

@mightbewriting / mightbewriting.tumblr.com

amanda // i write things // ao3 // transformative works

Regarding Transformative Works

In light of ongoing discourse regarding binding of fan works—and in a broader scope, monetization in fandom as a whole—I'd like to take a second to update and restate my transformative works policy, which can always be found on my ao3 profile.

I welcome most transformative works, such as writing inspired by or in the same universe as my stories, translations, handmade bind-ups, art, playlists, etc., and would love to see the results! You do not need to seek individual permissions for these things.
My works are shared freely, and I ask that no aspect of them be monetized, including but not limited to: for-profit fan merch (stickers, prints, apparel, home goods, etc) inspired by my works, commissioned book binding/commercial printing/use of print houses with any of my works, locking access to typesets (or other transformative products of my work) behind subscription paywalls, tips, or otherwise profiting from a product based on my works. In summary: no money should be involved in any capacity whatsoever.
Unfortunately, I am no longer able to answer individual questions about my bookbinding policy in order to preserve my time and energy. My permission is only given to personal use, handmade binds. There are no exceptions to this policy.
Please do not repost my work on other sites or upload onto Goodsreads, Storygraph, or any other sites intended for review of non-fanfiction works.

The above policy reflects that I no longer feel comfortable with allowing any of my works to be commissioned for binding. As such, I ask that any binders currently offering any of my works for commission remove them. This does not affect anyone who wishes to bind my works for themselves or as free gifts (as in, zero exchange of money in any capacity).

I am deeply sorry to those binders conducting themselves ethically and in good faith, and I can't thank you enough for your support of me and my work. And while I don't know if this decision will be a permanent one (this is a nuanced and constantly evolving topic), it is the one I feel most comfortable with at this time.

Above all, I'd like to encourage folks to learn how to bind, typeset, and engage in whatever derivative fandom content interests them the most themselves. Fandom is its most rewarding as a participatory activity, and there are so many ways to do that beyond being an author or an artist. There are facebook groups and google drives freely available with binding resources, typesets, and a community to ask question of and build relationships with.

Fandom is free, and that's a revelation. It is an equitable space of creative consumption with no barriers to entry based on socio economic status, and it's my firm belief and desire that it remains that way.


I’m so emotional about dinosaur stuffed animals,,, there are these creatures, extinct long before any of us were alive, but we found their bones and their eggs and their footprints. And we made drawings and models of what they could’ve looked like. And we made them into stuffed animals so we could hold them. We made them soft so we could love them. I’m sobbing


Yeah, we're the animal so preoccupied with petting other animals we're sort of collectively upset there are animals we never get to pet, so we make proxies to snuggle and tell their ghosts we'd have loved them if they were here.

...and tell their ghosts we'd have loved them if they were here.

Hang on i just have to cry for a minute


Honestly? My main piece of advice for writing well-rounded characters is to make them a little bit lame. No real living person is 100% cool and suave 100% of the time. Everyone's a little awkward sometimes, or gets too excited about something goofy, or has a silly fear, or laughs about stupid things. Being a bit of a loser is an incurable part of the human condition. Utilize that in your writing.


people telling you they reread your fic is the biggest compliment you could ever receive. there are thousands of stories out there begging to be found, to be explored, but your story meant so much to someone that they came back to it eagerly, they went over every word again. to love is to return and loving a fic is rereading it. thank you to all readers and rereaders <3333


No but seriously. Normalize finding love in your 40's. Normalize discovering and chasing new dreams in your 30's. Normalize finding yourself and your purpose in your 50's. Life doesn't end at 25. Let's stop acting like it does.


I normally only post my binds on instagram, but since the great @mightbewriting is on tumblr I’m posting here as well.

Bindiary 8:

Wait and Hope, mightbewriting

First fic to the gram! Not my first fic bound but that will be posted later. I went with a 1996 Romeo and Juliet theme for this bind and I love it. Had so much fun making the end page collages and ugh so fun with this whole bind.

#bookbinding #bookbinder #bookstagram #bookbindersofinstagram #bookbind #dramione #draco #dracomalfoy #hermione #hermionegranger #fanfic #fanfiction #fanfictionbookbinding #fanficbinding #mightbewriting #waitandhope #romeoandjuliet


lahore pigeons are some of the most visually appealing birds out there. like in terms of visual design. very minimalist, good contrast.


Too bad Lahore pigeons are a domestic breed and don’t appear in the wild at all. Some equally balanced wild colorations include

Pygmy Falcon

Great Hornbill



Black-throated Loon

this is a good addition to this post. thank you for this birds educations

I would like to submit the following additions to the world of exceptional bird color design:

Cedar Waxwing

Red Crowned Crane

Brahminy Kite

Green Tree Swallow (I mean seriously - those are metallic teal feathers against stark white. Damn.) 

Bali Mynah

And, last but certainly not least, the cutest fucking puffball on this planet earth:

The Korean Crow-Tit

I’d also like to contribute some pretty awesome birds

Hooded Pitta (or as like to call them little olives)




The Blue Crown Pigeon (the biggest pigeon)


good post


I’m fond of the Golden Breasted Starling,

the Golden Pheasant,

and the Oriental Dwarf Kingfisher.


May I present the most fabulous turkey in the world, the Ocellated Turkey?


Might I add

The Violet-backed starling

these are some great birds i think were done


Birds sure do have some nice colours

(image sources in the links)

A personal favourite for pretty high contrast birds is the Piwakawaka, or the New Zealand Fantail. I especially love their angry little eyebrows!!

If there’s one thing we have here, it’s a pretty native birds, like Tūi, who are fantastic singers whose vocal range extends outside human hearing!

Kea, the famous incredibly endangered parrots who like to pull apart people’s cars and move road cones.

Tīeke or Saddleback, whose lovely brown markings are said to come from Maui grabbing them when his hands were on fire.

And I’m also very partial to Kereru (these chonky babies like to eat berries and let them ferment so they end up so drunk they fall out of trees)

Anonymous asked:

Oh my goodness you had a baby?! Congratulations!

hi anon! i did! thank you! in the event anyone happened to be curious why ive been much less active around these parts in the last year or so, that's why lol. taking creative endeavors at a much slower pace these days :)

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