
we ball

@starsnailor / starsnailor.tumblr.com

you can call me Aster!
26 years old || any pronouns.
i’m always on mobile

wish i could call in bitchy to work

sorry boss can’t work today. i woke up and i feel like a total cunt. can’t be trusted with customers


I know that its not actually that hard to learn to draw. or paint. or cook. or learn to speak a new language. or code. or any of a myriad of other possible skills or hobbies. but at some point you need to pick some single digit number of those ten thousand things that anyone can do, and to everything else say "i have other priorities" because otherwise you will never do any of them.

and so i think when people say "i wish i could..." they usually don't believe that they couldn't do it if they really tried, or even that they've overestimated the difficulty of doing so. I think what they're really wishing for is that time and energy were not finite quantities and that everything that was worth doing could also be done. because it's cosmically unfair that that isn't so.


Every fun post on here that encourages people to have hobbies/be creative always gets an avalanche of "Some people are poor Karen" type reactions and respectfully, you're all super annoying. I've never lived above the poverty line and this is a list of hobbies I have that were cheap or entirely free:

  • Read books: Go to the library, lend a book from a friend
  • knitting, crochet, embroidery: Get some needles from the bargan store and ask around, people have leftovers from projects they'll happily give you. Thrift stores also often carry leftover fabric and other supplies. And talk about your hobby loud enough and an old lady will show up and gift you their whole collection, because there are way more old ladies with a closet full of wool than there are grandchildren who want to take up the hobby.
  • Origami/paper crafts: get some scrap paper and scissors, watch a youtube tutorial
  • walking: put on shoes open door
  • pilates/yoga/etc: get a mat or just use your carpet, watch a youtube tutorial
  • Houseplants: look online for people that swap plant cuttings. There are always people giving out stuff for free to get you started. If you're nice enough you'll probably get extra
  • gardening: You're gonna need some space for this one of course but you can just play around with seeds and cuttings from your grocery vegetables.
  • aquarium keeping is a bit of an obscure one but I got most of my stuff second hand for cheap or free and now I have a few thousand euro worth of material and plants.
  • drawing/art: You get very far just playing with bargan store materials. I did my entire art degree with mostly those.
  • writing: Rotate a cow in your head for free
  • cooking: again one you can make very expensive, but there are many budget recipes online for free. Look for African or Asian shops to get good rice and cheap spices.
  • Join a non-profit: Cities will have creative organisations who let you use woodworking machines or screen presses or laser cutters or 3D printers etc etc etc for a small fee. Some libraries also lend out materials.
  • candle making: You need some molds (cheap), wick, two old cooking pots for au bain marie melting and a ton of scrap candles, ask people to keep them aside for you.
  • a herbarium, flower pressing: Leaves are free, wildflowers too, ask if you can take from peoples gardens.
  • puzzles: thrift stores, your grandma probably
  • Citizen science: look for projects in your area or get the iNaturalist app

And lastly and most importantly: Share! Share your supllies, share your knowledge. Surround yourself with other creative people and before you know it someone will give you a pot of homemade jam and when you want to paint your kabinet someone will have leftover paint in just the right color and you can give them a homemade candle in return and everyone is having fun and building skills and friendships and not a cent is exchanged. We have always lived like this, it's what humans are build to do.

And all of it sure beats sitting behind a computer going "No stranger, I refuse to let myself have a good time."

Anyway I'm logging off bc I'm making some badges for a friend who cooked for me and then I'm going to fix some holes in everyones clothes.

  • Birdwatching - download a free app for identifying and/or logging and go for walks or hikes or just sit in your yard/at your window depending on where you live. (My biologist friend uses the Merlin Bird ID app for identifying and eBird for logging, so that’s what I got now that I’m getting into it. These apps are associated btw, both by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology). A cheap/basic pair of binoculars helps too.
  • Crosswords and other word puzzles - lots of free sites
  • Learn a language - Duolingo is free, among other apps
  • Photography - Most people have smartphones these days that actually have decent enough cameras that could suffice for beginners and intermediates - the important part is your eye and the composition, etc. Plus there are free Photoshop-like sites for editing, like pixlr.com. Also you can find old, great quality DSLRs that still work for cheap! They’re not like cell phones lol; my Canon is almost 20 years old and works like a charm. And good ol' YouTube University can give you beginner lessons if you don't know what to look for or how to get started.
  • Journaling (and/or bullet journaling)
  • Read lyrics along with songs while listening to them. If you don’t have Spotify, there are tons of free lyric websites out there.
  • Research an unfamiliar topic either online at home or at the library.

Also for any hobby or just life, there's always the Buy Nothing Project and freecycle and Trash Nothing where people exchange things rather than throwing away stuff they don't need!


The WAY some people do hobbies can be quite expensive. But you don't need to do things the same way!

Quilting: Fabric is ridiculous to buy, so don't. Use your old clothes and other fabrics. All you absolutely need is a needle, thread, and scissors. (And maybe wadding? I haven't gotten far enough to figure out if there's an alternate yet.)

Paper crafts: card stock and patterned/coloured paper cost a lot. But thrift stores often have it, and it will cost almost nothing. (And don't imitate me and attach everything with double sided tape. Super effective, but very unaffordable.)

Research: university/college libraries can be expensive to borrow from if you don't have a degree. However, you are allowed to spend the whole day there researching for free! You can use their computers (though possibly not all of their databases). You can read the $600 books. You can copy anything important, including TAKING PICTURES OF EACH PAGE IF YOU WANT TO. It's great!

  • Plush-making: you can get a mini sewing kit for like $1, or second-hand. They usually include everything you need--needle, some thread, scissors, and seam ripper. Sewing machines are certainly faster but never required. Use old clothes, thrifted blankets--you can make incredible plush from simple fabrics. Stuffing can come from old pillows, fabric scraps too small to use, dry beans or wadded newspaper even. There are a ton of free plush patterns available online, and plenty of free sewing tutorials on YouTube. Again you can hand-sew everything, but if you really want a sewing machine, check out yardsales, thrift stores, or connect with your local quilting shop--my local one sometimes sells high-end used sewing machines for around $50. Old models are also especially great because they tend to sell low but work for ages.

IME if you find people passionate about a hobby you're interested in, chances are they'll be excited to help you get started, either by sharing what they have or connecting you with resources. Reach out! Besides, hobbies are a great place to find friends.


Ask your local librarian and explore your local libraries as well! things like puzzles, board games, video games, DVDs, ect are available to borrow from a lot of libraries - if your library doesn't have these things ask a librarian if you can request them!

Don't forget to check out your local rec centers. If, say, you want to do pottery but can't drop hundreds on clay and tools and glaze and wheels and whatever, pottery classes and open studio sessions tend to be a great cheap way to get going. This is also where you'll meet all the people who have spare supplies and projects for other arts!


Throwback to when I took painkillers and woke up with Photoshop open on my computer to this image I had made

Hi this currently has 37 thousand notes and I just want to ask - why?

Big Things Are Coming


✨ Abundance Spell✨ 

Wealth, weal, and plentiful spoons are coming to me 👏

✨💰🪙🥄🥔💰🌟💰🥄🥔🪙 💰✨

Like to charge Reblog to cast


do you ever hear people talking about something and you’re like. fuck. let me be real for a second. i’m too much of a commie to have this conversation

“of course this is the bare minimum amount of labor someone must perform to be a human being worthy of being alive! what do you think, rimon?” brother if i told you what i think about this your head would fucking explode.

I was talking at work about how fucking boring mens fashion is and how I wish I could wear skirts and dresses and stuff without getting weird looks and people were laughing like i was joking? And then this girl said "you don't want to start wearing skirts, then you have to shave your legs!" and i said well no and she said okay maybe not as a man but I still have to and i said "well... you don't though" and she thought that was a joke?????? I fucking hate gender

it’s okay bro ur out here doing the lords work. telling women that they can be hairy is basically a divine mission


hold on. Was suck him good and hard through his jorts supposed to conjour the image of someone who has an unzipped fly because this entire time I've been imagining someone slurping on wet denim

Truly one of the sentences of all time. Wetpilled denimmaxer


There is a heart wrenching video of a father who went to buy biscuits for his son only to return and find out his son and the man's wife had both been killed by an Israeli air strike. He is seen putting the pack of biscuits in his son's hand and saying "take it with you to heaven".

There is an indescribable pain to all of this, and I don't know what Israel thinks it's doing by ripping everyone's heart out like this if not to make the whole world resent the mere mention of it.

I don't think the question we should be asking at this point is "how do you justify this?" anymore, even if rhetorically. We need to understand that it is simply irrational to expect an occupying power that built itself on ethnic cleansing to provide any means of reasoning.

This is genocide, you don't debate genocide and you don't rationalise genocide.

I don't care what you do, but speaking about Palestine doesn't suffice anymore. Speak louder, force people to have uncomfortable conversations, call whoever the heck your representative is, go out to rallies if you can, push others to do the same - this is unlike anything we have seen.


CEO of Tumblr, Matt Mullenweg, has started openly harassing tumblr users on other platforms. This dude is actually incredibly scary and malicious and should not be involved with this website going forward. Theres just no excuse for this behavior.

since he's deleting the tweets here are the screenshots (thx lankque on twitter for the screenshots)


it is worth noting that this is a severe violation of data protection laws and CAN and hopefully WILL result in a suit against him as well as tumblr

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