lucy Gray singing softly beside him, he began to appreciate nature. It really was beautiful out here. The crystal clean air. The lush colors. He felt so relaxed and free. What if this was his life: rising whenever, catching his food for the day, and hanging out with Lucy Gray by the lake? Who needed wealth and success and power when they had love? Didn’t it conquer all?

- The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes by Suzanne Collins (pg. 438)


it did in fact not conquer all💀

@st3llitsa at least until katniss and peeta came along🥰

very true


What do you want to be when you grow up

Seven years old and not afraid of anything

Without hesitation

I reply

“A queen”

My father,

Self perceived bastion of logic, scoffs,

“For you to be a queen, I first would have to be king”

Ah dad, but you see, even seven year old me

Knew that thrones could be taken

As easily as inherited

What do you want to be when you grow up

Fourteen years old with a song in my heart

Fingers dancing

Across the keys

Hesitating but passionate

I could play and teach

All while following the narrative they’ve chosen for me

Fourteen year old me forgetting the power in her voice

Need not be drown out

By the music

What do you want to be when you grow up

Seventeen years old and ready to heal the world

Taking charge

Ready to conquer

Near a decade of schooling

For passion yes,

But for title and pride foremost

Denying a different part of myself

To rub their noses in my defiance

Seventeen year old me certain that she was her full self

Ignoring the neglect fragments

Of joy

What do you want to be when you grow up

Nineteen years old and focused on the present

Eight more years of school

Seeming an eternity

Taking a shorter,

if still harrowing path

Trying to live in the moment, but haunted

By the previously ignored horrors of the past

Nineteen year old me chasing just enough success

To still feel meaning

To still feel worth loving

What do you want to be when you grow up

Twenty two years old and thriving career

But weighed down

With more sorrows

Than my years have earned

Struggling to know if I’ve made the right choices

Fought the right battles

Twenty two year old me finally starting to understand

That maybe happiness follows purpose

So why have I been choosing

Only one purpose at a time

What do you want to be when you grow up

Focused on the present

Ready to heal the world

A song in my heart

And not afraid of anything

What do you want to be when you grow up



posting your thoughts on tumblr is so embarrassing like hey here’s what’s happening in my life in grotesque detail. here is my literal stream of consciousness. no one really cares about this. Whatever


when i was a kid i used to respond to the "glass half full/half empty" question by asking how the liquid in the glass got there in the first place. nobody ever gave me a chance to explain my reasoning so i'm doing it now

if you have a glass and it has some liquid in it, up to the halfway line, whether it is empty or full depends on what happened before the question was asked. if you started with a full glass and poured half out until only half remained, the glass is half empty, because if you continued pouring it would be fully empty. however, if you started with an empty glass and poured liquid from another container into the glass up to the halfway line, the glass is half full because if you continued pouring it would be all the way full. logical, no?

i was 13 years old when somebody finally told me it was supposed to be some kind of optimism/pessimism thing. i always thought it was a riddle that nobody let me solve

Okay but that actually goes really well with the metaphor. How did you get to where you are right now? Have things gotten better or worse? Does it seem like the trend is continuing?

Nobody's really an optimist or pessimist all the time, your outlook depends on the situation and how you arrived there.


OP I need you to understand you were not wrong. You are smart. Please please please understand that fact and I hope that you still keep your thinking style. There's just simply not enough people on this planet who can look at a question like this and think "well obviously you're only asking half the question". You're right and I hope you keep it up

To make OP's point more concise:

"Is the glass half empty or half full?"

"That depends. Are you emptying the glass, or filling it?"


I’m sorry but if this paragraph doesn’t fuck you up Idk what will:

“Coriolanus felt his anxieties melt away. Full of fresh food, shaded by the trees, Lucy Gray singing softly beside him, he began to appreciate nature. It really was beautiful out here. The crystal clean air. The lush colors. He felt so relaxed and free. What if this was his life: rising whenever, catching his food for the day, and hanging out with Lucy Gray by the lake? Who needed wealth and success and power when they had love? Didn’t it conquer all?

- The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes by Suzanne Collins (pg. 438)


it did in fact not conquer all💀





im inactive generally in life to be honest


this poll will stay up for a week so if you'd reblog the art post please do reblog the poll too, i want to see how many people an art post from an art blog w 3k followers like mine can reach (considering that most of those 3k went awol after the p0rn ban and/or arent active anymore)

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