
Eh, Too Tired

@someonepoisonedkyky / someonepoisonedkyky.tumblr.com

There’s always time for a chili’s

I hate that as Indigenous people, we have to slowly explain the concept of LandBack to basically every colonizer.

Like no we're not going to just throw you out, or put you in camps, or any of that shit. We just want to be able to take care of our ancestral land and be the ones in charge of protecting it.

Like I know these people were raised with a colonial mindset but after a while I just start to lose sympathy.

Like oh you're worried about having your home violently ripped out from under you?? What a fucking tragedy.


I wasn't gonna add to this, but like, no, I wanna add to this.

What will change for you, Whitey McWhiterson, if LandBack takes place?

Not a whole fucking lot.

You might be incentivized to switch to less-polluting modes of transportation, such as biking. Gas might be discouraged.

The environment might be prioritized.

You might become a citizen of, say, Mi'kma'ki instead of the USA.

Your kids might be taught an Indigenous language in schools.

History class would be a lot more up front.

But your day to day life? Very little will change. You're not gonna be kicked out if your house. You're not gonna be rounded up and put into a camp. You might be required to have the minimum basic decency towards the environment. It will be the Sovreign Peoples running the show.

But you, Joe Shmoe, will be left alone to live your life.

Which is more than we can say your people did for us.


if you had asked me as a child what colour the sky was, i would have confidently said blue and yellow. because i grew up on the baltic coast next to one of the most travelled ship routes of the world, and the unfiltered sulfur pouring out of the exhausts of nearly a hundred cargo ships every day turned into a thick layer of sickly yellow laying over the horizon. especially on sunny summer days, it settled of the sea like the cheap imitation of a sunset, out of place during the bright daylight.

then, from one summer to the next, the yellow slowly but surely faded away. because a new legislation passed - one which heavily penalised airborne ship emissions in the area. and while the silhouettes of ships across the passage never became less frequent, their backdrop was now such a pure blue that its hard to imagine that it was ever different.

i think about this everytime someone tells me that climate legislation doesn't work, everytime a new media story declaring our helplessness in the face of certain environmental doom makes the rounds. don't get me wrong - the situation we are facing in terms of climate change and environmental destruction is certainly terrifying. but everyday, people are working tirelessly to implement law and policy that could change that fact. and because of those people, a newly bright blue sky touches down over the baltic sea. and that has to count for something, i think.


In much better and happier news Bison after decades of hard work and conservation efforts from indigenous organizations have finally been released back on our lands after 150 years.

I saw this video live and cried my eyes out. This is so important. Despite it all we survived. We're still here and the possibility to heal the land and ourselves is always there even if it will take time.

Edit: I'm very happy that people love this post but my other less happy educational posts are also just as important


some of you may've heard about that fancy "bionic reading" typefont thats supposed to be easier for neurodivergent people to read (if you're unfamiliar, it bolds the first few letters of each word to make it easier to follow)

well guess what, its locked behind a $500 a month API to write in because fuck you!

introducing, Not Bionic Reading! it is literally just the bionic reading typefont but for free. god bless neocities

anyone who can, pls reblog!


My friend pointed out that the googly eye represents an inversion of the everything bagel (white circle around black) and also represents how Waymond has always left clues for Evelyn about using love and kindness to survive that she took for granted and it's embarrassing how I never noticed

I was just like "Aww she's learning to deal with absurdity not with nihilism but with silliness" that I completely missed the color inversion/blatant symbol for Waymond's method of fighting


Imho the idea of ‘cruelty free’ products or food shouldn’t mean that nothing died to create it, but rather that anything and anyone involved in the creation process hasn’t been exploited or harmed.

Leather is good actually. Veganism isn’t the end all be all to morality and consumption. The issue isn’t that a chicken died for those nuggets, but that while the chicken was alive, it’s life fucking sucked. Vegan chocolate means little if the cocoa that made it was gathered by child slave labor.

Factory farms, abuses of the people who pick the fruit and vegetables we eat, the focus profit and productivity over all else - that’s the fucking issue here. It’s capitalism folks.


i fucking love being a man, i love calling myself a man, and i love that i've completely shed the stigma of using the word "man" unapologetically. i'm not a boy. i'm not a guy, except in the way that cis dudes are. i'm not a guy in the way that i was early-transition, when i had to say guy instead of man, because i was too afraid to be myself. i'd internalised so much man=bad women=good rhetoric that it actually prevented my transition. fuck that noise. it's 2022 and i can say it. i love being a man. being a man is just as good as being a woman. there is nothing inherently inferior about being a man. i want young trans men to know this. you'll be okay. it gets easier. it's okay if you're not content existing outside the binaries, if you don't relate to folks who celebrate being outside of male and female. it's okay to be a man. the trans community has space for all of us, and you do belong. men are beautiful. you are beautiful. if you suspect that you are a man, or you're becoming one, it's okay. it doesn't make you evil or bad.

This is great! And it’s why it makes me so frustrated when I see posts about male positivity or things like “normalise cherishing men” or something and then there’s the inevitable brigade of bitter radfems who jump on and say that actually men are evil and men don’t need positivity posts or cute posts about doing nice things for your boyfriend or whatever…there is such a huge tendency to treat systemic issues like gender dynamics as some inborn trait that all individuals are guilty of and therefore don’t deserve kindness or gentleness etc. The irritating part is that the things they complain about actually are just making the problems that exist worse, like if you mock and attack a post for saying “normalise men talking about their problems and emotions” then all that does is send the message to men that they shouldn’t. FART logic reinforces the worst extremes and stereotypes of gendered behaviour and on top of that it’s rude as fuck. I don’t know why people are so bent on being angry at positivity posts.

Men are not evil and women are not pure; that’s xtian conservatism and there’s nothing radical or feminist about it. Men, you deserve to be happy with your gender identity and expression however you choose to do that, and there’s nothing wrong or inferior with anyone because of their gender, and anyone who says otherwise is a reactionary, sexist asshole even if they call themselves progressive. I’m very happy for OP for becoming able to ignore those people and be happy in his own identity.


every time I see LGBTQ discourse I think about that post that said masc cis lesbians get kicked out of bathrooms as cruelly as trans people do so why the fuck are some lesbians transphobic , and I think about how homophobes won’t check for your sexuality before calling us slurs and I think about how my local dyke March considers anyone who identifies as a dyke a dyke because fuck rainbow capitalism we are here to fight for our lives and I think about how my best friends are bisexual and I think about how lesbians have been loving each other in ways that the gender binary has never been able to understand(and never will) and I think about that post that says the worst thing the right did was convince queer people other queer people were the enemy


Mitski is exhausted by people reducing her to “sad girl music” and the white fans in the comments are like, “Mitski said no more depression,” which misses the point quite comically.

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