
Creative Useless Poetess


“I don’t know where I’m going but I’m going anyway”

I am having the worst gay fever I’ve had in months, maybe years. My eyes are watering, I can’t stop sniffling, even the meds aren’t helping. Surely, I will soon perish.

oh god damn it. HAY. HAY fever.


@gabbiecasso was very kind to take my Ava Holmes/Dr Beatrice Lin-Watson AU to the next level w/a smashingly wonderful commission. Believe me when I say that I am the happiest client alive. Thank you so much! 🙏🏽


being so fr with you all we need to drastically accelerate anti-car propaganda.

we need to make it so clear to future generations that we no longer tolerate a world where you cannot conveniently go for a walk or get a coffee or get groceries without a car


there are literally worse things than being in a saw trap like for instance openly expressing that you have wants and needs and are a real person

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