


[ silly human girl and digital artist, she/her, 22 y.o ] if you read this, my commissions are open! / @leyreyy is also me

Hi! I'm updating my commissions post since I just emigrated to Georgia and I really need to work. I'll be really glad to draw for you since this is my only way of earning money right now and I don't know what's expects me in the future

I can draw for you anything you wish! Also I’m making good discounts for something abstract and non fandom related! - All info placed in that -> link  - Payment via PayPal - I'll be very grateful for reblogs and feedback. It means a lot to me! You can contact me here on tumblr or through email -> lleyrey.art@gmail.com

Thank you for your time, sending my best wishes to all of you, be safe ♥


Hi! I'm updating my commissions post since I just emigrated to Georgia and I really need to work. I'll be really glad to draw for you since this is my only way of earning money right now and I don't know what's expects me in the future

I can draw for you anything you wish! Also I’m making good discounts for something abstract and non fandom related! - All info placed in that -> link  - Payment via PayPal - I'll be very grateful for reblogs and feedback. It means a lot to me! You can contact me here on tumblr or through email -> lleyrey.art@gmail.com

Thank you for your time, sending my best wishes to all of you, be safe ♥

updated commission post!

now i can receive payments through Paypal again <З

contact me for any questions!

Anonymous asked:

Your art hits that gorgeous space in between uncomfortable and comforting. Love exploring it.

Btw if you're down for a suggestion, if you haven't seen Cat Soup, it might be up your alley.

thank you for your words! it’s so nice and important for me to know that my expression is seen and appreciated….

and a special thanks for your recommendation! never heard about cat soup but now i definitely interested to watch it

best wishes to you!


I'm just in love with your artstyle! As an artist, i find your vibe very close to mine although my style is different. What inspires you?


thank uuuu! i’m very flattered ~

lately i find my inspiration in my own emotional experience mostly. in my traumas through prism of life as a person and a woman especially. i’m trying to express my pain and distractive thoughts into art?? its interesting to look back on my artist’s path - i did a lot of different things just to come to this point. and who knows what awaits me ahead!

but if talking a little more directly - i usually look for visual inspiration on pinterest/insta sometimes. some movies, characters, aesthetics, games, music - i believe everybody can be inspired by these and it’s spreads in a way more various ways than just a fanart (but fanart is very cool tho)

i’m exploring the new abilities and looking on every thing in my life through the eyes of artist. it makes living more bearable :))) and gives me a desire to continue without any pressure on myself

everything can be beautiful and worthy of notice. just as every feeling and every person - it’s soooo individual and cool!!!

thanks for the question! wish u and everyone who read this a huuuge inspiration and more warm and sunny days (or a cloudy, for your taste)


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