
what the snart

@linguinis-mansion / linguinis-mansion.tumblr.com

one joker turns into ten jokers

“grandma” crafts ranked by how afraid of them i am, from least to most

  • knitting – i watched a woman painstakingly knit her own wedding dress on instagram. the only reason i am not viscerally terrified of knitting is that i can knit and have therefore accepted the horror into my heart, 4/10 for effort
  • crochet – THERE IS ONLY ONE HOOK. HOW. HOW DO YOU DO THAT. but again, i can single chain enough to seam my knitting, so we’re relatively cool 6/10
  • embroidery – it’s so little and so detailed???? literally you do that with a tiny needle and it looks like it could walk off the fabric. you’re a witch i don’t make the rules. i mean, we’re all witches, but you especially 9/10
  • spinning/weaving – literally you are making something out of primordial fluff. this by definition makes you a god, i’m pretty sure. y’all are incredible and i am in awe 10/10
  • tatting or handmaking lace by other methods that aren’t knitting or crocheting – part of me is also always going to be convinced you’re a spider god but in a cool way. definitely the most intricate products, and the fact that i can’t parse how they come into being is why i fear and respect you. 11/10 you incredible terrors

anyways (I say this as someone who is deeply critical of the united states government, military, unchecked capitalism, police, etc) I am SICK of people treating america as if it has no cultural value or positives so….. I love u 85 million acres (bigger than italy) of national parks. I love u harlem renaissance. I love u groundhogs day. I love u sweet tea and fried chicken and jambalaya. I love u apple cider donuts and maizes on crisp autumn days. I love u 95k miles of coastlines and new england fisherman and hand knitted sweaters. I love u halloween where millions of people dress up and give candy to strangers and carve jack o’lanterns. I love u small talk and small towns and potlucks and bringing over casseroles to your struggling neighbors. I love u cowboys and ranch hands and arizonian cactus. I love u appalachian trail and dirtbikes and divebars. I love u sparklers and fireflies. I love u mark twain and toni morrison and emily dickinson and henry david thoreau. I love u rock n roll i love u bluegrass and hippies i love u jimi hendrix and nirvana and CCR and janis joplin. I love u victorian houses and jonny appleseed and john henry and mothman and bigfoot. I love u foggy days in the pacific northwest and neon signs and roadside attractions. I love u baseball and 1950s diners and soft serve. I love u native american art and pop art and poptarts. I love u blue jeans and barbecues and jazz musicians 


I do love how FMA acknowledges that Ed is intentionally the opposite of a self-insert male power fantasy character like a lot of anime main characters are.

Like any time he threatens to get too cool the story completely guts it so fast and reminds us that he's a bratty little shit idiot bastard, literally so much of a dumbass jerk that his brother is aggressively offended that someone thought they might be alike.

Favorite example tho is them having Hohenheim IMMEDIATELY call Ed out for burning down their house like "you didn't do it bcs you're a badass who won't look back you did it cuz you're a dumbass kid who's running from his mistakes" like truly I'll never be over how this story starts to set Ed up to be so cool you can't even relate to him only to make you NOT WANT to relate to him bcs he's The Worst 90% of the time and nearly everyone hates him like 10/10 we love to see it

would like to clarify that I’m not kidding about unironically loving this, Ed is a fantastic character, I adore him, and more fictional teenagers should be allowed to be angry fucked up losers with hearts of gold especially in anime

like FMA shines specifically because it lets it’s characters truly be FLAWED!! the entire story is about how no one is perfect, everyone is fundamentally flawed and yet humanity is still worth fighting for because no matter how far we may fall, no matter how flawed we are, no matter how much harm we do, how much evil exists in the world, we are capable of just as much good and kindness and selfless, reckless love and we can always, ALWAYS, choose to be better

Ed spends the entire show trying to act older than he is and be cool and powerful and hide his mistakes and the show knocks him down every time, over and over, until he at last accepts that he is nothing more or less than a human and that it’s always been enough

god FMA is fucking incredible

I love it how at the end he tries one last time to be Cool Anime Hero with the whole "I'll give you half my life if you give me half" to Winry and she's just like "shut up you fucking idiot, that's not how it works, we give each other all of our lives because we love each other, we share our lives and the time we have, you shitty brat, you complete fucking imbecile"


 “hi welcome to mcdonalds what can i get for you?”

“yeah can i get a deluxe quarter pounder with cheese?”

“absolutely, do you want the meal or just the sandwich?’

“uuuuuh hold on”

*fishes something out of my pocket*

“mikey what do i do?”


“get the fries. youll need the energy in the coming days”

*stuffs it back in my pocket*

“uhh yes please  the meal would be great”


Now that it’s back it’s hard to remember a time where they sued to get the post taken down


Glow stick story

Ok so one year when I was a kid I was visiting my dad for the 4th of July and we got these giant glow sticks that glow super bright and I thought it was the coolest thing in the world. Naturally as the night progressed they started to fade. Everyone tossed theirs but I kept bending and twisting mine to make it glow longer, and that worked for a bit until didn't. So then I had the genius idea of biting it instead and that worked even better! So I was biting and chewing this thing for like 45 minutes straight while we were all in our beds supposed to be sleeping and everything was fine until it completely exploded, and it wasn't like a small puncture hole or anything like that, like the whole thing fucking EXPLODED. I ended up yelling so loud my dad ran in to see what was wrong and before he turned on the lights all he saw was this dumbass glow-in-the-dark child lmao. So I told him what happened and I cleaned myself up in the bathroom but there was still glow stick juice stained to my skin so throughout the entire night I was lookin like this:

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