
a resting place for your thoughts

@muse-oleum / muse-oleum.tumblr.com

Muse, 25, french frog 🧚🏻 Multifandom 🧚🏻

guy who is fun-ruiningly pedantic about the differences between a labyrinth and a maze

in my defence, it IS actually a pretty fun difference

labyrinth: never give up! you can do it! just keep pushing!

maze: you are FUCKED. good luck navigating my tangled paths shithead.


the bond between mutuals who only share one or two fandoms is stronger than an entire fandom combined… I do not know what you are blogging about but you are right, pip-pip and bing-bong are homosexuals who crave blood and understanding and I will heart that in support


Do you ever feel absent but like from your own life????? Like it feels like every day is here, and you’re fucking missing it.


I'm going to indulge in a little PSA

It's bee swarming season! So this is my friendly reminder to, if you find yourself with a swarm, please do not call an exterminator. Bees are not pests. There's bound to be some sort of beekeeping association in your area, and there will almost certainly be a beekeeper with room for more bees who will come and scoop up your swarm for free and give them a little bee house. Where I live the fire station keeps a list of beekeepers for this exact situation so people call them.

Also a general background on swarming: swarming is a normal part of bee reproduction. In spring the population of a healthy colony will expand rapidly, and they soon run out of space in their nest. So they will raise new queens and the colony will split, with half of them accompanying the old queen to a new location some distance away. Scouts will spend a day or two looking for a good place to nest while the swarm balls up somewhere waiting for a decision. Swarming bees are surprisingly unaggressive and can basically be scooped into a box.

(Beekeepers do generally try to have some control over this reproductive process. Loose swarms don't have great survival rates, and also that's half your colony gone with the wind. If they want the colony to split, they tend to pre-empt them and just move the half of the colony with the old queen into a new hive while they're still raising the new ones. They can also sell half a colony to another beekeeper. If they'd rather they did not split, they'll keep giving them more space in the hive to expand into. A beekeeper can lose control of the situation though- imagine you had weeks of late rain/cold, preventing you from opening the hive to do any of that, and then the weather breaks and your bees, who have been going stir-crazy that whole time, are gone before you got your boots on. It can happen. There are some beekeepers who do clip the queen's wings so she can't swarm, which sounds very tricky to do tbh and not common practice for amateurs.)

Anyway: if you see a swarm, don't call an exterminator, find a beekeeper!

Stefan “They are people, Damon. She’s not a puppet. She doesn’t exist for your amusement for you to feed on whenever you want”
Damon “Sure she does. They all do. They’re whatever i want them to be. They’re mine for the taking. I’ll do with your little cheerleader whatever i want to do”

I don’t know why people fangirl over Damon since “hello brother”


….and what happened once Damon finally had Elena under his control, he treated her like a puppet. He did exactly what he said he would do, and destroyed any semblance of who Elena Gilbert was and used to be. 


New discourse: it's actually predatory to date someone with a different star sign than you, because the differences in your personalities means you'll never be able to have exactly the same life experiences, thus leaving a knowledge and power gap between the two of you which will inevitably lead to an abusive relationship!

also if you're a Sag and you're dating a Taurus, that means you're secretly seeking a May-December relationship, which is age gap coded!

Also, humanoid signs like Aquarius, Gemini, and Virgo absolutely cannot date animal signs. That is interspecies erotica coded fucko and animals CANNOT CONSENT.


Aries, Capricorn and Taurus dating each other make me sick, they're all bovidae it's so obviously incest I-- 🤢


did anyone ever tell kol or freya or hope the story of how klaus found out rebekah/marcel betrayed him, he lost his shit, and chased rebekah around a graveyard trying to murder her?

or is that just common knowledge in the family


klaus “standing on a grave waving a pointy stick around like an unhinged goblin” mikaelson is probably the way it went

what about that one time when he cursed hope’s mother and her then-husband to run around howling at the moon except for one night a month when they got to walk around butt-naked in the bayou

cuz that would be fun to explain


imagine being elijah mikaelson like. you have a father who cannot emit warmth. you have a mother who looks the other way. you have a baby brother who you know is different in the way he is sensitive and wondrous and too kind for a boy. he is punished for that kindness. sometimes you protect him and sometimes you watch, it will be you on the other end of your father’s fist otherwise. you have a baby sister just as soft handed as your brother, until she’s trying to slit your father’s throat in his sleep. and you say you’re horrified by this but really you’re horrified you did not do it for her, do it sooner. you’re a big brother, you have a job, you have not done that job, you will never succeed in completing that job. you’re grown up and your youngest sibling dies and the brother you watched paint flowers, hands stained red from crushed berries, is now covered in blood and crying apologies. you’re a big brother and you did not protect the youngest, and you did not protect your brother from his guilt and grief, and you cannot protect him, any of them, from what comes next. your father and the sword you only ever felt the blunt end of in training tears through flesh like it’s butter. your home is a graveyard. they wake up, and your home is the underworld. you all come back as something you can’t recognize. something so horrid there isn’t even a name for it. your brother is different, and this difference cannot coexist with your father. you’re a big brother and you help hold your baby brother down as he screams like you’ve never heard before, like something not human. you will hear that sound in your mind for the rest of your life. you will see his eyes, sky blue, glossed over, a look that begs and thinks help will arrive. you look away. you will see those eyes harden, dull, wither for the rest of your life, never as bright as they were before. you will attach yourself to him as he gets worse, as he looks more and more like the father he shouldn’t, as he turns into everything he feared and hated. you know this is something you could have prevented, if you loved your father a little less, if you held on to your protectiveness and anger a little more. you will find yourself guilty and sentence yourself to life, then death, because you had one job as a big brother.


how to grow the fuck up

Imma need this eventually cause they don’t teach you jack squat in school

Ima schedule to reblog this when I’m 16.

Ima need this eventually

reblogging so i have it for when i leave school in a year yessir

reblogging so i

have it for when i leave school

in a year yessir

Beep boop! I look for accidental haiku posts. Sometimes I mess up.

will need this in future

I might even need some of these now


dont forget


Elena Gilbert & Elijah Mikaelson in American Gothic Start by looking at the town morgue. She’s probably dead. She went to meet up with a friend of mine, you may know him. An Original brother, impeccable taste?…. It probably took him about 10 seconds to realise she wasn’t me, at which point he probably yanked her heart right out of her chest.

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