
Pens are swords. My blood is ink now.

@thescribesloft / thescribesloft.tumblr.com

Just another writer. I write and I give some advice, though I don't think it really does any good. My current WIP is Jeweler's Hands. It's about a boy who can see the future through dreams sent to him from divine Dragons. He then turns these dreams into jewelry. His family doesn't like what he predicts so they sell him to their country's capitol as a slave. While there, he learns more about his destiny and what the Dragons want for his world. Feel free to ask anything! I'm always open!

Happy STS! What’s a common writing tip that you mostly ignore? - @aziz-writes


Thanks, @aziz-writes, for the ask! I really appreciate it!

I generally don’t take every piece of writing advice with a grain of salt, but I have heard the “Show, don’t tell” quite often.

I wouldn’t say I ignore it all of the time, but like all writing advice it applies to different aspects of a person’s writing. There are times when you have no choice but to explain the situation how it is, but I do see where a lot of advice givers are coming from when they insist you not tell.


Happy Storyteller Saturday! What are some common archetypes in your characters? Do they see those archetypes in themselves, or do they see themselves as something completely different?


Thanks, @raevenlywrites, for the ask!

Some of the archetypes in my characters are derpy sweethearts, warrior princesses, wise old men, silent but powerful heroes, and really witchy women that you really want to die.

I think my characters are mostly in their own heads and don’t see those traits in themselves. One of them is really self-deprecating, so he doesn’t see himself as a hero. Another is a murderer, but isn’t evil. He hates himself and hides with a derpy attitude.


rb if you’re an active writeblr

calling all writeblrs!! rb this post if you’re an active writeblr and wouldn’t mind being friends <3 would love to get to know more people as i’m new to the community! i’ll be making a writeblr intro soon so make sure to keep an eye out for that~

following from @romanticsrn // writeblr @ambrosichor


From imdb: ”During the filming of some scenes for The Princess Bride, the weather became markedly cold for Robin Wright Penn. Andre the Giant helped her by placing one of his hands over her head; his hands were so large that one would entirely cover the top of her head, keeping her warm.”

comic by Box Brown :: via flickr.com

This is so sweet how can I NOT reblog this. 




All of the behind the scenes stories about Andre the Giant were adorable like this, Apparently Wallace Shawn is deathly afraid of heights, so he was freaking out while they were doing the scene scaling the cliff and Andre was like “it is okay, I’ll keep you safe.” there’s a behind the scenes thing on the DVD and everyone is choked up and misty eyed when they talk about working with him.


Andre the Giant was a radiant human being.


I’m so glad he gets to go down in history as everyones favorite giant. What a legacy!

It should be known that when he got back to wrestling after the movie came out he was constantly pulling other wrestlers into the locker room where he had a tv set up with a copy of the movie so they could watch. He was desperate for the guys to see it and he really wanted their honest opinion on his acting.


Always be vague. Say I think they’re in today or not until later. If they press say it’s company policy not to give out the schedule. Most companies do have this and even if they don’t how would a stranger know. Don’t give out specifics, they can get people injured or even killed.

At my last job someone came up and asked when “Sarah” was working next. I didn’t tell him and then texted her a description, turns out he was an abusive ex who had been stalking her. Don’t do this shit please.

Do NOT say anything along the lines of “they’re not in today” or “not until later” because you are confirming that this is somewhere the person in question can be found. NEVER confirm anything!

My old boss told us a story of how, years before when she was a fairly new manager (I’m talking decades, she’s 64 right now), there was a man who came in and asked for an employee by name and said he was her uncle. She told him the employee’s shift started in a coule hours. He waited the entire time for her, and when she came in, he assaulted her and bashed her face into the counter. My boss saw everything. She can’t recall what he said, but he kept screaming until someone threatened to call the police.

She told me that story after a man came in and asked for when an employee, who recently quit, would be coming in. I told him she doesn’t work here anymore and he said to me “Okay, well I’m her dad so if you see her tell her I’ll be across the street at the gas station.” He left and my boss IMMEDIATELY came out and scolded me for it, then told me that story.

She gave me some advice on what to say or do in that situation:

  • Don’t just deny knowing anything, deny the person asking. Example, “When is ____ coming in?” “You can’t know that information.” or “Can you tell me when ____’s shift is?” “Schedules are only for employees.” Additionally, saying “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” can usually work, it may piss them off but it can work.
  • Continue on with the customer service. “I can’t help you with that, do you need help (with clothes, finding a product, ordering)?” or “Can I take your order?/Can I help you find (a product)?”
  • If they persist, insist they leave the store. “If you’re not going to order, please leave the building.” or “I can’t help you, have a nice day.” and, if you can, leave. If you can’t leave, call for or help the next customer.
  • If they still persist (by now they may be aggressive), threaten to call the police on the basis of them becoming aggressive and refusing to leave the premises. Some people will leave at that point, others stay. When the police get there, explain the situation but still do NOT confirm the existence of the employee they’re looking for to the police until they have been escorted out of the area.

Regardless of if the customer know the employee’s name, description, or daily (not hourly) schedule, even if they look like the same race and claim to be family, you NEVER confirm the employee’s existence.

The only exceptions are if the employee tells you themself they’re expecting someone to come in for them (ASK FOR A DESCRIPTION OF THE PERSON), and if you personally know who they are in relation to the employee. When anyone I know has to come in because I asked them to come in, I describe what they look like and what they usually wear. I go into deep descriptions, even including how they walk.

You could literally save a life, guys. Don’t blindly trust your gut either and think “But they LOOK innocent” or “But they said ______” because that can result in someone getting severely hurt, or killed.

I know I joked on this post before but seriously

If youre in the US it is against federal law to give out anyones personal information (this includes numbers, names, and schedules) without writen and signed permission.

Just say its against federal law and you cant give out that info without risk of termination - this will get 99% off your back the first time


I found a company called “Frantic Meerkat” who makes journals whose sole purpose is to call me out

This is by the Mincing Mockingbird guy (of “I’d sell you to satan for one corn chip” and “The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math” fame) and you can buy them here

I….I need all of them

This speaks to me on a fucking spiritual level.

Time for Christmas shopping!


The Crystalized Language

The language of the Jewelers is unlike anything heard in the court of Eolar. It is soft and lilting yet heavy on the tongue and carries a great distance. Stormbreach is known for it’s multitude of dialects, but the husky, throaty rasp of the outlying villages especially to the North are exquisite. The name of this elusive language is unknown to Eolar and even a mystery to Jewelers. It is simply referred to as Dragon Voice. Eolar’s very own first King has the voice of a Dragon, powerful and yet gentle. The moment he speaks, he commands the room. He has confessed that he at one point had difficulty pronouncing the Queen’s own name among other things. He remarked that the private pet name he now uses for her was a mispronunciation of her true name to which she did not respond favorably at first. Because our wonderful King hails from a land where the voice is as rough and piercing as the people, his voice carries recognition every time he speaks and it will forever be the voice we long to hear both in battle leading our people to victory and in the village square, telling fantastic tales to hordes of children draped in jewelry from his own hands.

-From the Annuls of Eolar: Dragon Voice

Sorry if I didn’t tag you! I’m really tired. 


I love the incorporation of voices into the cultures, and the power of a King’s Dragon Voice! Such a neat concept!

Honestly, I admire anyone who decides to incorporate a unique new language and this is really cool

Thanks @quilloftheclouds and @scheherazadesavestheworld! I shall try to develop this aspect more.

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