
The meta10 and Rose network

@onelifenet / onelifenet.tumblr.com


This was a hard decision so you may get another one tomorrow if you want. lol But for now, how about: “I think we should have another.” Pairing up to you: Tentoo x Rose, or James x Rose, or whatever. You know I love it all and everything you do.

And this was also prompted by an anonymous user, so I hope you see this, too, Nonnie!
I went with Tentoo x Rose on this :)

“I think we should have another one.”

The Doctor glanced over at her from where he was attemptingto eat his ice cream cone faster than it could melt, and judging by the brownsmears on his hand, he was not succeeding.

Rose had already finished her cone and had a keen eye peeledto where her brother and her son were chasing each other around the park onthis unseasonably warm May day.

“Another?” the Doctor asked, furrowing his brow as he lickedoff a fresh chocolate drip. “Well by all means, help yourself, but I’m stillworking on mine.”

“Wearing it, more like,” Rose teased, grabbing her purse fora baby wipe. “And I didn’t mean another ice cream.”

“An’ther ‘at ‘en?” he mumbled through the cone he’d shovedinto his mouth.

Rose bit her lip and waited until he chewed and swallowedbefore she said, “Another baby.”

The Doctor froze, and stared at her for a few moments, evenas ice cream dripped down his chin. He only snapped out of his daze when Rosepoured a bit of her water onto a napkin and cleaned his face. He grabbed the wetwipe and carefully inspected his fingers as he cleaned them, and Rose knew he wasbuying time to think before he answered.


This month’s prompt is: 


When is the Doctor’s birthday? What presents do the Doctor and Rose get each other (or Jackie and Pete and Tony) for their birthdays? What gifts do they receive. And do their birthdays ever go as planned?

We want your fic, headcanons, meta, edits. Just tag your stuff with #onelifenet or ’@’ us.


Headcanon time! 

Q: When is the Doctor’s birthday? 

I like the idea of him picking a significant date for his paperwork, maybe the day they came back to Pete’s World, maybe the day she started traveling with him, maybe the converted date of when he stole the TARDIS… Many good choices. 

Once Rose convinces him it’s worth celebrating (nibbles! Presents! “Because we love you, Doctor, and we’re your family and want to celebrate you.”), he loves it, but still feels a bit odd being celebrated because that’s not often something he’d intentionally stuck around to do in the past.  

Q: What presents do the Doctor and Rose get each other (or Jackie and Pete and Tony) for their birthdays?

Ooo, I mean the expected answer from me is probably something naughty, and I’m sure that comes along in time, but I also think they get them alien stuff once the TARDIS is ready (or at the secret shops in London beforehand). Tony especially loves toys that can levitate on their own and when he’s old enough and wants a dog, the Doctor earns points with Jackie by making Tony a K-9 of his own (this one less “retro” thanks to Rose’s design input). 

Q: What gifts do they receive?

Their family probably gets them practical things for their travels. I have a headcanon that Pete likes to spoil Rose once he accepts her as his own and realizes how poor she grew up. So by the time Tentoo gets there, she has a fancy, fast car that Tentoo can trick out and they drive all over the UK with it. (I even have an image saved of it. A cute blue Audi. I know Billie likes classic cars, but I think Rose is more of a slick and speedy car girl.) 

Q: And do their birthdays ever go as planned?

Knowing the Doctor and Rose, of course not! haha But sometimes it’s for the better and his reservation at a posh restaurant ends up being for a treetop bar, and sometimes her intention to get him a simple gadget ends up the key piece to solving a mystery. Even when they try to plan, things end up surprising even the giver, but that’s life with these two. (And Jackie doesn’t blame them when her beautiful flower arrangement tries to take over the world. Much.)  


This month's prompt is: 


When is the Doctor's birthday? What presents do the Doctor and Rose get each other (or Jackie and Pete and Tony) for their birthdays? What gifts do they receive. And do their birthdays ever go as planned?

We want your fic, headcanons, meta, edits. Just tag your stuff with #onelifenet or '@' us.


This month’s prompt is 


 What are the Doctor and Rose like at a wedding? Ado they get married? Our is it just their friends that do? Maybe Jackie and Pete renew their vows- but with the Doctor in tow, will any wedding go smoothly?

We want your fic, headcanons, edits and meta! Just ’@’ us and tag your stuff with #onelifenet!



This is a very quick little thing for @timepetalsprompts monthly prompt. Tentoo x Rose … when is his birthday and more importantly how old is he?

Rated G 603 words un-beta’ed fluff fluffy flufferific

“Rose?” The Doctor looked up from the mound of paperwork he was forced to slough through. “Why is this actual paperwork? Why hasn’t Humanity evolved beyond it?”


If You Want

Summary: Tentoo and Rose have just been left alone on the beach in Norway. But what kind of life do they each envision “spending it with you” entails?

Notes: For a variety of @doctorroseprompts Tentoo x Rose prompts this week, but specifically “just after the beach, figuring things out.“

He had known this was coming. It was his mind in another body that had devised it, after all. But it didn’t make it any easier to see the pain and confusion on Rose’s face as she stared at the spot in the sand where the TARDIS had been.

She understood the explanations left unsaid, he knew. He didn’t doubt her clever mind had worked out the Time Lord’s intentions. But her heart would need more time. More time for what, he wasn’t sure, but his inner Donna told him to be sensitive and the rest of him was all too eager to put off difficult conversations if it meant he could keep her holding on to his hand for dear life as she had been since the dematerlization sequence made the blue box pulse out of sight. Feeling lucky (the luckiest man in existence), he had slipped his palm against hers and entwined their fingers. He’d held his breath until she made a move in response. Would she pull away? Shout? Cry?

No, she stroked his thumb with her own and met his gaze.

The sun set rather quickly on their walk to the nearest village. They were only a few miles out, but it progressed in bursts of questions from Jackie, which he answered as best he could, and carefully worded questions from him about this universe and their time here that received short, nervous answers from Rose. The whole thing was so out of character for the three of them that it was almost comical, but none of them dared comment on it.

They reached a seaside bed and breakfast with a (fitting) nautical theme just as their stomachs began to rumble.

“I’ll check in,” Jackie offered when they reached the oak captain wheel that served as a reception desk. “You two go on.” She nodded to the dining area where the other guests were gathering for the evening meal.

Rose checked the Doctor’s face to see what he thought, but he just shrugged and said, “After you.”


The Little Princess

Summary: Tentoo finds his daughter in timeout for fighting when he comes to pick her up from the Torchwood afterschool care program. ;)

Notes: For @doctorroseprompts: Their kid gets into a fight at school. Also inspired by the 1995 movie “A Little Princess” since Tentoo calls his daughter “princess” in my fic and I thought it was about time I explain why.

“SHE IS TOO A PRINCESS!” Six-year-old Piper bellowed at her now former friend, Allen. Allen was a good year older than her, but the littlest Tyler woman didn’t find this daunting.

“No she isn’t!” Allen insisted. He whacked the ball out of Piper’s hands and away to the other side of the playground. “You think you’re so special because your grandad is Pete Tyler, but you’re not!”

“My mummy is a princess and I am a princess because my daddy told me so! And he’s the Doctor!”

Piper tried to hide her tears with her rage. She balled her small hands into fists at her side so the older boy wouldn’t see her wipe her eyes.


This month's prompt is 


 What are the Doctor and Rose like at a wedding? Ado they get married? Our is it just their friends that do? Maybe Jackie and Pete renew their vows- but with the Doctor in tow, will any wedding go smoothly?

We want your fic, headcanons, edits and meta! Just '@' us and tag your stuff with #onelifenet!


This month’s prompt is 


Where do the Doctor and Rose live? Do they buy a place or rent? Do they live in their TARDIS and occasionally stay at the Tyler Mansion? Does the Doctor still hate carpets and doors?

We want your headcanons, fic, edits and meta! Simply ‘@’ us and tag your stuff with ‘onelifenet’! And remember- you don’t have to be a network member to join in!


This month’s prompt is 


Where do the Doctor and Rose live? Do they buy a place or rent? Do they live in their TARDIS and occasionally stay at the Tyler Mansion? Does the Doctor still hate carpets and doors?

We want your headcanons, fic, edits and meta! Simply ‘@’ us and tag your stuff with ‘onelifenet’! And remember- you don’t have to be a network member to join in!


Rating: General Audience Relationships: Tenth Doctor (duplicate)/Rose Tyler Characters: Tenth Doctor (duplicate), Rose Tyler, Tony Tyler Additional Tags: Crack, Humor, What is this even?, Transformers - Freeform, Optimus Prime - Freeform, evil emporor zorgon, Princess Leia - Freeform, Bumblebee - Freeform, mr. potatohead, Fluff Series: Part 4 of Whoville’s Follower Milestone Celebration Summary:

The Doctor and Rose babysit Tony Tyler and play with Transformers. Crack.

Written for @ofstormsandwolves, winner of the Tentoo x Rose ficlet from my Follower Milestone Celebration. Prompt was, “Tentoo and Rose babysit Tony.”

“Doctor!” Red-headed Tony Tyler jumped into the Doctor’s arms.

The Doctor swooped Tony up and onto his shoulders. “What do you want to do today?”

“Play with toys! I brought Bumblebee, Mr. Potatohead, and a Bad Guy. We can play Transformers!”

“Sounds brilliant.”

“Your dad and me, we haven’t had a date in ages,“ Jackie told Rose. "Going to see a film – and one that’s not animated, thank heavens, and then down to the pub for a pint and a quiz. Shouldn’t be out too late.”

“Have fun, Mum. Don’t worry about the time. Tony can spend the night even.”

Jackie handed her daughter Tony’s Transformers-themed rucksack. “He brought his whole room with him, I think. And there’s a surprise in there from his Dad. Spoils him rotten, that man.”

“And you love it.” Rose hugged her mother. “Have fun!”


“It’s Ultimate Prime! It’s Ultimate Prime!” Tony exclaimed, tearing open the package to get to his new toy.

“It’s from Dad. Make sure you thank him, Tony,” Rose said.

“I will.” He grinned. “Doctor, let’s play Transformers!”



for @onelifenet‘s monthly prompt of ‘accommodation’, I figured I’d get all my headcanons/ideas down and then (uni work permitting) maybe do some short fics later. So:

  • I don’t really headcanon them having the TARDIS- I don’t really know why, but I think it’s because I’ve always had the impression that 10too would want to do the more ‘human’ thing of staying on Earth, but I’m not really sure.
  • I think they wouldn’t usually stay at Jackie’s and Pete’s unless it was a Vitex event, or they were there over Christmas or something, because even though the house is huge, I could see the Doctor and Rose wanting their own place.
  • I think Rose had her own small flat/apartment before finding the Doctor again, and it’s near Torchwood (possibly even owned by Torchwood), but after a little while she and the Doctor move out of there.
  • I do like the idea of them having their own Zeppelin and they spend most of their time travelling in that, so when they are home they either stay at Jackie’s and Pete’s, or maybe Jackie and Pete have moved to a new house and there’s a small cottage/barn conversion in the grounds that the Doctor and Rose use as their ‘home’.
  • I really like the idea of the Doctor and Rose living in an old converted building, so like, a converted warehouse or industrial building of some sort. That way, it’s quite big and open, which the Doctor would like, but it’s still a home.
  • Also I’ve got this insistent idea that they would probably stay in London (the only fic I’ve ever written where they didn’t was Organic Farming, and that was for obvious reasons), and while they don’t necessarily see Jackie and Pete and Tony every day/ week, they’re always nearby. The Tyler mansion is obviously a little way outside London/ on the edge of London, and I think the Doctor and Rose would prefer to be in the city, but it’s still not far for when they want to meet up with family.

This month’s prompt is 


Where do the Doctor and Rose live? Do they buy a place or rent? Do they live in their TARDIS and occasionally stay at the Tyler Mansion? Does the Doctor still hate carpets and doors?

We want your headcanons, fic, edits and meta! Simply ‘@’ us and tag your stuff with ‘onelifenet’! And remember- you don’t have to be a network member to join in!


This month's prompt is 


Where do the Doctor and Rose live? Do they buy a place or rent? Do they live in their TARDIS and occasionally stay at the Tyler Mansion? Does the Doctor still hate carpets and doors?

We want your headcanons, fic, edits and meta! Simply ‘@’ us and tag your stuff with ‘onelifenet’! And remember- you don’t have to be a network member to join in!


A Rose for My Rose

Read on ao3 Pairing: Tentoo x Rose Rating: Teen Summary: Tentoo gives Rose her Christmas gift, and there’s more to it than initially meets Rose’s eye.

Based on this little video here. It’s simply mesmerizing.

“Rose, I love my new ties. Thank you.” He ran the silky fabric through his fingers as he genuinely smiled at the red and blue patterns.

“Mum thought it was a bit silly. Ties are something you normally get for someone when you don’t know what to get them, but I knew you’d love these. Plus, if it’ll get you out of those ridiculous t-shirts back into a proper Oxford, bonus for me.” She winked.

“But I like my t-shirts. What’s wrong with my t-shirts?” he asked with all the look of being accused of a crime.

“I think they’re horrid. I much prefer the Oxford on you.”

He pouted, laying the ties in his lap.

She linked her arm through his. “I think the Oxfords compliment your physique much better than a t-shirt. Drives me mad when those shirt buttons strain against your rippling pectorals. I’d like to have a go at them with my teeth.”

“Well.” He sniffed, straining not to drop the pouting expression. “I suppose we can compromise.”

He wasn’t fooling Rose, though. She knew she’d get through to him eventually. She laughed and patted his arm.

“And now it’s time for your gift.” He reached for the bag next to him and handed it to her.

She removed the tissue paper and pulled out a small canister. “Evita Beauty Whip Soap,” she read. It was a simple container with an odd-looking top, flat and full of a number of curved slots. She furrowed her brows at him, asking for an explanation.

He grinned. “I saw this on that…Instagram app, and I could only think of you. Watch this.” He took the canister from her hands and pressed gently on the tabs on both sides of the top.

To her surprise, the foam rose up from the flat surface in the shape of a…rose. “A rose! It makes a rose!” Her face lit up. She swiped the rose off the top of the canister and held it in her palm. “Oh, it’s gorgeous! And it smells gorgeous, too.” She closed her eyes and took in the scent of roses. She rubbed the soap in her palm. “It feels so soft!”

“So you like it, then? A rose for my Rose.”

“Doctor, this is beautiful. Thank you.” She smiled. “Let me go try this out right now.” She left to wash her face in their en suite.

He tossed the canister in the air and caught it, hopping off the couch to follow her. He poked his head in the door to watch her. “I’m glad you like it. I, erm, kind of went overboard and bought a lot.”

She stopped rinsing her face and looked at him in the mirror. “How much?”

He opened the closet door.

She saw all of the shelves lined with them, and a few canisters fell off the top shelf to the floor. She froze for a moment and took in his sheepish expression.

She laughed at him, doubled over and she took a few steps to the side, unable to contain herself. “Oh, you daft alien!” she said when she finally calmed down. She approached him and cupped both sides of his face. “I love you.”

He smiled so tenderly at her and wrapped his arms around her waist. “I want nothing more than to make you happy.”

“You do.”

“Even in a t-shirt?”

She rolled her eyes and slid her hands down his chest. “Yes, even in a t-shirt. You’re still not getting out of the Oxford agreement, though.”

“Do I have to?” he whined.

“Yes, because I like you in a shirt and tie.” She rose up on her toes to murmur in his ear, “Just think of all the things we could do with a tie when I take it off of you.” She pulled away. “It would make me so happy,” she said with a wicked, lust-filled twinkle in her eye.

He immediately left the en suite.

Rose poked her head out the door to find him fishing in their closet. He pulled out an Oxford and left for the living room. “Where are you going?” she asked.

“To make you happy,” he called.

She grinned.

He made her very happy indeed.


Deep in the Heart: Ch. 1

Summary: In this ‘verse, Tentoo takes Rose to different places where they can play out their fantasies. In this story, they get intimate the under the stars on Texas (the planet).

Notes: This is part 1 of the “Mailbox” 'verse – basically a collection (or box of chocolates, or kinko bouquet) of prompt fulfills for the sweeties at @dwsmutfest. For my kinko card: semi-public, not (sort-of) bed sex, and (slightly) telepathic sex. Also for the @onelifenet monthly prompt “travels”!

Chapter 1: Allons-y

It was their anniversary weekend, but the Doctor had insisted on making all the plans.

The first sign that something suspicious was going on was the mailbox. A miniature Royal Mail red metal mailbox sat on Rose Tyler’s kitchen counter and she didn’t know quite what to make of it. She hummed in happiness, however, when she saw the envelope next to her morning tea. A key fell out into her palm, accompanied by a note from her husband.

Day one. Open the mailbox for your first clue as to today’s destination.

They had agreed to take this week off from Torchwood as vacation, which she knew, of course, meant plenty of trips in the TARDIS. But this seemed different, somehow. A foggy memory of last weekend played in her head. Alcohol. Lots of it. Whispers in the dark. Dirty pillow talk because they were too sloshed for anything else except sloppy kisses. Damn him and his Time Lord memory. What had she said that night? Something about loving him in jeans. There was late night TV, a classic movies channel. Had they been watching a Western?

Her caffeinated tea took effect and she yawned in further awakening. She opened the mailbox with her little key and found… a plastic toy horse? An acoustic guitar magnet. A postcard from Tyler, Texas, with a yellow rose (very clever, Doctor, she sent in the telepathic equivalent of a text message). Another note was written on the postcard:


A Thundering Herd of Rhinoviruses

For @legendslikestardust Tentoosday prompt “rhinovirus”.

Rose’s ears were assaulted by two simultaneous sounds: her mother’s ringtone and the Doctor sneezing repeatedly.  “Mum…hi…..” She was interrupted by another string of sneezes.

“Well, Tony’s sick,” Jackie stated flatly.

“I think the Doctor is, too,” Rose sighed.

“Serves him right, dragging Tony out in the snow an’ lettin’ him catch a chill!” Jackie groused.

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