Working in Healthcare
Like working retail, but every single customer is hungry, in pain, sleep deprived, and has expectations on par with the service at an exclusive, 7-star resort.
Also, everything is beeping.
Anticipating the release of the new episode the cast posted their photos at highschool.
Any one else have that thing where they have so much to do they go into panic mode and can’t do anything?
Or is it just me? 🙃
just wanted to say that i love my wonderful friends, my best friends, @punkghoul and @takeachillquill <3 you guys are my world and i tell u i love you everyday but i do <3 <3
ok to reblog if ur neurodivergent
cold weather witch tip
if icicles form where you live, break them off into any bottle with a lid and let it melt to make winter water for spells
winter water = transformation, contemplation, cutting through obstacles, regenerating, hibernation, introspection, clearing, cleansing, intensifying, sharpening, clarity, weather
Namjoon • ‘Not Today’ • 170223