Study Wisely


Native Dutch speaker. Trying to learn Swedish, Finnish and Estonian.

sometimes i just get overwhelmed by the number of languages i want to learn and the knowledge that i will never be able to learn them all

person: so what’s your passion?
me: languages. I live and breathe languages. I spend all my time thinking about languages and words and the elusive concept of fluency. My only goal is to immerse myself in as many foreign languages as I can. They are the only source of light in my otherwise dead and empty soul.
person: oh so you spend a lot of time studying languages?
me: no

Some Russian idioms/proverbs

• За двумя зайцами погонишься — ни одного не поймаешь.

Lit.: If you run after two hares, you won’t catch either of them.

Meaning: Don’t try to get everything at once/ a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush

• Слезами горю не поможешь.

Lit.: You won’t help the trouble with tears.

• Слово — не воробей; вылетит — не поймаешь.

Lit.: A word is not a sparrow: once it has flown out, you can’t catch it.

Meaning: A word spoken is past recalling.

• Выносить(imp.)/Вынести(perf.) сор из избы

Lit.: To take the trash out of the hut.

Meaning: To wash one’s dirty laundry in public.

• Капля камень точит (also: Вода камень точит).

Lit.: A drop/water rubs down the stone.

Meaning: Even a small effort brings great results, as long as it’s regular.

• Когда рак на горе свистнет.

Lit.: When a crayfish whistles on a hill.

Meaning: When pigs fly.


Like/reblog if you post studyblr/bujo/langblr content

I was inactive for about a year and while i was gone a lot of the blogs I followed deactivated so please like or reblog so I can check your blog out!


i feel like whenever i have to translate things from english back into german my brain is like “but you know english?? you don’t need to translate it. this is my final decision. error 403, access denied” and then i’m sitting there trying in vain to express the concept of “blanket” in my native language


Russia vocabulary in Finnish

Venäjä - Russia Venäjän federaatio - Russian Federation Neuvostoliitto - Soviet Union Euraasia - Eurasia Eurooppa - Europe Aasia - Asia Naapurimaa - neighbour country Suomi - Finland Norja - Norway Viro - Estonia Latvia - Latvia Liettua - Lithuania Puola - Poland Valko-Venäjä - Belarus Ukraina - Ukraine Georgia - Georgia Azerbaidžan - Azerbaijan Kazakstan - Kazakhstan Kiina - China Mongolia - Mongolia Pohjois-Korea - North Korea Pääkaupunki - capital Moskova - Moscow (the capital and biggest city) Pietari - Saint Petersburg (2nd biggest city) Novosibirsk - Novosibirsk (3rd biggest city) Jekaterinburg - Yekaterinburg (4th biggest city) Nižni Novgorod - Nizhny Novgorod (5th biggest city) Kazan - Kazan (6th biggest city) Tšeljabinsk - Chelyabinsk (7th biggest city) Omsk - Omsk (8th biggest city) Samara - Samara (9th biggest city) Ufa - Ufa (10th biggest city) Asukasluku - population 146 miljoonaa (sataneljäkymmentäkuusimiljoonaa) - 146 million Luonto - nature Metsä - forest Siperia - Siberia Metsä - forest Vuoristo - mountain range  Järvi - lake  Joki - river Liittotasavalta - federal state Presidentti - president Pääministeri - prime minister Liittokokous - Federal Assembly Liittoneuvosto - Federation Council Valtioduuma - State Duma Korruptio - corruption Ihmisoikeudet - human rights Valuutta - currency  Rupla - ruble Venäläinen - Russian Venäjä, venäjän kieli - Russian (language) Viittomakieli - sign language Maahanmuuttaja - immigrant Ulkomaalainen - foreigner Uskonto - religion Venäjän ortodoksinen kirkko - Russian Orthodox Church Urheilu - sports Jalkapallo - football Jääkiekko - ice hockey Jääpallo - bandy Lippu - flag Valkoinen - white Sininen - blue Punainen - red Vaakuna - coat of arms Kaksipäinen kotka - double-headed eagle Kansallislaulu - national anthem Venäjän federaation hymni -  State Anthem of the Russian Federation Kansallispäivä - national day Venäjän päivä - Russia Day 12. kesäkuuta (kahdestoista kesäkuuta) - June 12th Sirppi ja vasara - hammer and sickle Punainen tähti - red star Sipulikupoli - onion dome Äiti-Venäjä - Mother Russia Karhu - bear Maatuska - Matryoshka Muksis - Cheburashka Vodka - vodka


Bohemian Watercolor Illustrations Inspired by Literature and Nature by Ana Victoria Calderon

Mexican/American designer Ana Victoria Calderon’s work is deeply inspired by nature and its beauty. A native of the sunny Cancun area, Calderon combines her passion for the outdoors with stunning literature passages, which pay homage to inspirational thoughts and Mother Earth’s beauty.

Dreamy and intense, the watercolor portraits are composed of deep colors, mimicking the effect of a starry night, the beautiful aurora borealis and various sceneries. You can find her entire collection in her Etsy shop!


No matter how extra you’ll try to be, you’ll never be as extra as Ukraine in Eurovision.




Want to maintain or improve your writing skills in your target language this summer? Try this 30-day writing challenge for June: Every day, answer the following prompts in your target language (in a personal journal or in a tumblr post). Good luck!

  1. Write a short letter to someone you haven’t talked to in a while.
  2. What are your future career goals?
  3. What’s your favorite childhood movie? Why?
  4. If you could learn to cook anything this summer, what would it be and why?
  5. List 5 (or more) things that make you happy.
  6. What is your morning routine?
  7. What is your night routine?
  8. Who is one influential person in your life? Why?
  9. Write a poem about someone (or something) you love :)
  10. List 5 of your pet peeves.
  11. What’s something about yourself that you want to improve?
  12. What’s one place you’ve always wanted to visit? Why?
  13. What’s one thing you’re looking forward to this summer?
  14. What’s one of your favorite things about yourself? Why?
  15. Write a haiku about summertime.
  16. Describe a memorable dream you’ve had.
  17. Who’s your celebrity crush? What do you like about them (besides how cute I’m sure they are lol)?
  18. What’s your favorite summer memory?
  19. Translate 3 of your favorite quotes into your target language.
  20. Write 3 things that scare you and why.
  21. Write about a challenge you’ve overcome!
  22. Who is someone, dead or alive, you would love to meet? Why?
  23. Who is your best friend and why do you love them?
  24. What is your favorite item in your room?
  25. What’s one book you had to read in school that you DIDN’T like? Rant about it.
  26. What’s one good memory from school?
  27. List an insecurity, then refute it by reminding yourself how great you are :)
  28. How do you think someone would describe you?
  29. How do you relax after a stressful or difficult day?
  30. What was your favorite part of this month?

If you participate in this challenge and post your prompt answers, make sure to tag me with #studyingsenseless or #writingchallengejune ! I’ll be doing it too :)


How to intensify something in Mandarin Chinese

Basically just some different ways to say ‘very’ with different strengths and subtexts

很      hěn        very   the most basic and uncomplicated way to say very 

真      zhēn      really, truly

挺      tǐng        outstanding, extraordinary, very

蛮      mán       quite, pretty   colloquial

好      hǎo        very, quite      colloquial

超级  chāo jí    super-, ultra-, hyper-

特别  tè bié      particularly, especially

极了  jí le         extremely    as opposed to the ones above, this expression is put                          behind the word it corresponds to

死了  sǐ le         extremely, lit.: to death   this expression is also put behind the                              word it corresponds to; it’s mostly used in a negative context                                (e.g.: 饿死了 ( ě  sǐ le) - to be hungry to death; to be starving)

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