
take care

@miriastudies / miriastudies.tumblr.com

hi im miri! im a senior in hs! check out my about page for more info on me + the classes im taking!


  1. if it takes less than two minutes, do it now
  2. always carry a water bottle!! you’ll (obviously) drink more water but you’ll also save money on buying drinks when you’re out on hot days 
  3. if you notice something you like about someone, tell them. genuine compliments are way too few and far between. 
  4. when you meet someone, repeat their name back to them. it’ll help you remember it (bc i am the worst at zoning out and immediately forgetting someone’s name)
  5. give yourself a time limit to get work done. you’ll do more up against a 30 minute timer than if you have all day to get something done
  6. also: be specific with your goals. if you want it done by winter, say you’ll do it one november 15. it’s easy to let time slip by. 
  7. no one’s forcing your friends to hang out with you. they want to be around you. don’t try to convince yourself otherwise. 
  8. never under estimate the power of a hot meal if you’re feeling unmotivated. take a break and make a grilled cheese dude
  9. always keep $20 in your car for emergences
  10. have a binder/folder to keep all your financial/important documents together. even if you don’t organize them beyond that it’ll make them so much easier to find when you need them
  11. don’t sleep w makeup on!! keep a travel size thing of makeup wipes by your bed for nights that you’re too exhausted to wash your face for real
  12. if you’re studying/working and can’t focus, go outside and take a walk around the building. stare at the sky for a minute. it helps.
  13. networking: when you meet someone, put some notes in with their contact. remembering their kids’ names will make you stand out
  14. fold your clothes while they’re still warm + you won’t have to iron later
  15. get that chair out of your room. we all know your dirty clothes are sitting in it more than you are.
  16. instead, stick some hooks on your closet door for those sorta-clean, sorta-dirty clothes that you wanna wear again
  17. keep a running list on your phone of songs you hear that you like, books you want to read, etc
  18. write down all your friends birthdays!! 
  19. if you can’t sleep, try to imagine something in great detail. design your dream house. plan your wedding. whatever makes you happy + relaxed
  20. get dressed as soon as you get up, even if you aren’t going anywhere. it’s hard to feel productive in sweat pants.
  21. if you don’t ask, the answer is always no
  22. thrift stores are super trendy lately, but they really are great for finding high-quality clothing for cheap.
  23. don’t read the comments section. especially if it’s something you actually care about.
  24. fresh veggies go bad fast, so if you can’t get to the store often have a couple frozen bags of your favs on hand!!
  25. also, pasta is crazy cheap and easy to make into a meal. add some olive oil and those frozen veggies and bam, grown up meal in no time.
  26. be intentional with your friendships. if you want to see someone again, set a date instead of the old “let’s get coffee sometime!” that never actually happens
  27. libraries exist!! and theyre fantastic!!! 
  28. if you’re buying anything, always google “_______ coupons” while you’re in line. you can usually find one, esp at chains!!
  29. if it’s not something you need, put it back and sleep on it. if you want it bad enough to go back and get it a day or two later, it’s (probably) worth the money.
  30. also, think if you’ll enjoy it for the same amount of time if took to earn that money. doesn’t work with everything (food, experiences), but for things like clothes/technology/home goods, it can help you save some $$$
  31. you don’t have to do something if it makes you unhappy. sure, there are times that you have to suck it up and power through, but 99% of the time you have to option to say no and get outta there. 
  32. be kind. seriously you hear it a lot but it is so important. 



bts comeback stages!!!

currently listening to:

i’m fine - bts (i’m not fine tho this album wrecked me)

weird study tip:

if u don’t feel motivated, pretend ur in a movie or tv show. you know the scenes where they’re on their bed with their feet tucked up and crossed at the ankle, and they’re cracking open highlighters with their teeth and poring over a textbook with smooth rock music playing? that. bonus points for a perfect messy bun and spencer hastings outfit.


small ways to improve your lifestyle

  • read more classic literature
  • read about history from different sources
  • watch good films
  • listen to classical music
  • journal more
  • go to nice cafes, theatre, cinema and art galleries more often
  • learn languages
  • dance more
  • ask more questions
  • spend time with positive people
  • be kind to everyone, even if they aren’t kind to you
  • spend less time on social media
  • do some exercise and stretch
  • buy less clothes and make sure they are made organically and ethically or buy second-hand
  • buy vegan options in anything that’s possible (for eg. beauty products)
  • recycle and reuse what you can
  • take care of your skin and body
  • eat more fruits and veggies, drink enough water every day
  • get a good amount of sleep every night
  • stay positive

edit: i changed the title because there was a lot of misunderstanding around it, which is fine. you don’t have to do all of these to feel like you have a better life/you are a better person, however these tips do no harm, so you might as well do what you can!


more maths notes ft. my new planner! i have already started using it, and i’ve been loving so far ✨ i stil use my bujo, but it’s mainly to keep track of the school topics i have to revise 💭


you’re not falling behind. you are still young and have a whole life ahead of you. you have enough time to explore things u love and experience your life and make your goals come true and find reasons to live. take things one day at a time and don’t let the fear of falling behind stop you because life isn’t a race.


some thoughts:: you need to try things out. if you’re not sure what you want to do with your life, just try something. maybe you like yoga. or rock collecting. or playing video games for hours and hours. cool. make that work to your advantage. film a video of your yoga techniques, or explaining your rock collection. you may be able to attract an audience who likes those things as well. take courses in video game design. apply for an internship or ask to volunteer at a museum that does research in rocks and fossils, or at companies that produce video games.

or maybe you’re not sure about what you really like. that’s okay too. try something. find a course in coding. you may find that you like building things. eventually you can search for a job in tech. buy a cheap, used guitar. you may find that you love playing. eventually you can find a local community group that plays music and ask to join them. you may make connections there that can lead you to a cool job in the music industry.

see what I’m saying? you just need to try things. I saw a quote once that says something like “don’t wait for inspiration - it will come to you while you’re working”.



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