
I desire dragons with a profound desire

@simuran / simuran.tumblr.com

I like LOTR, The Witcher, Leverage, Marvel Loki, and escapism in general. Learning new languages is also fun, so feel free to correct my English if you see any mistakes! I use the same user name on AO3. The icon is made by @the-maidofmischief, the art is made by @snowysaur

Чхан Сон не находит знакомых лиц в Нью-Йорке — да и с чего бы там быть мертвецам? И все-таки он отчего-то ждал их. Это чувство ожидания остается с ним до самой смерти и даже после. - Мне не понравилась последняя сцена финала, без объяснений рушащая все правила загробной жизни и перерождений, так что я решила написать свой собственный вариант встречи Чхан Сона и Ман Воль когда-то много лет спустя :D


nothing more embarassing than when you develop personal beef with a piece of media thats entirely petty. like sorry no i cant talk about that show it. bit me.

this is by far the most fun Ive ever had reading tags on a post that blew up


Sometimes I wonder how people survive without obsessively thinking about fictional realities. Could not be me. Thinking only Real Life stuff for a whole day???? I would be dead.


Dog toy plushies have fundamentally different souls than that of regular plushies. Unlike regular plushies, which are content with just existing (and just go to regular heaven when they get destroyed and don’t mind being resurrected), dog toys seek Valhalla. This is why you don’t need to feel bad when your dog/cat/especially strong bird rips it to shreds, because this was the warriors death they were seeking all their life


scrubbed the bathroom floor this morning. this sense of virtue and industry will last me easily into next week.


some of you would thrive in a monastery


hard to believe there are actually people out there who think that big noses are ugly and unattractive … like what the fuck is wrong with you ?

I need you specifically to kill yourself. choose a slow and painful method also



literally how can anyone not find these women the hottest people ALIVE


sobbing and crying at the woman who stole a meth addicted kitten from her dealer and then she and the kitten got clean together

thats love baby!!


Also on entirely non-fun news. A Finnish politician (Timo Vornanen, 54 years old) started a shooting incident in Helsinki, Finland last week.

  • He's from the True Finns (Perussuomalaiset, PS) party who are known for their conservative and anti-immigration politics.
  • His day job? He's a cop. A police officer.
  • On the day of the incident, Vornanen left the parliament building and went to a nearby restaurant/bar, where the incident then started later that night.
  • The incident started when Vornanen got into an argument with another man while drunk. The incident seemed to calm down, but once Vornanen left the restaurant, he pulled out a gun and shot onto the ground.
  • The argument? Vornanen was trying to hit on two women, aged 18 and 19.
  • Vornanen is fifty fucking four years old.
  • No one got injured, thankfully.
  • Prime minister Orpo and True Finns party leader have commented on this incident by (checks notes) a text message. For reference, when the video of Sanna Marin dancing at a house party leaked, Marin had to give a whole fucking press conference about the video and to apologize for having a life outside her work.
  • Speaking of Marin, Vornanen commented the whole jauhojengi debate that [politicians] "should behave as [her] position demands". And yet here he is, behaving the complete opposite of what his position demands.
  • Vornanen was arrested for the incident, but he's been released since. He has also been given two weeks sick leave. And he still gets paid during those two weeks.
  • The restaurant that was the scene of this incident is only a couple streets away from the parliament building.
  • Keep in mind that Finland has pretty strict gun laws. Why did he have a gun in a bar? Why does he have a gun, period? The gun he used during the incident isn't his service gun because he has most likely returned his service gun to the police. Did he have the gun while he was in the parliament??
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