
I'm a shark!!

@shrkttck / shrkttck.tumblr.com

shh, nothing to see here! go see auntie adita

The beautiful native North American Fox Grape: source of the Catawba, Concord, Delaware, Isabella cultivars, varieties such as Niagra, as well as Agawam, Alexander and Onaka hybrids.

Unlike European grape species, it is resistant to Phylloxera sap-sucking insects, which meant that when this vine was transported from the Americas to Europe, it brought with it this incurable pest, which crippled European vineyards. Now, many European grapes are grafted with Vitis labrusca rootstock in order to make it more disease-resistant.

you know ive hit quality blogging when i post a picture of 16 vicars riding oblivion

That’s what they said

I love how many of them are praying

man that one in the front right corner just does not give a fuck


I turned my frustration with myself into art.

this is a very important piece of art to me

Im crying because I try so hard to keep my house clean, but I just dont have the energy for it :( 

I always feel sympathetic when I visit a friend afflicted with depression, only to cause them to become cripplingly embarrassed by an untidy home.

I promise your friends will understand. Don’t let a few unorganized objects keep you from having friends over when you need them. You are putting forth such great effort on every front of your life, friends will respect that.

You are not lazy, you do not need to be ashamed.


thoughts on house

ok so ive been watching house for like a week straight and im just now beginning to realise some stuff about it, as a show, that was pertinent to that whole rant i wrote a while ago about well written bad characters vs badly written bad characters

house is an example of a badly written bad character (hella spoilers)

in the show hes this genius diagnostician who breaks rules to save patients and doesnt care how that might affect anyone else and hes portrayed as being kind of an asshole but through his desire to save his patients, he’s painted as somewhat redeemable

thats not the case at all though

house, as a character, is a misanthropic, mysoginistic sociopath with only himself in mind. he’s badly written because while yes, bad things happen to him, very little of those bad things are a direct result from how he behaves as a person, and even when bad things that happen to him ARE a direct result of how he behaves, he always comes out on top bc someone ALWAYS either feels bad for him or sees him as too valuable to let go of

a good example of this was in the episode where he bypassed the jazz musician’s DNR order and went to court for it and ended up getting off scott free because of a technicality, and in the end all charges were dropped anyway no matter how many times house went against this guy’s wishes. He constantly puts his fellows in danger and treats them like shit, and the general reaction to this behaviour is a knee slapping “THAT’S OUR HOUSE!” and it’s really unfortunate because so much more could have been done with him to show growth as a character

and it’s also really unfortunate bc the only growth he really does as a character is when he realises he has feelings for cuddy, and even then after the feelings are expressed, all that happens is cuddy goes starry-eyed for him and they have sex a lot and house is still an ass and doesn’t change at all. House still treats his female fellows like shit. House still treats taub like shit for being jewish and short. House still treats Wilson like shit bc he is used to treating wilson like shit. House still treats Foreman like shit for being black and having a fucking conscience. 

And the worst part about it is that he’s written in such a way that being this vile human being with a talent for diagnosing illnesses and thinking critically is viewed as something to strive towards??? This sort of nonchalant ‘fuck the world i have work to do and if you get in my way i’ll mow you down’ attitude that house has is not something that’s uncommon!!! idk ive just been thinking about it and its upsetting to see how badly written this show is

like its fun to watch and its one of those shows that makes you wan to keep watching it but after a point it’s just hurtful and repetative

also i talked about this on my side blog i think but any show that allows its viewers to point out a recognizable pattern in plot resolution is weak in the writing department, imo. every fucking episode, 10 minutes to the end we see house talking to someone in a smarmy tone of voice about something that has nothing to do with the patient he’s diagnosing, and he’ll drop off mid sentence and the camera will zoom into his face and then he’ll hobble out the door into his patient’s room and be like ‘WELL, MY FELLOWS WERE WRONG, YOU HAVE THIS DISEASE BECAUSE YOU DID X THING AND IM GOING TO BERATE YOU FOR IT WHILE INSTRUCTING PEOPLE TO MEDICATE YOU’

and its just really irritating

after the patented ‘house zoom’ happens i just skip to the next episode bc i stop caring about the plot bc that is such a cop out way of writing a conclusion

like ok do it once or twice but once you get into season like… five i think… it happens almost every episode

or maybe it happened before and i didnt notice it

but anyway yeah house is like, irritatingly badly written bc the characters COULD have been intriguing! Like even Taub, ok, he’s a serial cheater. Why? Let’s talk about the motivation behind that. Let’s get deeper into why he’s a fucked up dick bag who can’t keep his weiner in his pants. Let’s talk about why the fuck Cameron was painted as the messed up one for leaving Chase after he fucking MURDERED a patient??? The writers literally went ‘well chase probably deserves the moral high ground here so let’s just say that cameron is mentally unstable and not ready for a relationship and THATS why she left chase, not specifically bc he killed a dude.’

god its so irritating. how they portray everyone in the show is so fucking IRRITATING.

AND WHY DID THEY JUST KILL KUTNER??? Why??????? There was no (iirc) inkling of him being suicidal, even in like…. the scenes where he didn’t have to be around anyone else. There could have been parts to where we saw what Kutner was really dealing with and how his constant harassment from house affected him on a deeper level etc like god damn dude what a shitty way for a character to go

and even in season 7 when cuddy is like ‘listen house your team of diagnosticians is a sausage fest, you need a female fellow’ it just REEKS of ‘ha ha women are oversensitive and *~*~*~*irrational*~*~*~*~* bc VAGINAS!!!’ and it is not good


i cant explain why i enjoy watching house bc on the whole its NOT a good show in terms of being well written but

there u go

sum thots


This is pretty much exactly why I stopped watching House! My family owns two copies of pretty much every season, and my brother and I used to marathon it every New Year's, and then I just... couldn't... anymore. I do want to add, tho, that the show dropped Kutner super quickly because Kal Penn had just been hired by the White House. But the suicide-out-of-nowhere is still a TERRIBLE way to handle that!


I’m gonna depress the hell out of all of you. ready? ok go

so, that “stop devaluing feminized work post”

nice idea and all

but the thing is, as soon as a decent number of women enter any field, it becomes “feminized,” and it becomes devalued.

as women enter a field in greater number, people become less willing to pay for it, the respect for it drops, and it’s seen as less of a big deal. it’s not about the job- it’s about the number of women in the job.

observe what happened with biology. it’s STEM, sure, but anyone in a male-dominated science will sneer at the idea of it being ‘for real,’ nevermind that everyone sure took it more seriously when it was a male dominated field. so has happened with scores of other areas; nursing comes to mind

so the thing is, it’s not the work or the job that has to be uplifted and seen as more respectable. it will never work out, until people start seeing women as respectable

but there’s a doozy and who the fuck knows if it’s ever happening in my life time


“observe what happened with biology. it’s STEM, sure, but anyone in a male-dominated science will sneer at the idea of it being ‘for real,’ nevermind that everyone sure took it more seriously when it was a male dominated field.”

Personal anecdote time!  I’m in a biology graduate program.  An acquaintance wanted to introduce some guy to me because his son was thinking about becoming an undergrad science major.  When he found out I was in the biology department, he grinned and said, “Well, I guess that’s kind of related to science.”

I gave him what I hope was an icy look and said, “Isn’t it strange how men outside the field started saying that right around the time biology majors shifted from mostly male to mostly female?”

The guy got this look on his face like he was about to play the “just a joke” card, and then an older woman who had been standing nearby, talking to someone else, turned to me and said, “The same thing happened with real estate.”  She went on to explain that, over the course of the career, the male-to-female ratio among real estate agents had dropped, and the pay and “prestige factor” of that job dropped along with it.


This is also famous for happening to teaching. Keep an eye on medicine over the next fifteen years and watch as it becomes less prestigious and less well-paid.


It also happened to secretarial/administrative work - in the 19th century, clerical work was utterly respectable and seen as requiring quite a lot of talent and skill (which it still does!) but then along came the typewriter and women entering the field and HEY PRESTO “she’s just some secretary”

at my university, chemical engineering, or chem eng, was often referred to as “fem eng” why? because it’s an exact 50/50 ratio of women to men, which clearly makes it too feminine. in the 70s/80s chemical engineering was one of the most important and hardest engineering fields (plastics! pulp and paper! OIL) but now that there are more women in the field it’s considered an easier field, in comparison to other fields.

for example, i once heard a girl in mech eng list some of the engineering fields in the order she thought was hardest to easiest. you know what it was? electrical, mechanical, chemical. it’s absolutely no surprise that this list is also a handy ordering of fewest women in the field to most women in the field.

AND, another point! this happens the other way around too. computer science related fields used to be dominated by women, which made it not very important (switchboard operators? yup). once men started taking over the field, well that’s when the big money and prestige came in.

The field of anthropology, which is becoming female dominated from what I can see, has been determined to be useless by some. (I’ve even had girls in STEM fields tell me I don’t study a “real science” so how’s about that internalized misogyny for ya) When I was majoring in anthropology, Gov. Rick Scott determined that Florida didn’t need any more anthropologists and wanted to reduce funding to programs and increase funding to STEM programs. While not considered a STEM field, anthropologists have contributed to the research behind STEM programs and provide a wide variety of services to Florida alone. A team of anthropologists created a powerpoint “This is Anthropology“ to talk about dozens of programs and services they contribute to in Florida which include healthcare programs, education programs, disaster relief, forensic investigation, environmental programs and conservation efforts, research for fortune 500 businesses, agricultural programs, immigration programs, programs and services for the elderly, etc. I’m also in the field of education, and we’re constantly made out to be overpaid (we’re not) and made out to be incapable of doing our jobs without very strict guidance. 

It’s all very insulting, really. No matter what we study. No matter what we do to earn a living. It will never be good enough.

It isn’t limited to the US either. In my father’s home country, medicine is mainly pursued by women, and thus, being a doctor isn’t seen as prestigious or respectable. 

I’ve had the same thoughts, especially in regards to bio and anthro.


This is so true! Even when I was a genetics major in undergrad: our department was "Biochemistry and Genetics". Most of the biochem majors were male; most of the genetics majors were female. Both programs were really rigorous, and the majority of both were extremely capable premed students, but! There was still this widely held viewpoint that biochem was both more difficult and more worthwhile than genetics. Which is BULLSHIT

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