
Make Your Own Stims!

@diystimtoys / diystimtoys.tumblr.com


These are lil fidgets I made. I did a lot of experimenting to come up with these designs. The string connecting the two rings going through the bead in the center is elastic which adds a nice affect while fidgeting. Feel free to use this design with any beads that feel the best for you.

My stim/fidget toy review/suggestion blog: @stimmystimmycocoapuff


[Image description: a variety of bead rings. Some are just plastic pony beads on a ring; some are wooden or plastic pony beads on two rings linked together by elastic threaded through a central bead. They rather resemble a beaded horse’s bit and bit rings!]

The bit-ring styles look to have been made in two ways, and you can do whichever is easiest. The second, I think, will look better, but it is more fiddly to accomplish. The first is by threading the elastic around a ring, threading both ends through the central bead, threading one end through the ring and knotting the thread together on one end so that the split is enclosed within the knot.

The second is by taking a piece of thin elastic, folding it in half, threading it through the central bead so a small loop forms on one side of the bead and the tails on the other, and then knotting the tails close to the bead to form a second loop. You’d then take a split ring and thread it onto the thread on either side of the bead!


Weighted Lap Pad Tutorial!

Here’s how I made my weighted lap pad!


  • Fleece, whatever style you like in whatever size you want. I made mine with some leftover TWD fabric, since that’s my current special interest!
  • Rice, deer corn, or any other weighted filling. I used rice. (If you use rice or corn or beans, you can’t wash it, though.)
  • Sewing machine 
  • Thread that will match your fabric

Step 1:

This is going to give us the nice finish on the outside of your lap pad! 

Cut out the rectangular pieces of your fabric, then put them together so the two “right” sides are touching each other. The “wrong” side should be on the outside. 

Next, you should pin it on three out of the four sides, leave the top side un-pinned. Sew along your pins, leave a half inch seam. 

For visual learners, follow this diagram. Sew along the red lines.

Step 2:

Turn the rectangle right side out, make sure you push on the corners so they look kind of square. 

Measure the length of your rectangle to decide how you want to divide up the weight. I did mine by dividing the rectangle into thirds, since the design on the fabric created those lines for me.

Pin along those lines and sew them. Be sure to go all the way off the end, then back up the stitches on the bottom to reinforce them.

Again, here’s a diagram of where to sew:

Step 3:

Figure out how much you want it to weigh! I chose six pounds for mine, but yours can be heavier or lighter. 

Divide that number by how ever many sections you chose to divide your lap pad into. 

If you have a small cooking scale, you could measure it on there. Measure out the rice for each section, the weight doesn’t have to be exact. Then, roll down the top of the section and pour the rice in.

Make sure it’s not packed full of rice, there should be enough room for it to move around. There should be a reasonable amount of space between the filling and the top seam, so it won’t spill out as you’re sewing.

Step 4:

This is going to close the top of the lap pad up!

At the open top part of the lap pad, you’re going to need to fold the top part in. Think of how a seam works on clothes. Fold the front part in, then the back part, so the “wrong” sides are touching, then pin it.

When that is folded down, pin it and stitch across to close it up and give it a clean finish that looks like the rest of the seams!

Now it should be done! Here’s mine, you can kind of see where some of the stitching is.


I like to call this the Easiest Stim toy Diy Ever.

Do you like spinner rings but can’t afford them? or have limited access to buy them? 

What you need it a safety pin (the tiny ones probably won’t work very well but you can go as big as you like) and some beads. beads that are good to use are ones that have a very smooth even hole that runs through the centre of the beads. beads that are not round will probably work just as well but you want to go for beads that are fairly short as long tube-like beads won’t spin in the same fashion.  

I chose these beads as they are a hard plastic and so spin very smoothly and are the design is nice when spun.

if you want the easy version of this then simply open the pin, slid several beads onto the open bar ( I chose three as it left just the right amount of room for them to spin freely) and shut the pin if you want to make sure it doesn’t open accidentally then pinch the part that hides the sharp end togeather with pliers. 

you can now carry it as is or string a cord through the loop on the end of the pin and wear it as a necklace.

If you would like to be able to pin this to your clothing or a bag then you will need to find pins that you can unbend like this :

the difference is that they don’t have a cover on the looped end which will allow you to either un bend the pin with a pair of pliers (if using larger beads)  or to push the end of a screwdriver between the links 


and feed the beads through.

re shape the pin and they will be secure in place and you can now use the open end of the pin normally and wear it as a broach. 

the beads are lovely to spin individually or togeather with you fingers, provide a nice vibration and if the beads are larger a good noise if you shake the pin back and forth. its a nice discrete stim toy its not too loud and its easy to carry and can be made so cheaply that it won’t matter if it gets lost.


Hi! Do you have any suggestions for skin pickers? I need a stim toy for that because its a serious problem


I don’t have many ideas? But what I do is put tape on like my laptop or phone or whatever and pick at that & you could do the same thing with stickers, esp the ones that can be pulled up and re-placed? Also you can like put a thin layer of glue or paint on your skin & pick that off. You could pick at like pilling fabric? Or corks. Also I know none of this is really stim toys but that’s the best I’ve got sorry!


DIY Stim Toy Master Post, Part 4

Please see Parts One, Two and Three for even more DIYs and tutorials!

Doughs and Putties





Stim Stationery


Glitter Jars and Sensory Bottles


Lights and Lamps

Fidget Jewellery and Wearables

Plush and Weighted


(Whew! There’s over sixty different tutorials on this one!)


I like to call this the Easiest Stim toy Diy Ever.

Do you like spinner rings but can’t afford them? or have limited access to buy them? 

What you need it a safety pin (the tiny ones probably won’t work very well but you can go as big as you like) and some beads. beads that are good to use are ones that have a very smooth even hole that runs through the centre of the beads. beads that are not round will probably work just as well but you want to go for beads that are fairly short as long tube-like beads won’t spin in the same fashion.  

I chose these beads as they are a hard plastic and so spin very smoothly and are the design is nice when spun.

if you want the easy version of this then simply open the pin, slid several beads onto the open bar ( I chose three as it left just the right amount of room for them to spin freely) and shut the pin if you want to make sure it doesn’t open accidentally then pinch the part that hides the sharp end togeather with pliers. 

you can now carry it as is or string a cord through the loop on the end of the pin and wear it as a necklace.

If you would like to be able to pin this to your clothing or a bag then you will need to find pins that you can unbend like this :

the difference is that they don’t have a cover on the looped end which will allow you to either un bend the pin with a pair of pliers (if using larger beads)  or to push the end of a screwdriver between the links 


and feed the beads through.

re shape the pin and they will be secure in place and you can now use the open end of the pin normally and wear it as a broach. 

the beads are lovely to spin individually or togeather with you fingers, provide a nice vibration and if the beads are larger a good noise if you shake the pin back and forth. its a nice discrete stim toy its not too loud and its easy to carry and can be made so cheaply that it won’t matter if it gets lost.

although I feel I should add because of the first lines - if you DO want a spinner ring, you can search “stainless steel spinner ring” and get one for literally $1 or less on ebay.


@overlydramaticgollum yeah, Kinetic Sand suppprts A$ but there are a bunch of other brands that don't! There's also at least one autistic artist who sells it on etsy!


My students are constantly inspiring me! One of them made this mini “calm down bottle” for a child to use at school. How genius!


Craft idea. I’m going to have to try this, possibly with rheoscopic fluid as well. 


This is a great idea!

Anonymous asked:

hi! i have another alternative to skin-picking. get something small that fits in your hand, put stickers all over it, then slowly pick at the stickers. if you have a small plastic stim toy already that's perfect! i'll send in more alternatives when i think of some!!

Anonymous asked:

I love slime with beads mixed in, but my little batch doesn't seem to hold the beads well. Would you happen to know any good recipes that are good for mixing in beads or other small plastic items similar to beads? Any advice, really!! I'll try styrofoam beads eventually, but I much prefer the sound/feel of plastic beads in my slime ; w;

Oh I don't know! I don't like the texture of slime so I don't really make it but maybe recipes for fishbowl slime?

Anonymous asked:

Stand your ground love!! You deserve to have an opinion and I've never seen you be a bigot. There's a difference between being bigoted and being biased against people who literally want others like you to die.

^^Thank you darling! 💜

Anonymous asked:

I don't like trump either, but when you share/say stuff like "if you like trump unfollow me", you're technically being a bigot too, just like the conservatives that are bigots. It basically just makes a greater divide and is pointless. People can change their ideas/beliefs when they are shown the truth. It's unproductive to support division. Bigot definition-a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions.

Yeah anyone who voted from trump voted to kill me so fuck off? I'm not a bigot for standing up for myself & other marginalized people#cursing

Anonymous asked:

Are there any recipes for butter slimes yet? I really want to make some!

Yep!! A couple people linked me two yesterday actually, and I found a few on instagram since then!

Here’s one! The first ingredient is already made slime, which isn’t very helpful, but the end result looks really nice!

There’s this one too! The person who made the vid doesn’t specifically call it butter slime, but it comes out looking like basically the same thing! ^^

This one turns out great also, and it has written out instructions with measurements in the description!

Those are the best/most helpful ones I’ve seen! I can’t wait to make some, too! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و

Anonymous asked:

hey person who needed airplane stim stuff, maybe try rubbery squish things? like pencil grips. or sea glass if you can find it, or just a really nice smooth rock.

Yeah, maybe!


I saw this further into your posts but I was wondering if you or anyone else had any suggestions for stims to avoid skin picking Im not fond of putting paint/glue on my skin or anything like that and the fleece idea doesn't appeal Thanks


Something I do is put tape on my laptop or phone or cup or anything else like that and pick/peel it off. You could put paint or glue on your fingernails instead of your skin maybe?

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