

@antifatlogics-blog / antifatlogics-blog.tumblr.com

Hi! My name's Edith. I'm a 19 year old lady. I have anorexia nervosa so don't accuse me of promoting eating disorders and self-hate because I'm against HAES, fat activism, and the mainstream body positive movement.

Be a better person by dating fat people, poc, disabled, and trans people. Open your heart and your mind and unlearn toxic behaviors that marginalize these groups and consider dating these types of people and love their bodies.

- daily body positivity

I’ll date whoever I want, thanks. I’d be pretty pissed if someone dated me just because I’m disabled, btw.

you’re not entitled to have anyone find you attractive

Don’t fucking tell me who to date. Also, @antifatlogics, most people aren’t like that, don’t worry.

I’m glad about that haha Also I love your url! Your icon seems super familiar, what’s it from?

It is the


Please tell me you are familiar

YES!! A friend sent me the link to the video it wad from right after I sent that reply lol I was looking for it but I lost the link, it’s easily one of my fave videos lol

There are some pretty funny videos that use that audio track lol

I should go check them out!! :D Thanks for telling me about them


I absolutely hate that statistic that's something like "90% of all eating disorders start with a diet" that people use to say all diets are unhealthy. They're misinterpreting it. What it is saying is that the majority of people who have eating disorders developed it from dieting; it is not saying 90% of people who diet will develop an eating disorder. Comparing a healthy diet to an eating disorder is just a slap in the face to people who actually have them. They're extremely serious and can be fatal; they're not watching what you eat and lowering your intake (and possibly exercising) so you can get to a healthy weight.


I'll never understand people who put down other people to make themselves feel better about their body (especially with fat activism and the body positive movement). Stuff like "real women have curves" or "dogs like bones, men like meat" is what I'm talking about. All you're doing is making other people feel bad about their bodies by making fun of them, which is the opposite of the idea of being body positive (a movement that should be for people who can't change their body, like burn victims and amputees, but that's a whole other topic).

I'm a girl who lifts weights and I have muscle. I've heard people say stuff like "muscular/fit girls look like men, that's disgusting" or people saying they're just trying to appeal to men. I've also heard people say that fit people are obsessed with themselves, should just enjoy life, or that they should eat whatever they want. I've seen people say fit people are crazy for being excited to go to the gym. Why do others feel the need to put someone down simply because they're fit and enjoy working out and watching what they eat? Hating on people like this makes YOU look insecure. You're basically putting others down so you can feel better about yourself.

The same applies for thin (who aren't muscular) people, usually girls. I have seen people making fun of thin men because they think those dudes are ugly. Don't forget about telling thin people (also muscular people) that their bodies are unrealistic and can make others feel bad about their own. Some people have a highly desired body shape, like an hourglass figure. They don't have to hide their body because it upsets you. I have abs, should I hide them to avoid hurting someone's feelings? No, that's ridiculous. You just have to get over yourself.

Saying this stuff is socially acceptable to a lot of people both online and in real life, but if someone were to say something similar about fat people, all hell would break loose. Even if you say being fat is unhealthy, which is a fact (even if you are healthy at the moment, being fat is a risk factor for many medical conditions), people get mad. It happens to people venting about eating disorders, too. I once said something along the lines of "I'm fat, I hate myself" when I was very underweight due to anorexia and was called fatphobic. It's a ridiculous double standard.


Please, please, please don’t just think that “oh I don’t have major health problems right now so I don’t need to be concerned about my weight.” Please don’t only wait till weight-related health problems have gotten much worse and taken over your life. It’s heartbreaking to see people become totally ignorant to health issues caused by weight gain and insist that they don’t have a problem until it is too late. Any amount of effort or mindset change wherever you are in your life will benefit you in the future, don’t give up! We believe in you and want to fight for your health!

Health problems caused by weight are downright terrible which is one of the big reasons why I'm against people who say shit like "be happy about being fat! You can be healthy and fat!" You won't be saying that when you're 50 with heart disease or a missing limb from diabetes. I wish people would think about their health years down the line from now :(


*shitty dumb generalization of men*

“Haha, men think period blood is gross!”

Newsflash, asshole! Aside from the stupid stereotyping that all men are violent and like blood and gore, period blood is gross. Because it’s not just blood, it’s also uterine cell walls, and after sitting in a pad it’s also probably mixed in with pee and sweat. It’s not sterile, it’s considered a biohazard, and it reeks.


in light of recent events,

Ok dude frisk isn’t NB, it’s up to the player to decide gender.

I guess I’m transphobic tho

yup you are!! congrats!

thanks for adding a shitty, irrelevant, unoriginal comment on my art. :) definitely changed my mind.

anyways, frisk is nonbinary.

EDIT; wow. you support pedophiles. just. wow lol. im speechless.

and here we have a 12 year old in their natural habitat. tell me, child, what’s it like pretending to be oppressed when your biggest problem is the gender of a video game character? do tell us. we’re just dying to know.

People still say down with cis? Is this person stuck in 2015?


straight men v.s. gay women

S.M.: a woman losing her virginity should not be pleasurable for her, it should be a dominant experience for men and she must be in pain for the man to fully only himself

Gay women: I swear to the stars I will make this as pleasurable and wonderful for my love as possible!!


What straight men have you had sex with/talked to about sex because ????


I mean I’ve heard the common conception of how it usually hurts the first time a woman has penetrative sex, but never that guys want to intentionally make the women hurt. My understanding is that the pain comes from inexperience and ignorance.

The fuck kinda men you meeting OP?

the vast majority of men care more about the women’s pleasure than their own. in our society it’s literally expected of men to pleasure the women. the only men who aren’t like these are sleazy perverted sexists or selfish teenage boys. and most men are good people sooooo

and a woman who’s penetrated herself before is going to experience less pain than one who hasnt. a woman whos had a dildo up her whatever will be used to it and experience very little pain.


Be a better person by dating fat people, poc, disabled, and trans people. Open your heart and your mind and unlearn toxic behaviors that marginalize these groups and consider dating these types of people and love their bodies.

- daily body positivity

I’ll date whoever I want, thanks. I’d be pretty pissed if someone dated me just because I’m disabled, btw.

you’re not entitled to have anyone find you attractive

Don’t fucking tell me who to date. Also, @antifatlogics, most people aren’t like that, don’t worry.

I’m glad about that haha Also I love your url! Your icon seems super familiar, what’s it from?

It is the


Please tell me you are familiar

YES!! A friend sent me the link to the video it wad from right after I sent that reply lol I was looking for it but I lost the link, it's easily one of my fave videos lol


Be a better person by dating fat people, poc, disabled, and trans people. Open your heart and your mind and unlearn toxic behaviors that marginalize these groups and consider dating these types of people and love their bodies.

- daily body positivity

I’ll date whoever I want, thanks. I’d be pretty pissed if someone dated me just because I’m disabled, btw.

you’re not entitled to have anyone find you attractive

Don’t fucking tell me who to date. Also, @antifatlogics, most people aren’t like that, don’t worry.

I'm glad about that haha Also I love your url! Your icon seems super familiar, what's it from?


Unbinary Pride Flag

Unbinary: opposite gender(s) of the gender binary. Unlike antibinary this is not a POC-specific identity. Can be seen as a bi(anti)gender of antigirl and antiboy.

Not be confused with antiandrogyne, abinary or (a)non-binary. ~ ap

What does this MEAN?

I know what these words mean, but I don't know what they mean together. I have no fucking clue what this means.

Anonymous asked:

Only someone who isn't homosexual would argue scientifically proven sexual orientations are narrow. If a definition seems narrow, then maybe that term doesn't apply to you. Definitions are narrow bc they describe specific things.


People have attempted to go through with a similar idea. Check out Tallywackers, that’s pretty similar to your description of Cahones. It shut down pretty quick. It’s just not as profitable.

Sexual arousal between men and women work differently. Sexual desire in women is extremely sensitive to environment and context. What turns men on is pretty straightforward. What turns women on? Good question. There’s no definite answer, and it tends to be more fluid. This isn’t about sexism. It’s just easier to aim this idea at dudes and have it actually work out.

And you’re forgetting one important thing. These girls chose to work at Hooters. They’re not “being taken advantage of”. They aren’t stupid airheads that can’t think for themselves, despite what you may think.

Anonymous asked:

hey it's chloe again! thank you very much for your advice! sadly my fam ALWAYS buys terrible foods so that's why i ended up restricting myself from eating. also trying to stray away from temptation is hard lol. i'll be asking my mom for a doctor visit to get some tips on how to lose weight because i'm so tired of being insecure tbh. i'm gonna try to go even harder in my work outs and see where that gets me. who knows, maybe i'll update you months from now :p lol thank you again!!

You're welcome and I wish you luck :-) I hope it all goes well and you reach your goal! Just remember not to restrict too much or it'll be extremely bad for your body and it makes you feel terrible. Good luck and stay happy+healthy, friend!

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