
honey this is just ooze

@chebbites / chebbites.tumblr.com

99.9% pure culture of depressed bastard grown on solid agar. Check out my carrd.

whenever i'm trying to talk myself out of buying something i don't need i always hear my old russian professor's voice echoing in my head: "WHAT??? WILL YOU DIE THE RICHEST MAN IN THE GRAVEYARD?" and then i make an unwise financial decision


Much of my childhood was spent grappling with the impression that I was somehow failing at being a child and trying, ineffectively, to imitate the kinds of things that real children did.

Real children had things like pet rocks, and imaginary friends, and all sorts of quaint and charming behaviors that embodied the kind of innocent youthful exuberance and creativity that adults seemed to admire. Real children cried about silly things and had ridiculous worries about the world that adults were always eager to sooth them about. I wanted to be a proper child like that—I wasn’t concerned with “fitting in” with other children so much as I was with passing as a child at all.

And so I made myself select rocks to keep as pets, dispassionately bathing them in little bowls and tucking them in to mossy beds with pussywillow pillows. I dutifully dreamed up a pair of little dragons to be my imaginary friends (their names were Tim and Violet) and forced myself to play with them. I said irrational things that I thought adults liked to hear. All the while I felt bitter and self-conscious and disgusted with myself for being a phony and not able to truly inhabit the role of “child”, at least not in the way that appealed to adult sensibilities and nostalgia.


if i ever interacted with you and it was awkward just know im sorry and painfully aware that sometimes i come off like a person who is having the first conversation of their life


To some people you’re an NPC

To other people, you’re the special, unlockable character that they worked and worked to finally get- and when they do they’re so happy because they got the game just so they could find you.

The fact y'all are still passing around this post, eight years after I made it. Exquisite. I hope it’s still resonating with people outside of mid-2010’s tumblr.


Talking about Valentines


My favorite genre of comments is people being confused by wireplay


this article is behind a paywall but i'm obsessed with the headline + photo combo


There's a bunch of adhd advice out there that's like "people with adhd tend to work better under deadlines due to the anxiety so here are ways to artificially induce a stress response in order to get you to get work done" and it's like well what if I don't want to be stressed out all the time in order to function


this gold shouldn't stay in the comments


This is a documented thing! It occurs most often with hearts but can happen with any transplanted organ. It's called 'cellular memory' and I wrote a whole paper on it during my freshman year of uni. It's also why some transplant recipients experience new preferences, thoughts, and sometimes behaviors their donor was known to have. Like favourite foods or drinks, subtle changes in personality (like becoming a bit more daring, etc), and more. It's usually temporary as the organ adjusts to its new person's preferences, experiences, habits, etc. It's fascinating and awesome and I would love to study it in-depth someday.

Which is why I want all of my organs upon death given to the same person. Hostile takeover from within.

I'm just trying to figure out what situation would require multiple organ transplants all at once.

Doctor: well the bad news is that all of your everything is fucked. The good news is that someone with an odd final request just died

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