
Ethan The Renegade

@ethantherenegade / ethantherenegade.tumblr.com

Host of CKDU 88.1's award winning show Drag The Waters, Voice of the Dissections podcast, Heavy Metal Vocalist, D&D Nerd, and Pungeon Master.

I've been following the director of Fallout: New Vegas on twitter for a few years now and I can't emphasise enough that this dude is really good at posting


more fucking petitions because this clown car country cannot stop with the bigotry for 30 seconds

uk people it takes 5 seconds and you checking your email to verify

everyone else: rebloge please

As of Sunday 12th May, this petition is at 1,897 signatures.

“At 10,000 signatures...

At 10,000 signatures, government will respond to this petition

At 100,000 signatures...

At 100,000 signatures, this petition will be considered for debate in Parliament”


I think "they don't even have X" is one of those memes that's actually funnier in its original context than in anything that's been done with it subsequently. Like, in its original context, this is a joke about a man who has lived his entire adult life alone in a swamp cold-reading the atmosphere of a corporate workplace and deciding that appealing the receptionist's sense of working-class solidarity is going to get him in the door, and it fucking works.


i read this to adam and he just yelled, outraged, "THEYRE BABIES"



this is next level

20 years later. you're kermit. opening night at the muppet theater. you look up. you can't believe it. those two awful cunts from next door are here. neither of them died yet. they're going to be here, forever.


You start a Gopatronize.me fund to support the theatre, and surprisingly it works. Then you receive a community arts grant. Muppet Theatre is now Muppet TV, your very own streaming channel. It takes month of preparation, stress, work, and tears, but you finally go live.

The first comments come in literally seconds after you launch.

Its them. They're still alive.

And they're still funnier than any of your acts.


And they have premium membership and early supporter badges on their usernames.


the city where we live doesn't allow public barbecues so my brother fucking welded a grill to a handcart and now hosts "chill and grill sessions" where he sends all his friends his live location so they can hunt him down on their bikes with sausages in their backpacks while he carts it around evading the police like some sort of barbecue vigilante, grilling on the run. i have never been prouder of him


Listen if the study of ancient humans doesn’t make you at least a little bit emotional idk what to say.

I started crying today at the museum because they had reconstructed the shoes of Otzi the iceman.

Either he or someone he knew who cared about him made these shoes out of grass and bear skin and twine and he was wearing them when he died over five thousand years ago.

And a Czech researcher and his students did reconstructions of these shoes and wore them to the same place where he died to test them out and they were like yep! These shoes are really cozy and comfy and didn’t give us blisters while hiking!

Is that not just the coolest shit ever????

(Quietly, with love) We will remember your bread, we will remember your dog, we will remember your shoes

(Quietly, with anger) We will remember your copper


a raven father (i call him "pants") I've been feeding sometimes likes to sit outside my window and either wait for more food or just listen to the stuff I'm watching while I draw. Today's a colder day so he likes to fluff up a bit, and I kid you not :

this is an accurate representation of my view

Pants sure is pantsing today

Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre says he would use "whatever tools the Constitution allows" to pass criminal laws if his party forms the next government.
Speaking to the Canadian Police Association on Monday, Poilievre promised to implement more stringent requirements for bail and make it harder for convicted murderers to transfer out of maximum security prisons.
"All of my proposals are constitutional," Poilievre said.
"We will make them constitutional, using whatever tools the Constitution allows me to use to make them constitutional. I think you know exactly what I mean."
Poilievre didn't explicitly say which tools he was referring to and his office provided no official comment when asked for clarification. [...]

This is genuinely terrifying.

Basically, section 33, the notwithstanding clause, of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (our constitution) was designed to be an absolute last resort for provinces to protect provincial laws being overturned by federal laws. It was never intended to be a routine thing, but of course the provinces started using it nearly right away, and it's been used . Notable uses include Alberta trying to block same-sex marriage, Quebec limiting freedom of religion, and Saskatchewan forcibly outing trans kids to their parents.

I was listening to CBC radio yesterday and they had a constitutional law expert explain it this way.

The provinces have been using the notwithstanding clause since it's inception and while it's (my personal opinion) often used in a shitty way, there's a clear process, time limits, etc. on its use. What's less clear is the impact of the federal government using the clause, because it's never been done before.

If the federal government applied the notwithstanding clause to a federal law, it would remove the possibility for provinces challenging the law, or using their own right to apply the clause and opt out of following that law. The way I understand it would be sort of like a preemptive, nothing-beats-it reverse Uno.

The constitutional law professor used the example of the federal government making a law that it's illegal to be catholic on Sunday, and applying the notwithstanding clause to that law. This would remove the possibility of provinces opting out, taking the federal government to court to remove that law. It would just be the law, no takesies backsies whether Canadians like it or not, and for either 5 years or until a change of government, it would simply and irrevocably be illegal to be catholic on Sundays in Canada, along with whatever penalties were put in place.

And right now Poilievre is talking about sentencing in criminal law cases which, as the law expert says, is an easy target. Politicians aren't usually tripping over themselves to defend the rights of incarcerated people, and there are a lot of people who would vote for a politician who supports measures increasing sentences for violent crimes.

But you can't unring the bell. Having a federal government, especially one headed by Pierre Poilievre, who could be elected knowing that they have support for using the notwithstanding clause to override fundamental human rights... well, it would make those human rights actually not so fundamental.

And it's a scary prospect to make human rights optional under a potential prime minister who thinks that "female spaces should be exclusively for females, not for biological males," and that anti-zionist protestors are "openly celebrating Hamas' slaughter of Jews", and that "nurses worr[y] about breastfeeding after breathing in toxic drug fumes."

You can hear the full CBC radio segment here, starting around the 1 hour and 21 minute mark.


Middle-aged magical girl.

She's been defending the Earth since the early 90s and she's very tired.

My name is Tominaga Haruka. I was chosen by a magical talking animal, and for the last 29 years I've been Earth's one and only... Wonder-Sparkle Princess.

she's been fighting the same villains for three decades and they are also tired of it. Most of them aren't giving it their all. Half of them are in a groupchat they've added her to where they schedule their evil plans to make sure they don't interfere with each other, or more importantly, with *her* Xalkrax the space demon from outer space decided to attack the city when she was taking her vacation time once, and now he's dead, because even the power of friendship and redemption can't save you if you interrupt her rare vacations

Demon Queen Eluria: Gonna fill the city people's hearts with hatred on thursday to cause mayhem and discord.

Wonder-Sparkle Princess: Can't, got a PTA meeting.

Demon Queen Eluria: Friday?

Wonder-Sparkle Princess: A birthday party.

Demon Queen Eluria: Damn. How about I fill just the mayor's heart with hatred then?

Wonder-Sparkle Princess: That'd be redundant, lol. Maybe fill his heart with a desire to fix the fucking potholes?!

Demon Queen Eluria: LMFAO love you, bitch. Stay strong.

Wonder-Sparkle Princess: You too, gurl. How's the husband? Still dead?

Demon Queen Eluria: Yep. Thanks for that, btw.

Wonder-Sparkle Princess: Don't mess with my time off :p

Why are people tagging this '#wonder sparkle princess' like that's a thing and not a name I made up exclusively for this post?


Congratulations on inventing a new tumblr deity!!

She isn't 29 years old. She's been a magical girl for 29 years. If she started at 14 (typical magical girl protagonist age) then she'd be 43.

Assigned magic girl at birth

Part of the magic of Tumblr lies in how I can read this post for the first time today, and I'm already shipping Wonder-Sparkle Princess with Demon Queen Eluria.


"Harold, they're nemesisbians"

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