



I wanted to make a backstory for the time I found this in pokemon Violet XD


And there are so many reasons a kid might be quiet. I was quiet because I felt safer when I was quiet. Because I WAS BEING ABUSED. And I had to go through even more abuse at school because the teachers there wouldn't lift a finger to stop it.

Flashback to the time my science teacher said, "If you don't want to be bullied, don't make yourself a target."


Throwback to when my teacher said to me that i "basically chose to be bullied"💀

Do you know what the only thing that stopped the kids who bullied me when I was being bullied so badly I came home crying daily my entire fifth grade?

It wasn’t any of my mom’s suggestions, which were go to the teacher, go to the principal, just keep going to an adult because *surely* that will *eventually* help even though obviously it wasn’t and my life was turning into a living hell in the meantime while the authorities she put all her faith in did nothing and she didn’t lift a finger because she thought I needed to handle it on my own to learn *responsibility*. The teachers said either what this post did, or to just ignore them. Obviously none of that worked.

You know what did work?

One week when my mom was out of town, my dad was waiting by the bus stop for me. He drove his car over to some of the kids who had been picking on me, and scared the living daylight out of them by rolling down the window and asking them “so you think it’s funny to make little girls cry?” He didn’t *do* anything to them. Just scared the little shitheads so badly they hopefully never bullied anyone else ever again because they realized there would be fucking consequences.

My best friend and I didn’t have a single other issue the rest of the year. From anyone who had bullied us, not just that particular group. For the rest of the year we were left completely alone by people who had up until then tormented us every time the adults’ backs were turned.

So there you have it. Actual consequences and the fear of god (or a very angry father) are the only things that will stop bullies. Not ignoring them. And certainly not stoking their wrath more and then turning your back on them in the hopes they’ll go ‘pick on someone else’.


there's this Huge mosquito that's been flying around the room for the whole afternoon and its been driving me crazyy i cant kill it and it just keeps Buzzing around me or landing tauntingly near me only for me to miss when i try to swat it


im so in love with this post one time i got really really high and decided since i dont have a printer that i was going to paint it and hang it up on my wall


there's only 7 words on the painting and you managed to misspell the two largest ones

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