
I don't know


who I am. but I do know I like anime and Marvel.

Private Network for Hiddleston & Marvel fans

Since a lot of blogs were deleted and copyright violation notices are still going out, I’ve put together a private network for Tom Hiddleston and Marvel fans. Please join if you’re interested. You can access it with any browser or with the mobile app.

Do NOT put in your real location when joining unless you’re okay with other members seeing it. Even if you set it to private, the info is still in your profile. I wish I could disable that, but I can’t.

Click here to join. If you’re more a Marvel fan than a Tom fan, no worries. There’s a group in there for you (it’s basically a network within a network…kind of hard to explain, but I promise we have space for you too).

I didn’t think to mention this (sorry!) but you can use any name you want. A lot of people are using their Tumblr names.

Can you reblog this if you see it so people are aware? If you’ve already signed up and you want to change your name, just edit your profile :)

We’ve got 300+ members now…and a working mobile app ;-)

In light of Tumblr’s new policy, I’d thought I’d send this around again. NSFW content is allowed, we have a working app, and I’m working on a list of feature requests. 


Joined hope to see my favs there too. Lets save the tomblr community

Source: jennphoenix

More random thoughts

I've been thinking about how no one really knows me like night and some of my closest friends me. I feel like I'm completely different person than I am my head in my head I put myself down close myself off I very depressing thoughts all the time and I'm constantly putting myself down and making myself sad but on the outside I'm happy and loud and making jokes just having a good time. I wish I could just scream that's not me but it is but it's not me I wish I could tell someone what goes through my mind but I can't so I'm writing this random thought on here. Night

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