
art time...

@bortmcjorts / bortmcjorts.tumblr.com

null // requests open

Ever wanted to animate something stellar firma related, but never had the patience to make something longer than 8 seconds? Ever wanted to animate David 7 dancing and jamming to Little Clone Baby? Well look no further-

The Little Clone Baby MAProject is reopening applications!

If you haven't heard, the LCB MAProject is a multi animator project where artists and animators from all skill levels come together and animate an AMV for Little Clone Baby. You can either animate scenes from the show or animate David dancing to the song. There's more info in our master doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RQNwzO6oPv6Ws4M4dig2K7lBCpynueanD71jxUD_U-I/edit?usp=drivesdk and you can also check our pinned post for the MAP call. Spread the news, we're back in business, baby!!!


[ID: a drawing of gordon and benry from the chest up colored in pinks and purples. benry is beside and slightly behind gordon with an arm around his shoulders to pull him closer, chatting away as gordon looks back at them surprised. end ID]

Anon said: Do you still do hlvrai art? If so would you mind drawing a doodle of frenrey or tomrey (benlatta? I don't know which is the ship name for Tommy and Benrey)?

here is a frenrey =]


[ID: a drawing of two humanoid robot characters, cubed and nibble, standing beside each other and smiling. cubed is thin, with a floating grey cube head and antennae with glowing tips. they have a black body with a grey chest plate, gloves, and feet with built-in skates, and they're wearing loose purple pants. nibble is fat and shorter than cubed, with a thick computer monitor head and legs colored to look like jeans. she's wearing a pink t-shirt that says "a byte & a nibble." end ID]

my bots! 2 of em!


[ID: a drawing of the player character from outer wilds holding two little scouts in their arms. one of the scouts has inverted colors, and a zigzag pattern spreading out from it on the background. the player character has their helmet off and is smiling at both of the little scouts. to the right is written "you destroyed the fabric of spacetime." end ID]

i may have destroyed the fabric of spacetime but i got a second robot dog out of it so that is a win to me!!


[ID: a drawing of Bel from bomb rush cyberfunk. she's squatting and sitting on the heels of her feet, giving her phone a kiss. end ID]

*objectums your skater girl*

[ID: a screenshot from the game of Tryce and Bel at the hideout. Tryce is sitting on a couch and saying, "Don't get any ideas. This girl is married to her phone for life." A semi-transparent objectum flag is put over the second sentence. end ID]


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