
Klaine Stan Ad Infinitum.

@chazzam / chazzam.tumblr.com

I am Chazzam and I read and write larger quantities of Klaine fic than could be considered healthy in any culture. My blog mostly just feeds that illness, but kittens and comics and political rantings and feminist fist-shaking and vegetarian delicacies...

Heartstopper is different because it takes pleasure seriously

Since I watched Heartstopper, I've been trying to figure out what about it made it feel so different from other stories similar to it. When you just describe the plot of it, it sounds like something straight (har har) out of Glee or Sex Education or Elite or SKAM or Skins or Degrassi, or...you get my point.

But it felt so different to me, and I realized yesterday what it was. Hearstopper takes the pleasures of queer romance and eroticism as seriously as it takes the pains of it. By which I mean, it gives an incredible amount of screen time to the excitement of it, the thrill of it, the visceral good feelings of it. Pleasure drives Heartstopper, in a way that is still incredibly unusual in mainstream queer media.

In most other stories like this, the pain and the angst and the ambivalence and the negative social ramifications of the premise take up like 90-95% of the screen time. The pleasure aspect typically exists as minimally as possible to catalyze all the negative or difficult parts that are the 'real' story. And while Heartstopper doesn't shy away from those things, it gives a roughly equal amount of narrative and screen time to the two leads getting a lot of pleasure out of their relationship, too. The amount of time the show invests in showing Nick and Charlie enjoying each other romantically -- throughout the story, not just at the very end -- is just absolutely decadent (and I mean that 100% positively).

The first kiss is a perfect example. In any other TV version of this story, the boys would have kissed that first time for less than 2 seconds, and then IMMEDIATELY been interrupted by the other boys. Instead, Heartstopper lets them kiss once, take a breath, and then have a second, very extended kiss enhanced by animated embellishments designed to emphasize just how incredibly enjoyable this is for them...before finally disrupting it again with Plot™.

And the amazing thing is, from a pure narrative standpoint, you don't need the second kiss. It's completely unnecessary to the plot. You could completely eliminate it and the plot would hold together exactly the same. The second kiss is there exclusively to emphasize the intense pleasure of this experience for them. That's all it does.

Heartstopper is serious about foregrounding pleasure, and how important pleasure is in all of this. Which frankly, is a thing you usually only ever see in romance novels and fanfic.


One of the reasons I was hesitant to watch this show initially is because I have limited tolerance for coming out stories that are so focused on the unappealing parts of the experience. It's not that those things don't MATTER. But there is such a cultural allergy to making the pleasures of the experience a serious focus, particularly (yes I'm going to say it) the sexual pleasures of it.

Hearstopper, blissfully, refuses to shy away from pleasure, and from making it important.

It's not just that my tolerance for queer pain in media is limited (although admittedly that's true). I also grow so weary of popular culture treating queerness as mostly a political identity upon which we simply moralize about tolerance, and engage in self congratulatory yarns about ~being yourself~ and loving yourself. It's not that I think any of those things is BAD. But a) I've seen that story many times before and b) there's an ENORMOUS piece of this experience that we're still mostly skirting around the edges of because we're still very chickenshit about it, to be perfectly frank.

We, as a culture, are still scared as fuck to really say, very bluntly: queerness feels fucking good.

In the midst of this, Heartstopper does something wondrous. It says to the audience, in no uncertain terms: Queerness feels fucking good...so, let's spend some time actually talking about THAT for a while.


Greetings and salutations! Happy Pride Month to all! I’m not sure if anyone is really following me on here anymore, but if so, I’m looking for a bit of assistance with some upcoming fic.

So I’ve been focusing on the 3rd book in my series (I know it’s taking 6ever and a day, but it’s been a weird few years and I really am on a roll with it as of late), BUT. I have watched Heartstopper an alarming number of times, it has seriously gotten under my skin and made me grapple with shit around my bisexual identity I thought I had long since laid to rest, and now my brain has started to flat-out DEMAND that I write Heartstopper fic with a ferocity I haven’t experienced since the early days of Klaine. I already loved the web comic/graphic novels, but something about the show has created an itch in my emotional core that that I know only writing fic can scratch. So that’s what I’m gonna do. Which brings me to my request.

I’m looking for a British beta to take a pass at my fics before I post them, so they can hopefully sound more authentic and less like they were written by the blundering American douchebag that I am. I don’t require any feedback/editing help beyond that (not that it wouldn’t be welcome, it’s just not necessary and I do need to devote most of my writing time to my actual book), I just need someone who is British, and is either young enough or around young people enough to have a reasonable grasp of age-appropriate slang, word choices, etc.

I probably won’t write anything epic (at least, not in the immediate future), so this wouldn’t be a ton of reading, but I’m definitely gonna be posting some shorter canon-y fics very soon. If I don’t find a volunteer to help Brit-ify my fics I’ll most likely post them anyway, they probably just won’t be as good.

Anyway, message me if you’re interested! If I get more than one response, I will probably just go with whomever I hear from first. And thank you so much in advance to anyone that might be able and willing to do me this enormous favor! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜


“they” (1 word) is shorter than “he or she” (3 words)

“they” is more inclusive than “he/she”

“themself” flows more naturally than “him or herself

“they” is less clunky than “(s)he”

it’s time to replace the awkward “she or he

“hey can you go ask they what does they want for dinner, and when is they coming over to watch movies with they?”

“Hey, can you go ask them what they want for dinner, and when they’re coming over to watch movies?”

Step one is learning how to talk like a human person.


Маленькие покорители вершин 😼…

“Small conquerors of mountains”  


Photographic evidence of my ideal future.


A WRINKLE IN TIME | New Trailer | Official Disney UK


This was my hands-down, re-read until it came apart, absolute #1 FAVORITE book as a kid, and this adaptation looks INCREDIBLE. I can't remember the last time I was this excited for a movie.

Source: youtube.com
Serious question: are criticisms that Darren Criss is playing Cunanan as "unrealistically campy/effeminate" based in deep knowledge of Cumanan's reported mannerisms & affectations, or is it just that same tired effeminaphobic bullshit of calling all portrayals of effeminate queer dudes "unrealistic stereotypes?"
Women are constantly and specifically trained out of noticing or responding to their bodily discomfort, particularly if they want to be sexually “viable.” Have you looked at how women are “supposed” to present themselves as sexually attractive? High heels? Trainers? Spanx? These are things designed to wrench bodies. Men can be appealing in comfy clothes. They walk in shoes that don’t shorten their Achilles tendons. They don’t need to get the hair ripped off their genitals or take needles to the face to be perceived as “conventionally” attractive. They can — just as women can — opt out of all this, but the baseline expectations are simply different, and it’s ludicrous to pretend they aren’t.
The old implied social bargain between women and men (which Andrew Sullivan calls “natural”) is that one side will endure a great deal of discomfort and pain for the other’s pleasure and delight. And we’ve all agreed to act like that’s normal, and just how the world works….
Women are supposed to perform comfort and pleasure they do not feel under conditions that make genuine comfort almost impossible. Next time you see a woman breezily laughing in a complicated and revealing gown that requires her not to eat or drink for hours, know a) that you are witnessing the work of a consummate illusionist acting her heart out and b) that you have been trained to see that extraordinary, Oscar-worthy performance as merely routine.Now think about how that training might filter down to sexual contexts….
One side effect of teaching one gender to outsource its pleasure to a third party (and endure a lot of discomfort in the process) is that they’re going to be poor analysts of their own discomfort, which they have been persistently taught to ignore.



♪ She will play around and leave you   Leave you and deceive you   Better forget it   Oh, you’ll regret it  ♪


Thought I’d just pop in to reblog this and stare at it forever, nbd


Warning for blatant exploitation of Popular Fanfic

Klaine Advent: Day 21 - Universe. 687 words.

Blaine had waited a long time to be famous enough to have fanfiction written about him.

The desire hit him back in his Glee club days at Mckinley, when he would scour the Show Choir blogs to learn about his competition. Some of the more popular standouts of show show choir –  Jesse St. James, Unique, Jean Baptiste – had had people writing fantastical accounts of their lives through fanfiction. The moment Blaine saw Jean Baptiste had his own Hogwarts au, he wanted it badly.

He never quite reached that peak in Glee club but he and Kurt had repute now. Ever since their debut of LGBT Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? they’d gotten enough traction to continue onto other exploits. Blaine was composing for Disney movies and his own Broadway shows, as well as acting in them. Kurt was performing on Broadway, in movies, and guest starring on Rachel’s TV show.

They were now, officially, famous enough for fanfiction.

Blaine’s desire had changed, though, since his initial exposure back in high school. Back then, he would have been happy for anything written about him, but now that ‘anything’ encompassed people shipping Blaine with people who weren’t his husband. There was fanfiction of him sleeping with Sam, with Lin Manuel Miranda, and with an uncomfortable amount of self-insert characters, most of whom were women. It’s like hey didn’t even care that Blaine was gay.

So, no, Blaine no longer wanted just any fanfiction about himself, he wanted fanfiction of him and Kurt. And thank goodness that existed in droves.

“Look, Kurt, this one has us in an alternate universe where I’m a bad boy!” Kurt chuckles from the bathroom where he’s doing his nightly skin routine. “Hey, I could be a bad boy!” Kurt just snorts.

Blaine skims the story, humming as he reads. “They must follow Tina’s blog about McKinley. They have the basic framework from your junior year.”

“They’re writing about us in high school?” Kurt asks, his violin-like voice sounding ethereal in the echos of the bathroom. “That’s a little creepy, babe.”

Blaine makes a noise of displeasure in his throat. “Fine, I’ll find another one.”

It’s only a handful of seconds later when Kurt is sticking his head into the bedroom, his hair pulled back in a headband and his face covered in something gold. “They don’t have anything with the kids in it on there, do they?” Blaine suspects Kurt’s trying really hard not to wrinkle his brow in concern underneath his face mask. “I think we should put out a statement not to use the kids in fanfiction.”

Blaine’s already shaking his head. “No, I think we’re fine. There are some that have us with fictional babies – these must have been before Cian – but him and Rosa aren’t in any I don’t think.”

Kurt sighs out in relief, ducking back into the bathroom to finish his face.

Blaine keeps scrolling. “There’s this one where you’re the Avatar and I’m your firebending master!” Blaine says, excited, before immediately deflating. “Oh, but it’s been abandoned for four years.”


“-Hey, would you mind meeting me at 4 instead of 3? A dog just threw up on–”

“We’ve read that one at least five times, Blaine.”

“I like it!” Blaine whines.

Kurt laughs. “Me too, babe, but please keep looking?”

Blaine scrolls. “Rocky Horror au?”

“Already read it.”

Without me?!”

Kurt shrugs, looking at Blaine in the mirror as he put away his moisturizers. “It’s from your point of view. You were in Amsterdam doing a Disney thing. I missed you.”

Blaine melts a little, but doesn’t keep himself from grumbling.

Blaine scrolls through a few more pages of fanfics that don’t really catch his interest before turning back to Kurt. “Can we just reread The Sidhe?”

Kurt sighs, coming back into the bedroom, looking clean. “Again?”

Blaine turns his puppy eyes at him. “I like how it’s about us being together in every universe.”

Kurt sighs again but curls himself around Blaine, placing a kiss at the top of his head. “I like that too.”

Blaine smiles and clicks the link.


i want the opposite of a suicide pact to happen

if trump wins, we’re all going to survive. live. thrive. and fight for what’s right. we need to stand up more for people like us, because we need it the most now.

hold on. stay with me. i’ve got you.

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