
@waitingformyonesosmall / waitingformyonesosmall.tumblr.com

Amy, 23, SW England. Tom πŸ‘«πŸ’ Charlie 28/06/16 πŸ‘ΆπŸΌβ€
Charlie, 28/06/16 πŸ‘ΆπŸΌβ€οΈ

Hey, non-parents.

When parents schedule events around their kids’ naps, just know that they are trying to save you from the demon spawn that they become. Don’t make fun of them, thank them.


Me and my baby boy πŸ‘ΆπŸΌβ€οΈ 11 months old: it's June, which means at the end of this month, Charlie is 1 😱 we have some professional photos booked in for his birthday and a little tea party planned πŸ™Š so excited but so emotional about it all 😭 Also, I bought my wedding dress this week and we gave official notice of our marriage 😱😱 I'm so excited to feel like a princess now, can't wait to marry my best friend ❀️ less than 10 months! πŸ‘°πŸΌπŸ€΅πŸ»


10 months old:

- Charlie can walk!! 😱 He took his first step two weeks ago and now he’s full blown walking everywhere! He’s so clever πŸ™Š

- He’s the sweetest, most loving, intelligent little boy in the whole world and we love him so much. πŸ‘ΆπŸΌ

- Since joining slimming world mid-January, I have lost 2stone4lbs (and dropped two dress sizes) and I am now lighter and smaller than before I got pregnant with Charlie. 😁πŸ’ͺ🏼

I cannot believe my little monkey will be one at the end of next month, it's gone way too quickly, it really has. 😭

- Planning the wedding bit by bit now, can’t wait to marry my love, 10 and a half months to go 😘❀️


9 and a half months old: - Charlie now has 8 teeth in total 😱 4 top and 4 bottom. - He can say both "mumma" and "dadda" 😍 - He has started letting go of things when he pulls up onto them and standing on his own for up to 10 seconds at a time. He waves his arms in the air for balance πŸ˜‚ it often ends with him on his bum but yesterday he took a step forwards towards me 😱 He's growing up so quickly. He's the best ❀


I haven't posted here in soooo long 😩 will try and update more regularly from now on! Update: Charlie is now 9 months old, trying his best to walk; cruising everywhere, we took him to Cyprus last month for a weeks holiday, I joined slimming world mid-January and so far have lost 21 lbs and now weigh less than before I got pregnant (still got stretch marks, a pooch, and a little overhang from my c section scar but feeling much better and healthier overall). I'm back to work after maternity leave now, working evenings. We've set a wedding date, less than a year til we get married (29/03/18), everything is happening! I think that's about it?! Can't believe how quickly he's growing. He's going to be 1 before I know it πŸ˜”πŸ˜­ Love this cheeky little monkey πŸ˜πŸ‘ΆπŸΌβ€



Me:Please sleep for more than two hours at a time tonight!
Also me: It's been two hours and she's not awake SHE MUST HAVE STOPPED BREATHING OH MY GOD

We've started charlie in weekly swimming lessons, he loves the water bless him! It's in a hydrotherapy pool so it's warmer than most pools and they teach the babies lifesaving skills like to hold onto the side of pool and to kick their legs and go underwater and swim without being afraid 🐒❀

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