
Living That Strange Mom Life

@abookblog / abookblog.tumblr.com

Alissa | 30 Something | Virgo | New England | Mom Friend of Booklr | actual mom | Lover of Books and Crafts

This is mesmerizing to watch.

actually physically painful to watch because you know months were spent masking all those frames for each of the kajillions of transitions in this



Oh?? My god??


I’ll try my best to describe this. It’s a video with a mash-up of a bunch of different Disney movies, set to a song that’s a mash-up of a bunch of other songs. That in and of itself wouldn’t make it praiseworthy, but this is DONE SO WELL that just, holy cow.


To piggyback off @pomrania: remember the commercials during the Disney renaissance for the Masterpiece Collection? (Holy shit, I’m officially old.)

If they’d had modern levels of computer technology back then, this would have been one of those commercials.

It’s THAT smoothly done.

Also? As a person who’s hard of hearing: while the lip sync isn’t perfect if you know how to lipread, it is DAMN close. Like. This creator literally took the time to match the clips to the lyrics. That by itself is difficult enough, but to then do it AND time the shots to flow seamlessly into each other?

Someday I want someone to love me the way this creator loves Disney, is what I’m saying.

Next. Level.


Tbh I feel like I can't possibly be entertaining enough to sustain an Internet following. Idk what most of y'all are getting out of this. This blog isn't even "about" anything anymore, it's just a bric-a-brac collage of whatever random inane nonsense happens to pass through my skull.

I feel like people who visit my blog because they heard about the dark fantasy erotica where an anthropophagic spider goddess lays eggs in a lady's butt must surely be disappointed when I turn out to be just a crabby bibliophile who mostly complains about people not minding their manners

& I know there are people here who hateread my blog b/c they can't stand my whole deal and/or think it's good sport and tbh I feel like they must really be scraping the bottom of the barrel out there for that to be the case. Like how slim have the pickings gotten.


The Kickstarter is already 67% funded, so here’s the sticker sheet design for the $4k stretch goal!

The sticker sheet will feature the cameo, dance card, corsage, bouquet/bottle, and magpie icons, plus the letter opener and note from the Chrysanthemum illustration, a stylized fountain pen nib with gingko-leaf cutout. Cute pairs of white flowers or golden gingko leaves are perfect for corner accents in a cottagecore bullet-journal spread.

We’re only $311 from achieving stickers!



Thursday, September 7.


This is a public service announcement.

Well, this is sort of a public service announcement. It's an announcement serving the great and the good of the #knitting public, to be precise. If this public includes your fine self, then boy, have we got news for you

Knitting is trending. Knitting is up there, in fact. So we are putting the usual on the backburner for today: no Pedro Pascal, no farmcore, no Riverdale, no Dimension 20, no David Tennant, no The Sims 4, and no dark f*cking academia. This one is all about you: you good folk with your yarn in one hand and needles in the other. For today is your day, your moment in the sun.

However you chose to celebrate is very much at your discretion, but we would hope you do so by doing what you do best, and, say, knit the pink trending icon or something. If you are a knitter not yet in Tumblr's vast community of cuddly autumnal creators, or if you simply appreciate this wonderful craft, welcome. Make yourself at home.  


This was too good not to share, and I am now putting out into the world the desire for an animated, animal friends version of Pride and Prejudice that does EXACTLY THIS. It would be AMAZING.


We just started False Fall here in New England. That amazing and glorious period of time in late August, or early September when it feels like fall.

We live in 60-75 F/ 15-23 C temperatures. It's slightly windy, with puffy clouds in the sky and it's just beautiful.

I wait for this season all year round. Because Autumn is my jam, and no one can tell me it's not the perfect season.

But in 2-3 weeks it's going to skyrocket up to the upper 80s F / 26ish C again for 2ish weeks called Second Summer before it settles back down to Fall. And I am not excited.


Or just go to browse and hang out! I promise it will be inspiring :)

It’s also a lot easier to do research in a library; sure, it’s one thing to have internet access, but it’s another to have wifi access to databases and books on the topic an approximate two minute walk away.

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