
My Friends Forced Me To Do This


I'm so sorry you stumbled on my blog, but sometimes I do the art

hey guys, you can still donate to help us pay our back rent that our former roommate fucked us over with if you want. we go to court on the 16th & we’re gonna try to give our landlord as much money as possible so we can at least stay until we find new roommates. if you wanna donate but need proof of the situation just send me a message & I’ll send you photos of the court summons. 💘

paypal: here squarecash (cash app): here

so far we have: $32.20


Went and saw Beauty and the Beast, and I just had to share my experience because it was so pure?

So, like, I get into the theater, find myself a nice spot smack dab midscreen, which is WAY EASIER without thirty people traipsing in behind you in a group, lemme tell you, and I’m just sitting there, by my lonesome, scrolling tumblr and watching whatever weird stuff they’ve got on screen, and a family comes to sit in my row, which was the only empty one not right in front of the screen. Sat down what I thought was a seat away from me until I saw a little girl in an adorable ass red dress climbing over mom and dad to sit next to me. 

Totally fine. I was just off of center and they got to sit right in the middle of the screen, and when she finally gets settled this little girl looks up at me, with a soda half her size in one hand, and somehow both popcorn and candy in her tiny little lap, and she stage whispers to her mom:

“She’s by herself!”

Mom looks embarrassed, but I smile and wave off the apology. 

I go back to my phone, only to realize someone is tugging at my sleeve. Little girl looks up at me, all wide eyes and curiosity, and holds out a napkin filled with popcorn and chocolate. Like, I remember being a kid, and I remember how important candy and popcorn at the theater are, and I think she thought she was saving my life by offering this sustenance.

I almost fucking cried guys, kids are the best.

So I take it and thank her and let her talk my ear off for a few minutes until she needs a drink because she has been talking SO MUCH her mouth is dry. This kid is going places, guys, I’m telling you right now, because she picked up that cup the size of her torso like a champ and angled the straw just right and continued to try to talk to me around her gulps.

While this is happening, on the other side of me another mom and daughter sat down, and, turns out, the girls know each other. I’m guessing, based on the gumption of Red Dress, that they probably met in the lobby before they went into the theater. 

Girl number 2, I’ll call her Princess Dress, because it was a fantastic dress and when I told her so she proceeded to point to every princess along the neck and name them and give me their Stats, proceeds to have a conversation across me with Red Dress.

Both sets of parents were looking like they wanted to bury their heads in their hands, but I was having a blast.

Anyway, eventually lights go down, we get into the movie, and for the most part Red and Princess were content, although every so often Red made sure to pass me a handful of sticky half-melted chocolate. 

Watching a live action version of a movie that I watched for the first time when I was their age was a fuckin’ trip, man. Like. I got super emotional over things I didn’t expect to, and during the wolf scenes I was actually mildly distressed, because Princess was gripping the hand rest so hard on my right I thought she was gonna break it. Any scene I laughed or snorted at got a peal of laughter from my two new best friends, so hopefully no one has to go home and explain why I nearly snorted out my drink during “Be Our Guest” when they went for a visual gag for “After all miss, this is France!”.

During the ballroom scene, Red turned to her mom and whispered “The Beast is handsome!” and it took so much for me not to lean over and whisper back “Girl same.”

But my favorite, MY VERY FAVORITE part of this whole experience was when Gaston shot the Beast - FOR THE THIRD TIME HOLY HELL I KNEW IT WAS DARK BUT GODDAMN THIS IS A KIDS MOVIE ISN’T IT - Red patted my arm because yeah, okay, I was maybe crying a little, look, I know what happens but the movie made me feel things okay. Anyway, she like, pushes herself up in her seat and leans in close and she goes “It’s okay. He’s gonna be okay.”

The point is, children are so pure, and everyone should always watch movies with strangers.


some uncultured human: *shocked about diana being bisexual*

me: she is from a island full of women, helen. what did you think she do in her spare time? dance around with manatees? 

research: young people today are more anxious and depressed than ever
society: oh my god that's terrible why
research: well they're under more pressure at school, they're worried about the political climate, they're more diverse and more aware of social injustices than past generations, their job prospects are poor, trends like helicopter parenting and increasing surveillance of kids inhibit their ability to develop a sense of being in control of their lives, there's an increasing cultural disconnect between generations, they're increasingly criminalized for minor offenses or even just being out in public, they're overscheduled and lacking in free time, they-
society: it's because of selfies isn't it

This is the money Patrick. Reblog so money will come your way

“I’m getting back in line.”

OKAY but i just reblogged this last night and guess what i got today from my workplace’s self-audit!





*rolls sleeves* aight dude lets get me some money

Can i just *Gets in line*…there

Ok so it actually worked cause we got served with an eviction and owe $1739 and we have like 1300 and my moms friend said hes gonna pau the rest that we owe and take us out to dinner


I counting on you lol


can’t even risk it


IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT for all tumblr users who have dogs:

please tell ur dogs i love them


My pupper is deaf, so I scratched her ear flaps for you. Means the same thing.

this is objectively the best reblog of any post on this entire website oh my god scratch her ear flaps for me every single day please


Let Men of Color, especially those whom are dark skinned and conditioned as “hyper masculine” by our racist society, dabble in same gender loving without your judgement and stigma. Let them completely forgo their hetero tethers and dive right into ocean of gay love. 

Let them be unforgivable lovers of men without shame, doubt, or fears. Let em be free. Let em be gay. GAY I SAY. 


The 3 guys Steve enlists to help him and Diana are a Scotsman with PTSD, a Moroccan who says at one point that he wants to be an actor but he is “the wrong color”, and a Native American man who tells of the tragedies that have befallen his people at the hands of Steve’s and this is just one of the things that makes this movie so important. It doesn’t just address sexist issues but all kinds of issues of inequality and injustice.


This is such a small thing in the sea of things I loved about Wonder Woman, but I would just like to point out that they fucking referenced the genocide of native Americans by white people as an example of all humans beings doing terrible things, even the “good guys” and I was honestly just blown away by that. Too often in World War I or II movies there’s a line in the sand drawn with the good and the evil and war is just never that simple. Americans came into World War I as “heroes” but they had literally just finished destroying an entire race. Too often War films forget that, especially superhero ones. I love Captain America to bits, but the cartoonish oversimplification of all Germans as evil and the Allied forces as all good is a dangerous one. It makes people forget that all humans have a capacity for evil. So it kind of blew my mind to see Wonder Woman touching on that in such a simple, elegant way.


My most popular tweet right now is about welcoming intersex, nb, and ace/aro people into pride. Let’s get it going on here, too.



I’m living in a highly abusive situation right now, and my mom is verbally and emotionally abusing me. She’s repeatedly told me that I’m going to hell, that she’d rather have a dead son than a trans daughter, that I should kill myself, that I’m possessed by a devil, etc. She’s sent me to conversion therapy in the past, and she’s taken me off of her insurance. I can’t leave the house without her permission, and even if I did I currently have no steady income. I’m currently three months on HRT. If you’d like to help an Indian trans girl, please donate. Anything helps, I’m just desperate to get out of my current living situation and continue HRT.

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