

@kidgetober / kidgetober.tumblr.com

The official page for the Kidge Halloween Event!

Meteor Shower - Kidgetober 2022

It wasn’t everyday that the stars could be seen from her rooftop in the middle of the city. But meteor showers like this didn’t happen everyday…they didn’t even happen every century. 

Pidge took in a deep breath as she stared up at a sky (mostly) unpolluted by human light. It reminded her of being at the observatory to the south of town out in the desert. Until the smells of the city hit her nose. She shook her head, trying to bring back the illusion of being elsewhere but it was hard when Lance was on a table counting down to have Hunk kill the rest of the lights. She loved her roommates. She really did. But sometimes they were a bit…much. 

With a shout and the sound of stumbling off the table, followed by laughter, the lights finally died and her eyes adjusted to the sight of tiny pinpricks of light starting to show themselves on the quickly dimming horizon. 

She smiled, hugging herself against the uncustomary chill of the early September night. Something warm and soft landed on her shoulders and she spun around on the utility box she was standing on, coming face to face with a lopsided grin and dark eyes. 

She pulled the flannel closer around her shoulders and did her damnedest to not fall forward into him.

“What are you doing, Kogane?” She whispered, going to her toes, trying to see if anyone else was paying attention. 

“Making sure you don’t freeze, Holt.” 

“Go!” She pushed at his shoulder, unable to hide the smile on her face, “Before someone like Lance sees us!”

“Would it really be so bad?” He lifted an eyebrow at her, reaching a hand down low to grab the hand hanging by her side. 

“Yes.” She tried to be firm but she couldn’t let go of his hand. It was so warm. “ Yes it would. I am not ready for…all of that.” She nodded to where Shiro and Allura were fending off a group of fellow students asking about their recent engagement. 

“You make a good point.” He sighed, squeezing her hand, “Later?” 

“Later.” She agreed and he took his hand away, stepping back into the dark of the rooftop entryway. 

She bounced on her toes and turned away, slipping her arms into the too big shirt to try and make it look like just another article of clothing she’d stolen along the way. Except this shirt smelled like him and it was going to drive her crazy all night. And knowing him, he knew that. 


They passed the night as siblings to best friends and classmates. Just like they’d been doing for the last couple of years. Nothing out of the usual. Nothing new. 

Except the more time passed, the more she noticed him, noticing her and it was beginning to be hard to ignore it. 

And not to play into it. 

The alcohol wasn’t helping.

Someone on a rooftop nearby started to sing along with one of Allura’s favorite songs and in her drunken stupor, she joined in, pulling Pidge and anyone else at arms length up onto an unused planter box. 

She was forced to dance at first but when Allura left her to dance with Shiro she found herself unable to stop. She glanced across the low-lit fire and saw Keith watching her over the rim of a glass. 

She twirled, letting the shirt she’d ‘borrowed’ flutter around her, laughing as she felt her worries let go. And unfortunately, her footing too. 

She took Lance and Shiro down with her, falling back onto the couch. Admit the roaring laughter and the ‘are you okay’s, Pidge felt a hand reach out and pull her to her feet.

“Nice one, Holt.” 

“Meh.” She shrugged, too giddy to trust herself in that elevated moment. 

Keith glanced behind her at the pile of people trying to untangle Shiro from a blanket and took his chance.

“Come on…,” He pulled her away, grabbing a free blanket off the side of another chair and disappearing them both into the shadow of the building and onto the nearest fire escape. 

They watched the stars fall in the comfort of each other. Away from the chaos that was their everyday lives. And eventually they stopped watching all together. If the night got any colder, neither of them noticed. 

“Dancing on the rooftop, stars surround me

City never felt so small

It's late my baby won't stop staring at me

Sipping on his alcohol

Move a little closer, hands around me

Crashing like a cannonball

Crashing like a cannonball…”

Inspired by the song - Cannonball by Emily James


Kidgetober 2022 - Fairy, Spellbook, Poison and Dragon

Shoutout to @luceciel for this adorable suggestion a while back! Sorry it took so long to get to it! Hope you like it!!

“Welcome to the Poison Dragon, have you seen our new spellbook?” 

She repeated the phrase without looking away from the table where a group of guys had started a game of Monsters & Mana. She sighed. She wished she was playing Monsters & Mana. 

She absently put the bright, red menu on the counter top and glanced at her watch. Just a couple more hours. God, how did time move so slow here!

She barely registered the click of the dog’s toenails on the counter before a big, wet nose was snuffling under her arm. 

“Hey!” She huffed at first, stumbling to the side a little at the giant dog’s persistence. Her hand went to the top of the animal’s giant, dark head and she smiled when it turned its head to the side, its ears flopping with the loll of its tongue as it appraised her with big, golden eyes. 

“Sorry.” It wasn’t until he spoke did she register the human behind the animal. 

He manhandled the ginormous dog off the counter and quietly squatted to chide him for his poor manners. 


Horseback Riding - Kidgetober 2022

“Ow…,” Pidge shuffled a few steps further and grimaced.

She just had to go out hiking on her own.

She just had to see the view from that stupid outcropping.

She just had to be dumb and fall. 

Now here she was, hobbling her way down a trail on a badly twisted ankle and hoping she didn’t stumble into a rattlesnake or cactus patch or scorpion or…

She gave her throbbing ankle a moment to rest, pulling out the cracked phone from her back pocket. She poked at the dead screen in vain, hoping that maybe if she just left it alone maybe it’d come back on long enough for her to call for help. 

Nothing happened. She knew it wouldn’t.

She sighed, looking up to the darkening sky and cursing herself again. 

She was seriously going to yell at Lance when she made it back. He’d said this trail was easy. A nice day hike. Fucking liar. She should have known better then to trust –

A crashing sound echoed off the nearby rock walls and something thrashed in the growing shadows just beyond her vision. 

What the fuck lived in the desert that was big enough to make that noise?!

She crouched behind the nearest boulder, ignoring the pain it caused, and waited, holding her breath.

The thrashing sounds got closer until a monstrous form, with a tangle of brush wrapped around its head, pulled from the shadows, snorting breath hot enough to be seen as steam.

A cow? 

It was a cow…

A very big cow. Okay, maybe the proper term would be bull. 

She gingerly stood up from her spot behind the boulder, thankful she wasn’t wearing any red, and watched as the bull continued to flail, trying to get the dried brush off of its head. 

“It’s just scared…” she wondered out loud, tilting her head. 

The bull locked eyes with her and snorted, stamping its foot on the ground. 

Thudding on the hard ground in the direction the bull had come, made her crouch again, pain shooting up her leg. 

Two figures on horseback flew into view, half obscured by the shadows of the rock wall and quickly fading light. She heard the crack of rope and the bull started to be more frantic, pulling at something now wrapped around one of the long horns.

 A lasso. 

These were cowboys. 

What century had she stumbled into?! 

One of the men called out to the bull in a soothing voice, his horse barring down to hold the rope tight while the other man jumped from his horse and quickly untangled the mess of brambles. 

He ran back to his horse as soon as the branches were gone but the bull had already calmed. Or worn itself out. She wasn’t sure.

“What stopped him?” The larger of the man moved his horse forward, getting the bull turned around in the direction they’d come.

“I don’t know.” The other man panted, turning in her direction. “Oh.” 

They blinked at each other for a moment, both equally surprised to see the other. 

“Hi…,” Pidge waved a hand, moving to step around the boulder only to stumble instead. 

“You okay?” Before she realized what had happened, the younger man had jumped from the horse and was kneeling beside her. 

She had to be delirious. 

How else could she rationally explain looking up to a sky darkened by a dark hat, dark concerned eyes and a rugged handsome face? 

“Uh…yea? I mean — no! I, um, hurt my ankle and I kinda fell on my phone…” she reached into her pocket and pulled out the useless device. 

The man’s face moved from concerned to amused.

He let out a laugh and extended a hand. 

“I’m Keith,” he gave her a lopsided grin that had her shaky on her feet for all the wrong reasons. “That’s my brother, Shiro.” He pointed over his shoulder at the other man who waved. “And that,” he pointed at the now contained beast, “is Lotor.”

“Nice to meet you, I guess?” She squeaked, hobbling along next to him as he made his way back to his horse. 

“Need a ride? It’s the least we could do for helping us stop this asshole.” Shiro tipped his hat at her and she really really wanted to ask what decade it was. There was no way this was real.

“Maybe a lift to a hospital?” Keith jutted his chin at her ankle and she winced, trying to act tougher then she was actually feeling. 

“If you could just get me to the trailhead, I can manage from there.” Shiro shook his head and let out a low whistle.

“Sorry, ma’am. The rangers close that road at night. I think we’re your only option out tonight.”

“Ma’am? Oh shit! I’m Pidge.” 

“Pidge? Like a bird?” Keith skewed his face and she wanted to say something snarky but it was far too innocent for that.

“Katie. My real name’s Katie. Pidge is a family nickname. Brother’s fault.” Keith laughed again, adjusting something on his horse’s saddle. 

“Brothers…” he shook his head and Shiro tisked him. 

“We need to get this guy and Ms. Katie back to town. Can you ride?” 

Ride? She couldn’t even walk!

“Well, I’ve never been on a horse before…,” she shuffled towards the blue-toned animal in front of her and reached out a hesitant hand when he stuck his nose out. “But I like dogs. And I know horse just means big dog. So…that’s something right?” She looked up at Keith skeptically but found only nodding approval. 

“You’re not wrong.” He patted the horse’s neck and smiled, “Cosmo is really easy. Don’t worry. I will have to ask though, is it okay if I ride with you? It’ll go faster if I can steer.”


It was an awkward few minutes of trying to get onto Cosmo’s back and Keith being way too polite with where his hands were going while helping but they managed. By the time they reached the main road, the sun had set and the stars were out. 

Out of nervous habit, Pidge started to point out different constellations and planets and to her amazement Keith was actually interested. He even knew a few himself! It made the slow ride to the ranger station much more bearable.

The rangers let Pidge call her brother to come and get her and after reassuring Keith for the hundredth time that she’d be perfectly fine in the well lit, warm ranger station, he finally relented. 

“Fine. I’ll go. But here…” he swiped a memo pad from the other side of an unused desk, jotting down a number. “This is my cell. Call if you have any problems.” 

It had been a long day. A long, interesting day. And she was starting to get a little loopy which made her bolder than she usually would be.

“Are you giving me your number, cowboy?” She laughed as Keith’s face went red. “Give me your phone.” She swiped it from his hand before he could say anything. “I know my phone’s broken right now but I’ll probably have it fixed by tomorrow so if you want, you can call me. You know…if you need someone to help with your cow problems.”

He bowed his head, smiling as he hit the phone into the palm of his hand.

“Sounds like a date.” He took a few steps backwards before tipping his hat and walking back out the door.

Matt didn’t believe her. Neither did Lance or Hunk. Not even Allura believed what she’d said had happened that day. Not until she got a call one day and a man with a dark hat on a tall horse showed up on campus looking for her.


October 12: Poison

Keith needed to lie better. He was only here because his mom got sick and asked for him to fill in for her. That in itself was weird but he heard that it was some kind of bug that was going around the Blades. It was the only reason he was here. There was literally no one else available. And of course, he had no real plans according to his mom. Apparently, training and sleeping did not count as ‘plans’. Add in that he had a space dog that could get him to say location quickly... nail in the coffin.

That’s how he got here, sitting alone at a table in the grand ballroom. Dressed in his fancy uniform and hair neatly tied back. Bored out of his damn mind. Sighing he tuned out the noise around him, the music, and the endless chatter. He was busy tapping his fingers when another waiter stopped by offering chocolateS. They kept coming by so he finally grabbed one. “Thanks.” He nodded at the guy who was just staring at him. He finally arched a brow and the waiter left.

Finally, the guy left so he dropped it onto his plate. It was irritating how they kept pushing the sweets. He didn’t even like them but they kept offering them to him since he arrived. He had been hiding them in his pockets and he eventually dumped them in the pond yesterday. But today, he had them on his bed, desk, and strangely enough in the bathroom. He thought it was weird, so he flushed them. He didn’t like the texture of the chocolate and he felt uncomfortable saying he didn’t like it or asking to stop. So he just hid them.

He felt a little like a fraud but what was he gonna do? If he left them around, Cosmo would eat them so had to get rid of them. Cosmo ate everything but he had heard that dogs cannot eat chocolate so he did not want to take any risks. But it was getting annoying. And now, they must think he liked them or maybe they were really popular on this planet. Like a delicacy.

He heard a voice, Shiro? Turning back to the table, there he was! Shiro was grinning at him. “Look who finally made it to the big boys' table!”

Laughing he fist-bumped him only to hear, “No, no, he didn’t mean you, he meant me!”

Lance plopped in the chair next to him, playfully hitting his knee. Keith laughed, “What are you guys doing here? No one said you would be here!”

Lance grinned, “Yeah, well, a certain commander said you were in the neighborhood, so here we are.”

Keith finally felt himself relax. This was suddenly doable. He hadn’t seen everyone in ages. He opened his mouth to inquire about the rest of the team when suddenly a waitress was bowing, offering him another candy. “Oh no, I already…” He looked down, what the hell? Where was the candy? He had one on his plate.

Frowning he felt a weight on his side. And a small voice sweetly stated, “Yes, thank you! He loves them!! Please bring him another. Thanks!”

Keith huffed a laugh, and whispered, “Oh really, I love them? I think a certain little paladin likes them!”

Pidge laughed, “Guilty!”

The waitress holds out a tray and he grabs one, “Thanks.” He waits until she leaves before offering it to Pidge who promptly pops it in her mouth. He found himself staring. At her mouth. Which was way more shiny and plump than he remembered. He watched as she moaned and he felt his pants tighten. Then her tongue swiped and his breath got caught in his throat resulting in him coughing. He had to look away before he embarrassed himself anymore.

The night passes quickly. Before long, Hunk and Shay arrived. With all of them at the table, he was able to relax and dinner was actually fun. He caught up with everyone and there was a lot of laughter and joking. Then the after-dinner speeches were made which was so much more fun with Pidge’s sarcastic comments when the music finally started. Dancing. He felt himself glance at Pidge. She looked amazing. She was in a dress, that seemed to flutter at her every movement, catching his eye more than not. He wanted to ask her to dance but he was nervous.

Deciding to head to the bar for some liquid courage, he ordered a round for the table and waited for the bartender to finish. As he waited, Pidge walked up and said she was here to help so he didn’t embarrass by spilling. While standing he couldn’t help but notice that she was a few inches taller than usual. He inquired and she replied that she was wearing shoes that were called wedges, which were apparently comfortable. He wondered why that mattered to him but he found that her legs looked longer and he had to forcibly turn away before he did something that he couldn’t take back. Pushing his hands into his pocket, he forcibly stopped himself from reaching for her.

The night continued and drinks were flowing. While it was hard for Keith to get drunk on the usual earth drinks, he made sure to limit himself because he was the ambassador for the Blades, something Lance certainly was not doing. Keith wasn’t sure how he got louder than his usual self but he did. As the night got on, everyone was much more relaxed, and he found himself finally able to ask Pidge to dance. Gazing down at her felt his heart beat faster and he imperceptibly moved her closer through a turn. He contemplated his feeling for the young lady before him. He knows that their people are interested in dating him but he never could commit to it. But gazing down at her, he couldn’t help but think, he’d move mountains for her.

Much later…

Keith and Shiro we alone at the table when he caught some whispers. As they pieced together the words, his heart froze. His gaze met Shiro’s concerned one. Fuck!

Without thought, he had moved, his blade held against the waiter's throat. “Poison! You bastards, I’ll kill you all before I let you hurt her.”

The room was silent and guards surrounded him and his target. Tightening his grip, he roared, “Tell me, what was in those goddamn chocolates? I want the antidote-NOW.” Keith was trying to control the red haze that was threatening to overcome him. He wanted to kill. He needed to protect her! But he knew he needed to control these emotions to be sure that he got the antidote.

He felt Shiro was at his back, ready to defend. Hoping to avert a tragedy. There was no way anyone was hurting her. Keith continues, growling out the words, “Tell me now, or your death will start the end of your world. I’ll burn this whole planet down without a thought if –“

“Keith! Don’t say anymore.”

“No!! I don’t give a fuck!” Turning his gaze back to the frightened servant, “Speak or die, now. Choose.”

Guards surrounding Shiro and Keith pointed their weapons at them, which Keith paid absolutely no mind to. Suddenly they part to reveal the King. “Stand down cub. The poison is debilitating to Galra but does not have the same effects on humans. Your woman is safe. No one is going to die.” He held his hands up placatingly and tried to calm him down.

Keith tightened his grip on the waiter, replying, “I’m going to need some hard proof. Pardon me if I don’t believe you.”

Shiro interjected, “Excuse me, your majesty. Poison does not impart any good feelings on our part. Nor does it mean that we are inclined to work with you. Especially with our Galra friends being sick. So, just know that Earth stands with the Blades.”

At this point, Lance, Hunk, and Pidge come back and see them surrounded by guards, and rushes to their friends' sides. Keith doesn’t drop the servant, instead turning concernedly to Pidge, “Katie!” He looks her over and says concerningly, “Are you okay, feeling well? The chocolates were poison. And you ate so many! I’m sorry!”

Feeling overwhelmed, he pushes the guard away and reaches for her. Pulling her close he looks into her eyes, touching her forehead, and finally using his fingers to trace her face. He pulls her close, wrapping an arm around her.

The King replies, “Paladins, we do not want war. I need to ask your forgiveness. We simply wanted an advantage. It’s not, uh, what you would call poison. No death! But more of a relaxant, with some negative side effects. It can, however, lower one’s guard and it seems, to make Galra sick. We had hoped, if you ate it, with your human and Galra genes, it would work best. I am sorry.”

The kind dropped to his knee and bowed. “Forgive an old man who simply wanted every advantage for his people.”

Keith growled, “No f-“

Pidge grabs Keith’s hand, exclaiming loudly, “Okay! But you will have to give up more in the negotiations. Any hope you had of coming out ahead is now irrecoverable.”

Keith froze. He allowed the team to negotiate and create guidelines. He was in no shape to speak rationally. At the end of the night, Lance laughed, “Keith, you played that off well! I thought you were actually going to kill someone…or everyone!”

Keith nodded but didn’t reply. He didn’t know how to say, he wasn’t playing anything off. He would have killed them all, without a second's hesitation. If, if… something happened to Katie. He wouldn’t even feel guilty. Maybe he should save that tidbit for later. He felt her hand brush him, gripping it tightly and he figured, maybe a trip to Earth was in store.

October 13: Masquerade

Prom. Katie never imagined she’d go but here she was. At the masquerade, ball-themed dance Pidge somehow feels like she is a different person. Yes, she was actually working the dance so it’s not like she was here for fun, instead, she got roped into helping her friends. Hunk needed her to help with the lights, Allura needed her help with the drone recordings and Lance asked for her to help with the electrical hookups for the DJ. All in all, she was pretty busy but Allura asked her to dress the part so she didn’t stand out.

Looking down, she felt like a completely different girl in a pantsuit. She had on shiny silver converse paired with an emerald green jumpsuit. But even though it was pants, it still drew attention, mostly because it was different from the hordes of skimpy dresses or huge ball gowns which she would have felt self-conscious in. Allura pinned her hair and she had some curls framing her face. She also did her makeup and paired it with a black half-mask. Her arms were bare with a cool bicep silver band and the front was a little lower than she was used to but no one recognized her. In fact, Hunk and Lance even were surprised when she arrived.

Looking around she decided to check the wires in the back because she knew that some people wandered back there and she didn’t want any surprises. As she walked back behind the stage, she bent over with her phone as a flashlight to double-check all the connections. As she stood, she turned and bumped into a body.

“Ow. Excuse me.” Rubbing her nose, she took a step back and to the left. That’s when the guy who she bumped into replied, “You’re gorgeous, let’s take a few minutes for ourselves and get to know each other better. Ya know what I mean?”

Pidge groaned, “Yeah, not interested buddy. I’m just gonna, HEY!”

As Pidge moved around him he grabbed her arm and started dragging her deeper into the darkness. Oh hell no! This guy must have a death wish because her brother and dad taught her how to defend herself and others. She pivoted and twisted her arm breaking free. As she planted her feet to give him the last warning, she saw a fist shoot out. Right into said guys chin.

Blinking, she tried to make out the shadow looming closer. He was definitely taller than her but not her brother. He was lean like him though and the form on the punch was perfect. But it can’t be Shiro because he is out of town. Who else would…

“I believe Katie said back off. So, while I know she could wipe the floor with you I don’t see the need when I’m here. Touch her again, and I will end you.”

That voice, she knows him. Standing still she waits to see what the asshole does. He finally leaves and she turns, “Keith, I had it.”

“I know. But you getting expelled for hitting someone is a tragedy. Me…not so much.”

“Dammit, Keith! Stop acting like you’re dispensable. You matter.”

“Sure thing. So, let’s go on back out there.” He reaches for her hand and her heart stutters. Damn, she thought she got over this little crush. Then he links their fingers and tugs her forward, heading for the door.

Right before they hit the gym, he mutters, “You, um, look great. So, wanna dance?”

Blushing she nods, guess the crush was alive and well!

October 14: Dragon

It was roughly 3 am when Pidge was woken up from a sound sleep. Blinking she saw a figure looming over her, instinctively she threw out a fist and tried to scramble out of the covers. Until she heard the words, “Pidge, Katie, it’s me! Stop you’re safe!”

Keith. That voice was Keith’s. Trying to calm down, she muttered, “Dude! You scared the crap out of me!” Quickly reaching for his arm, “Wait, are you okay? Why are you here?”

He chuckled, “Yeah, I’m good now that you’re not trying to kill me. As for why I’m here, well, you’re the smartest person I know, and I think, well, I think this is a dragon’s egg.”


Keith laughed, “Yep, totally the smartest.”

“Fuck you! Lemme see, damn I gotta turn on a light.”

Keith muttered something that sounded like, “I wish” but she disregarded it and reached for her bedside light. She had to have misheard. Focus.

Once the bed light table light turned on, she reached for the ‘egg’ in Keith’s hands. Oh my! She cradled it in her arms, holding it close like a baby. “How did you find this?” It was huge and heavy. But didn’t look too remarkable. Not like super colorful or has no remarkable design. Hmmm.

Looking up, she finds Keith has sat next to her on her bed. His eyes are not on the egg, however. Instead, they are on her bare legs. She feels her face heating but for some reason, she doesn’t cover up either. Refocusing, she flips through her mental notes trying to determine what was myth and fact.

Cosmo leaned forward to give her a lick and then hopped onto the foot of the bed exhausted. Grinning, she leaned forward and rubbed Cosmo’s ears. “Awwww, wear him out did ya?

Keith frowned, “He’s showing off for you.” Nudging him with his foot he muttered, “Faker.” They compared notes and argued and hours later were still contemplating this new development. As eventually discussed, they got closer and closer to each other. And Keith was so warm. She found herself leaning closer and closer to him.

Matt found them cuddled together with a baby dragon.



October 9: Mirror

Hunk freezes. He haltingly got out, “D-i-i-idd, did anyone else see that? In the mirror!?”

Lance nods, blinking and rubbing his eyes he replied, “Yeah, it looked like a-“

“No, Hunk, nothing was there. It’s all good.”

“Pidgey, you didn’t even look!” Lance whined and grabbed Pidge’s arm, pulling her to a stop.

Sighing, Pidge looked up into Lance’s concerned face. “What’s up dude?”

“Pidgey, you gotta see! It’s scary, it’s like I saw a-“

“It’s called a scrying or black mirror. It’s not real it’s like a mirage.”

“No, no, no.” Hunk grabbed her other arm and holding her tight. “It’s scary!”

“Look, this is a myth. They sell them on Etsy for goodness sake! C’mon, oh hey, I know if I look in the mirror I’ll see my future husband right? Let’s see, hopefully I won’t see a skull!”

Pidge walks up to the mirror and looks into the blackened mirror, “Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who do you see after all? Show me my love, my soon to be suitor.”

She laughs, “Just as I thought-“ her voice abruptly fades.

Keith leans over her shoulder, “Um, what are we looking at? It’s not a regular mirror at all.”

Pidge blinked. Hunk laughed.

“Well, hell, Pidgey, I didn’t know you and Keith were a thing!”

Both reply, loudly, “WE AREN’T!!!”

Deep laughter and then Shiro calmly states, “Maybe not but I didn’t need a scrying mirror to say this was happening sometime soon.”

October 10: Fairy

Keith was exhausted. He had been underground now for a while, he lost the team a while ago but he could not find his way out. He was so tired. Finally he just stopped and sat. Not one to give up he figured he’d just rest for a bit then try to find the team in a bit.

As he leaned into the wall, he blinked. Shit. Is…that? No. But, damn he thinks it’s a twinkling light. Staring he honestly figured he was dehydrated and just seeing things. But the light kept moving and he then he started following. He walked for miles when he suddenly heard swearing. He picked up his pace and finally moved beyond the light.

His eyes had already adjusted to the lack of light when he recognized Pidge’s voice. Now he was full out running. She sounded pissed. That meant she was more than likely hurt. Now he was moving so fast, the rocks were slipping under his feet. He shoulder bounced off the wall but he didn’t even feel it. With no care, passed a huge opening in the rock and quickly scanned the room and finally focused on Pidge. She was on the bottom of a cavern that was quickly filling with water.

“KATIE!!!!!” His yell bounced off the walls, echoing throughout the cavern. Her eyes moved around frantically and finally found his shape. He quickly countered, “Hang on! I got you!!”

He slid his way down, splashing into the water, quickly maneuvering himself to her. He looked at her, “Hey shorty, looks like you need a lift-“

“You ass! I don’t want any of these short jokes, I, ahhhhh!”

Keith quickly sobered up. “Hey, I’m sorry-I didn’t know you were actually hurt? What do you need?” He grabbed her hand and held it, giving it a gentle squeeze.

She sighed, “My leg is stuck. Somehow water started filling the cavern and as I was moving to get the hell out of here, my foot slipped and now I’m stuck.”

Keith nodded, and dove beneath the water. He saw where her foot was wedged and gently lifted the rock her foot was under and quickly rose up. He pulled her arm around his shoulder and started to move to higher ground.

Breathlessly, she complained, “I can swim, you don’t need to-“

“Let me help, it beats me wandering around alone.” At her affirmative nod, she questioned, “How the hell did you even find me?”

Keith looked up, “That light?”

Pidge looked up, “Shit, it that a fairy?”

“You mean like Tinkerbell?”

The light suddenly went out, “Or not. Next time let’s not name our saviors.”

He grinned, “You got it boss.”

October 11: Spellbook

Pidge wasn’t an ordinary witch. She didn’t like nature. She didn’t like gathering supplies for spells. She absolutely hated girl talk and writing. In fact, in her village of witches and warlocks, she was an outlier. She loved human technology and enjoyed tinkering with creating things from scratch versus spells.

Yet, here she found herself. Trying tweak a spell in an old spellbook that was uncovered on their annual family ‘vacation’. Normally, she’d have hidden away in the tent pretending to be sick. Thereby avoiding looking incompetent. But, her brother brought his friend and his brother. His very angsty and cute brother. So Pidge was out in the forest, on this moon filled night, pretending to know what she was doing.

Trying to help her brother’s friend and brother. Who were fabled hunters. Not an inexperienced caster. She as supposed to create a spell that would magically enhance their weapons. But she was having so much trouble that when she met Matt’s eyes she wanted to cry. But she refused. She wouldn’t cry in front of strangers. Instead, she implored her brother to leave with the other two boys so she could cry alone.

He finally picked up the hint and they moved on. Pidge sat and somehow refrained from screaming. Instead she laid on the ground and tried to center. Breathe. Slowly. Deliberately. With intention. As she calmed, she catalogued another presence. Opening her eyes she sat up cautiously. She’d been made fun of enough to times to be cautious.

Keith’s gaze was somber, “Sorry. We should not have put you on the spot like that.”

Pidge shakes her head once, “No, it’s my fault. I should have been able to do it.”

Keith grinned, “Yeah, no worries. I’m actually here to ask you what is this.” He waves a notebook. Leaning forward, she sees it’s here idea book.

“Oh, that’s just some ideas for later. I just made a little robot so when an idea strikes, I jot it down for later. You know, for when I have time?”

Keith smirks, “Soooo, you’re making your own spellbooks?”

Pidge shakes her head, “Oh no! Nothing like that!”

Keith moves closer, opening her book to the middle, “Yeah, cuz this looks amazing and I think it’s better than anything I’ve ever seen out there!”

Hours later, Matt and Shiro find the two asleep, next to the two spellbooks.


October 7: Fireflies-I’m not entirely happy with this one but, here ya go!

Keith needed to go on a Blade mission and despite him trying to get someone else to take it on, he had no luck. He was loathe to leave Pidge at this juncture of their … relationship. Mostly because he was not sure what they were yet. He had gotten back to Earth about a month ago. There were many intergalactic talks and he found himself gravitating towards Pidge, as usual. At first, he was just trying not to get annoyed by all the diplomats around him. But quickly he found himself actively seeking her out. He’d look for her at the mess hall, time it so he walked past her house when she should be leaving for work. He also managed to get Cosmo to help. Let’s just say…Best Wing Man ever. He’d just pop in to wherever Pidge happened to be and bring her to him. Cosmo was definitely getting extra snacks!

So when he was pressured into leaving he ended up asking Pidge to come with. While she may have misunderstood his intentions and thought he just needed her expertise, he was not going to be the one to point that out. Instead he ignored his friends teasing and stoically figured he’d find the right time to lay it all out for her.

About a week later, Keith was feeling thwarted! The universe truly hated him. In frustration he decided to go out for a run to burn off some useless energy. After that he showered and consigned himself for bed. Maybe he should just take Lance’s advice and throw her against the wall and kiss her!

Knock, knock.

“Keith! C’mere!!! You gotta see this!”

Keith quickly sat up and moved to the door, swinging it open quickly. “You okay?” He looked her over, relaxing as he took in her unhurt figure.

“You gotta follow me! Let’s go?”

Keith smiles, “Yeah okay, let me grab some shoes…even though I’m supposed to be the boss.”

Pidge grins, “Yeah, yeah, let’s go! You’re going to thank me very soon. I guarantee it!”

Keith shoulder bumps her, “Well, if you’re wrong I’ll make you cook dinner for the rest of the trip!”

At that point Pidge doubled over, “Yeah I think that’s more of a punishment for you!”

Pidge murmurs, “Ta da!!!”, as she pushed the door open to leave the ship.

Keith blinks and turns slowly in wonder. “Are these fireflies?”

Pidge sighs, “No clue. I guess the space equivalent. Isn’t it great?”

Keith nods, “Yeah, it really is.”

They both walk a little further from the ship. As they look up in wonder, Keith wraps his arm around her and he relaxes as she leans into him. After some time, he looks down, “Katie?”


“Will you go out with me? Like on a date?”

He freezes feeling like his life is on the line, when he hears, “‘Bout time.”

Laughing he turns her slightly and leans down for their first kiss. Gods, he can’t get enough of this girl.

October 8: Fan Convention

“What…do… you… mean? Do you WANT to explain to me, how a hotel has no rooms when I have a RESERVATION!?” She knew her voice was getting louder by the second but what the hell???

“Miss, do you want to get your mom out here?”

Gritting her teeth, she growled, “No, unfortunately that’s not an option because I’m the damn adult in this fucked up situation. In fact, I paid for the reservation on StayANite.com and have the receipt as proof. What. Is. The. Problem.”

“Oh, well, those third party sites are not guaranteed. You must really read the fine print, so I’m sorry for the inconvenience.”

Pidge knew she was going to lose it. Her eye was twitching and she felt like her vision had tunneled to the woman standing in front of her. She wanted to hit her very very badly. She looked her over and figured she could easily take her.

That’s when the schmuck next to her muttered, “Chill, you can stay with me.”

“Oh, excuse me do YOU have a room? Cuz the Bigfoot convention apparently got food poisoning so things aren’t going so well here.”

Keith grinned, “No, I’m pretty sure my room is trash as well. But, I just so happen to travel with my phone and while you were trying to get arrested by cussing out the poor hotel work here, I looked up a few things. There’s a campground not too far away. We could hit a Walmart and expense the shit out of tonight. Let’s live dangerously.”

Pidge sighs, “Keith, “

“Katie. Our presentation is over. There’s no rush or prize to get back. Let’s take the untraveled road….you know you want to. And, crazy enough, I want to. With you.”

Fuck. Looks like she’s camping tonight.


October 6: Storm Clouds Enjoy!

Storms. As a child he loved storms. The pounding rain. The thunder reverberating in his chest. The lighting illuminating the desert sky. The rain creating mini rivers and lakes surrounded by dirt and sand. The all around energy and movement that the wind seemed to whip up everything! He loved it all. He would even stand outside, on the steps as close as his dad would let him just to take it all in.

But then life happened. His dad died and storms brought out his anger-and loneliness. Then Voltron and the fighting happened. The bombs. Explosions. The losses. Nightmares. And now, the sound, the wind the very violence of a storm was enough to make him lose sleep. The insomnia was relentless during storm season. Most times, it didn’t matter if he couldn’t sleep but staying in a large house with his friends meant he needed to be more quiet about it. He didn’t want to worry anyone. He didn’t want anyone to know. Hopefully it passes and tomorrow will be fine. Just one more night.

Of course, that was just wishful thinking on his part. The next day was overcast and the storm clouds looked to be settling over the house they rented for the week. Damn. As night fell, he heard the rumbling. Worse yet, he was sleep deprived from his last Blades mission and then yesterday. He couldn’t go another night without sleep. Fuck!!! What the hell could he do though???

He decided to hunker down in the family room or lowest level of the house. Perhaps it wouldn’t be as bad if he wasn’t just a level down, nearer to the ground. He waited until he figured all were sleeping and tip toed downstairs. There wasn’t a gym but he could play the Pac-Man game until things quieted down a bit. After all he’s gone longer without sleep! He could do this!

So he hunks down at the arcade game focusing on eating these stupid pellets and beating Lance’s high score. He will be damned if they leave here with Lance bragging about how he is number one. He pulls the lever left when he feels a chin on his shoulder.

Looking left, he blinks into amber eyes. “Pidge?”

“Hey bud. Can’t sleep? I can play too!”

Keith blinks, “Uhhh, ok?”

“Scoot then. And prepare to get your ass handed to you!”

Two player game it was. During the night. While the thunder struck, lightning crashed, rain pounded. Yet through it all, Pidge was beside him. Bumping his shoulder, leaning her weight on him, trying to tickle him to make him lose focus. Until finally, the wind calmed down. Silence except of the pressing of buttons. They eventually moved to the couch to watch some movie Pidge claimed was necessary to his health.

They settled on the couch. One at each end. He had thought, just for a second that she would sit closer. Like she did with Hunk or Lance, but it didn’t really matter. Not at all.

Then he felt a cold foot. So he was the bigger man and grabbed her feet to put on his lap. No sense in her bing cold when he was there! He couldn’t tell you how long it was until she was snuggled into his side. But he knew that he stopped paying attention to the movie. Then, to make her more comfortable, he threw his arm around her. Pulling her in even closer. Leaning his head on hers for just a moment. Looking down he realized she was sleeping.

She was so soft when sleeping, so sweet. Her eyelashes were long. And he couldn’t stop the smile. Her breathing was soft. With the occasional huff. She had most of the blanket even though Lance insisted it was jumbo sized. He found himself shifting and maneuvering her so he could partially lay down too. She felt warm. He figured he could get up and carry her to her bed…but the movie wasn’t over. So, he just kept wiggling until they were both laying on the couch.

Blinking tiredly, he realized, the storm has truly passed. He couldn’t help kissing the top of her head. As he drifted off, the only thought was…his … his girl…his.


October 5: Medieval Fair

Pidge is staring in the mirror. She looked… different. She turned slightly to the left, then to the right. Not bad really just not like herself. Usually for work she is the behind the scenes girl. Or if she had to be out and about, a court jester was her go to role. It was fun and it allowed her to tease and interact with the crowd. But now, um, yeah.

How did she get here? Well, Allura had to go out of town unexpectedly and they needed a stand in. Then Romelle had a thing with her brother come up, so here she was, dressed in an emerald green gown, with red lacing and black thread woven in the hem and edges of her sleeves. Her hair was currently being stuffed in some sort of lacy hat thing that somehow sparkled by Veronica who swore this is how it was done in the old days. Unfortunately for her, Veronica believed in historical accuracy. Yet, she still sneakily switched out the ‘boots’ with her real boots. It was all tied up though because Veronica got carried away and did her make up as well. Not bad but she looked too…different. It made her feel self conscious. She didn’t want to go out there. But, well they could not very well get Shiro in the dress now could they!

Regardless, Hunk was telling her through the door that it was showtime. The jousting tournament was going to start and as the ‘princess’ she had to be out there. Hold court. Look princessy. Nadia was at least her lady in waiting so she wasn’t going to be alone but damn she felt uncomfortable with being in the spotlight.

Hunk escorted her out and she found she enjoyed the waving to kids and even hugging some of them. It was the sitting on the stage part she wasn’t too excited about. She sat and was surprised to see Shiro at her side. “Shiro?”

Shiro smiled and bowed. In a loud carrying voice, “My lady, the knights fight in your honor. For you. For the land of Voltron. Victory or Death.” Applause and shouts erupted as the horses carried in the knights. Shiro continued in a low tone, “I’m officially your steward here so I can help you out. You didn’t think I’d leave you all alone, did you?? In fact, I think Griffin is due to win today’s joust. As far as I know-Lance, Keith and Kinkade are fighting as well as some new guy. Then you have to let them kiss your hand. The winner gets to help you down the stage to the back. Cool?”

Pidge nods. At least she didn’t have to actually do anything, no fighting or heaven forbid dancing! She could handle waving and bowing. Right?

As the jousts went on, she found it was different on the actual stage versus mingling with the crowd. As she could see things from up a little higher she instantly could determine who was who. Lance was all loose limbs and smiles since his helmet was usually in his hand. He was all winks and grins. Definitely flirting with the girls in the audience. Gosh, we was getting a lot of ‘favors’ from the women!

Then there was Hunk selling food and skewers on the side of the action. Looking as if he truly was a merchant or food seller, she wasn’t quiet as good with her Middle Ages lingo as others but Hunk was a natural. Her brother had taken over the court jester role and Veronica was a servant girl.

As the fighting went on she found she was a little nervous thinking James was going to be named the winner. He had been slightly flirty with her lately and she was not sure if he was serious or just teasing her. She knew she didn’t really date but he didn’t seem like the type of guy to lead one on.

Refocusing on the task at hand, she smiled and waved as she imagined a princess would. Trying to mimic to the best of her ability how she saw Allura act. Smaller actions than she was used to. She can do what she wants just more controlled. Dainty. Sweet. Just pretend but damn it was getting hot! Muttering to Shiro that she felt light headed, he quickly waved Hunk and Veronica over for a drink. Taking a careful sip, she tried to maintain some dignity. She did NOT want to faint in front of a crowd!

Then after a few rounds, the final knights approached. Keith and James. She looked in concern to Shiro. Not good. Shiro whispered to Keith, “Follow the plan.”

James stepped up to the dais she is currently seated on first, bowing and taking her hand and kissing it. Whistles and cheers abound. He winks, murmuring how they should get dinner afterward. After some stilted conversation on my part he finally bows and leaves.

My eyes glance to Shiro but all she sees is Keith. He kneels. She starts to question what he is doing when he takes also takes her hand and kisses it. Then he nips her finger tip causing a slight yelp and then he pulls her slightly forward. Leaning forward he says one word, “Katie.” She blinks, huh? He holds her gaze, his thumb rhythmically stroking her hand. He then looks to Shiro, emphatically stating, “Not today.” Blushing furiously, Pidge can’t help but hold her breath. Keith. The guy she never heard of before this job. But damn if he doesn’t pop up everywhere. He grinned and bowed again, raising his voice, he calls out loudly, “My lady, my love, your favor?”

After a second she grins and tosses her handkerchief down to him, “Don’t lose.”

He bows once more, “Never!”


October 4: Neon

Pidge blinked. How on Earth did she get here? The fluorescent lights. The painted black walls and ceiling. The circus mirror?…really why? Then there was the day glow neon colors that are so in your face that she recognizes she is getting a headache after just 20 minutes in this place! Unfortunately they are only on hole 4 of 18 so yeah, long night ahead. Ughhhh.

As she is standing there, contemplating how she is out on a Friday night, when she had absolutely no intention of going out. She suddenly hears a yell then multiple yells! Loud pounding steps, oh hell! What is coming her way? Blinking she suddenly catalogs a strong hand closing around her bicep and yanking her back. While firm it didn’t hurt, then she hits a warm solid wall of muscle only to see a day glow blue golf ball hit the bench that was behind her. She looks up, into a face that is all too familiar from school. Aw hell.

This close, she notices a faint scent of gasoline and outside. She takes a deeper breath. Her body relaxes until she hears Allura’s snicker, and realizes she is leaning against him and he’s supporting her weight. She quickly stands upright but his hold only shifts to turn her slightly so she is now facing him.

“Hey, Holt, you good?”

I stare. Ohmygod why can’t I voice a response. I open my mouth but nothing comes out and so I nod, and then quickly glare at Allura.

“Good, fucking Lance, I don’t know how he missed so bad but honestly his aim is shit. But so long as you didn’t get hit, I guess it’s ok.” As he talks, his arm is brushing up and down her bare arm and Pidge literally feels like melting. Does he even know he’s touching her!?!

“HEYYYY!!! Pidge! What are the odds?! And, hehehe, sorry about almost braining you. You know I would never AIM for you. And Keith I missed because YOU said I bet you can’t make that shot lefty and I said- ”

Hunk interrupts at this point, “BUT, what is important is you are fine and we are all fine and now we can talk!” Lance gives her a sheepish smile and bravely pushes Keith out of his way to pat her back.

She thinks she hears Keith mutter something about Lance not being able to hit what he’s aiming for righty or lefty but Lance was talking loudly so she wasn’t entirely sure. Then Hunk gives her a hug so she tries to refocus.

Lance has quickly moved his focus from me to Allura, who she heard he has a massive crush on. I look down to see where the score card has disappeared to and suddenly Keith is there, handing me our card and pencil. I nod my thanks no quite trusting my voice yet when Lance loudly exclaims, “Hey, let’s join groups! May the best person win OR we could team up. Best twosome pays for ice cream!”

I look at our scorecard and shrug, figuring it isn’t going to make the night worse when Keith grins and bumps my shoulder, “Five will get you ten that Lance comes in last.”

I huff a laugh, “You’re on!” I know Lance won’t let himself come in last if only because of Allura. But then he holds out his hand, “Shake on it?”

I offer my hand only to get pulled closer to him. I’m staring up and know I’m starting to blush when I hear Hunk as if I want to be his partner. I open my mouth to answer, only to hear Keith reply, “Naw, she’s mine.”

Looking back, that night was the just the beginning.


October 3: First Frost

Pidge groaned. Why, oh why! Of course the first frost would come on the dawn of her deadline for her last project. Honestly, at this point she’d been up for over 36 hours. All she dreamed of was her warm bed. Yet here she was. In the garden. With her parents and brother. At 4. AM. In the cold. Stumbling over roots and rocks. All while covering her mom’s precious plants with some old sheets. While her fingers stiffened and fumbled. Damn she hated being cold! It was seriously too early for this.

“Mom! You know you have a greenhouse right? Why are you still doing this in the outdoors?” Yawning, her knees buckled when her brother knocked the back of her knees. Hissing a quick “Asshole!” She tried to kick back.

Matt chuckled, “Oops!”

Pidge sighed, “Fuck off Matt! I’m seriously too tired for your sophomoric bs.”

“Language! Less swearing and more covering!” Colleen called out in a sing song voice. Honestly how is the woman this cheerful this damn early in the morning?! At least he dad looked like a zombie too.

“Yes Mom!” Both male and female voices ring out while trying to look busy and avoiding each other’s gaze.

Pidge quickly sticks out her tongue at her brother and takes another step forward, tripping for the hundredth time, until a pair of strong arms encircle her. Blinking up, she turns and stares into Keith’s eyes?!

“Okay, now I’m seriously dreaming.”

Keith grins, “I gotta say, if this was a dream…we gotta work on your imagination Holt.” Lowering his voice he continues, “Cause this is not what my dreams of us look like! Now if you were on your knees-”

Matt shakes his head, snapping a sheet at Keith. “Dude, I have no interest in hearing about what dirty dreams you have about my sister!”

Keith instantly flushes red, “Um, yeah, no. That’s not what I was saying! I didn’t mean-”

Pidge smirks, “Really? I thought you had I-mag-in-ation!”

Keith groans, “Damn it Katie, let’s not do this in front of your family!”

She smiles more widely, “Of course not! I’m not DOING you in front of my family. But, there is more! Do tell! Are we-”

Suddenly Colleen is in front of them both, “Look, I appreciate young love as much as the next mom, but seriously right now, get to work. My babies are freezing. Now, if you want to really make me a grandma, well we can talk about that over coffee as soon as we are done here. But know, I am old school, because I do believe in marriage before babies!”

Pidge mouths, “Later!” To Keith and quickly moves on to cover another row of her mom’s babies. Keith is completely embarrassed he can’t help the grin on his face. Marriage….babies? God he loves this girl. And her crazy family.

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