
trees are cool

@asmoltree / asmoltree.tumblr.com

Kat 🐳 | she/they | profile picture by lesly-oh

Welcome to the Campaign! ~

This Monsterhearts campaign started as a way for seven friends to spend some time together across 5 timezones, but as we began posting little pebbles from our adventures, we noticed there was a little bit of interest in following the story more closely! 

Tagged in this post are the main tags to help you navigate the story! Clicking on them at the bottom of this post will take you to the post that answers 

Check out:

The Cast and Characters -#cast

About the Campaign -#about

Chapter Descriptions -#chapters

Frequently Asked Questions -#ask

Support us -#support

This tumblr will try to compile all of the art, questions and secret details about the campaign for everyone interested in checking it out! 

If you’d like to follow the tag on tumblr, all posts will be tagged with #mhu, or you can follow this little blog. 

We love this campaign a lot, and we’re really excited to share it with you!! -GM Fern 💓


ai generated images make me increasingly sad and tired the more i see them in more and more casual contexts. i dont know how to explain, but it just fills the world with a bunch of nothing. no matter how visually stunning the pictures might be, there's nothing behind it for me. no dedication, no emotions, no feelings, no hard work or creativity, nothing i can truly think about, admire or enjoy. i dont think thats how art is supposed to be


it's fucking me up how tv shows, movies, and even video games can't be "niche" content anymore

like nothing can be underrated anymore. it HAS to be a success. cartoons have to either be spongebob level successes with immediate marketing or they're shelved a season or two in.

Movies have such inflated budgets that they NEED to break a billion in the box office just to make back what they cost. Anything less than a blockbuster smash is turned into a tax write-off.

a single triple A video game can destroy an entire studio if it doesn't meet expectations, which are already lofty enough as it is.

and everything has to appeal to the widest demographic possible, which can mean sterilizing anything creative about the work so it becomes as palatable as possible.

idk im just sad about this


western hypocrisy. if you mourn the suffering of innocent children in Ukraine but don’t mourn the suffering of innocent children in Palestine, Yemen, Syria, etc. you need to self reflect. Deeply rooted hypocrisy and white supremacy.

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