
It is a truth, generally ignored

@whimstories / whimstories.tumblr.com

"You know the message you're sending out to the world with these sweatpants? You're telling the world, 'I give up. I can't compete in normal society. I'm miserable, so I might as well be comfortable."

50 Magical Origins...

  1. You touched a strange rune-covered stone and was engulfed by its glowing energies.
  2. You were bitten by a strange creature that then disappeared into the wilderness.
  3. You hugged a tree that was attuned to a place of great power.
  4. You ate a immortal insect that still sits in your stomach.
  5. You accidentally transported yourself to the Astral Plane after consuming a strange magical substance.
  6. You spoke to a phantasmal being while you slept.
  7. You accidentally entered the ceremonial chambers of a lost temple.
  8. Your ancestor claimed to be a powerful medicine man, but in fact worked with otherworldly magics to heal others.
  9. Your skin became fused with a strange alloy metal dust, which was actually the ground up scales of a metallic dragon!
  10. You found an ancient idol of unknown origins buried in an old field.
  11. You took part in an arcane military experiment to develop a humanoid war machine.
  12. You were exposed the strange energies of a glowing meteorite.
  13. You breathed the magical spores of a prehistoric mould recovered from an amber chunk.
  14. You fell ill from a mysterious illness that rode to earth on the surface of an alien space capsule.
  15. You discovered a cave filled with giant crystals that released pulsating, glowing energies.
  16. You were stung by several transmuted wasps that had been warped with a new form of magic.
  17. Your father or mother was secretly an inter-dimensional traveller.
  18. You were born of a failed cloning experiment and escaped the grounds before being destroyed.
  19. Your grand-father was a performer who made some dark deals to gain fame and fortune.
  20. You survived a magical explosion!
  21. You were exposed to wild cosmic powers while picking through the remains of fallen space junk.
  22. You accidentally breathed in the dust of a King’s tomb while exploring a ruined structure.
  23. Your body was transformed after breathing in a toxic alchemical smog.
  24. You consumed some unknown fruit found deep in a savage jungle.
  25. You came into contact with a strange sludge flowing out of a flooded ditch near an old alchemist’s shop.
  26. You participated in a strange experiment involving man-made magical fields.
  27. You performed a magical ritual found in a strange, dusty old book.
  28. You drank the waters of a mystical fountain.
  29. You had a strange, almost allergic reaction to an experimental magical potion.
  30. You consumed a strange tasting herbal tea while visiting an cackling old fortune teller.
  31. You great grand-mother was the high priestess of a savage tribe.
  32. You were taught ancient secrets of mind over matter by an elderly mage.
  33. You survived a fall into a vat containing a strange new alchemical substance.
  34. You were struck by lightning while visiting a historical site during a brewing storm.
  35. You were bitten by a lizard while visiting a series of old magically ruined towns located far away from any modern civilization.
  36. You were exposed to a previously unknown mineral ore during a mining accident.
  37. You were kidnapped by strange creatures and forced to participate in bizarre experiments.
  38. Your latent magical powers activated when you were accidentally electrocuted.
  39. You snorted a bizarre looking ash while getting high on street drugs at a dive bar.
  40. You consumed a bizarre tasting elixir purchased from an old alchemist’s shop.
  41. You fell into a bizarre, dream-filled trance when visiting an old medieval tower.
  42. You rode in a boat that was in engulfed with strange energies from a magical sea storm.
  43. You survived the accidental release of a magical modified disease.
  44. You purchased a mysterious ancient war mask from a back alley antique store.
  45. You survived being struck by a falling crystalline meteor, with a shard still buried in your back.
  46. You were once an Imp, but a strange surge of magic during your “Promotion” trapped your Soul in a Mortal Humanoid body.
  47. You were once part of an illegal gambling ring, winning a Wizard’s Spellbook in a Game of Chance. Sometimes you find yourself writing in that old Wizard’s hand-writing.
  48. You were grievously wounded by a powerful Dragon, but not before landing a blow on the creature. Your bloods mingled and some of its powers were shunted into you!
  49. Your Soul wandered the depths of the Shadowfell, before arriving at the Fortress of Memories, where pity was taken upon you and you were reincarnated as a second chance at life.
  50. You worked at an old clock tower. One day time seemed to stop for just a moment while you stood before the gears, but then it ticked along once more…

fanfic speedrun: write the scene you want to write and skip the rest of the fic

(same goes on the reader side of things)

I'm seeing people on this post who think that what I'm saying is, "Write out of order, starting with the things you enjoy most." And while that's fine advice, it's not actually what I said.

What I said was, "Only write the thing that's fun, and don't write the rest."

Write one shots. Write drabbles. Write ficlets. If you have 5 interesting scenes but you can't figure out how to tie them together into a fic, then write 5 separate ficlets, post them in a series, and when you get another idea for that series just plop it right in there and rearrange the works into the right order.

You don't have to write longfic to write fanfic.


Summary: Vague Isekai concept. Marinette is transported into a world she read in a book and comes to fall for the female lead who was drastically misrepresented in the novel. 

A/N: I didn’t expect to write some random scenes today. This isn’t a full story, sadly. I just wanted to post some things I wrote because Marigami needs more content, and this pairing is vastly not given the attention and respect it deserves. 

Enjoy ~ ✨


“But I don’t wish to be just a man’s wife, I want…I wish to be…”

“But you are!” Marinette exclaimed. 

Kagami’s eyes widened in surprise. 

“You don’t need permission or approval, you’re already a politician. A scholar. A warrior. Your sword is more beautiful than anyone I’ve seen. You don’t need to waste your breath wishing.”

“You say that but—“

“Please don’t contradict me. It hurts me to see you doubting yourself so much when you’re already beyond extraordinary.”

Kagami’s cheeks flushed a rosy color and she looked shyly at the ground. “You’re full of praises today.” 

“Make it more difficult to find praise then,” Marinette grinned. “I wish I had half your virtues.” 

“You’re much more virtuous,” Kagami whispered, sounding almost too sincere. For a moment Marinette’s heart stopped, fluttering with warmth and searing pride. But she covered it with a sip of her tea, knowing better.  


This guy knows what he’s talking about. He’s one of the lead writers for Leverage and if you ever watch the series on DVD, do yourself a favor and listen to him talk about how the scripts got written. Some of the advice he has is stuff I use all the time: 1. Don’t introduce an important plot person or thing after the first half of the story. 2. Always tie up loose ends. 3. Introduce important things in the middle of unimportant things. 4. If you have to infodump, find an emotion to tie it to and it will seem less like infodump and more like a motive rant. Seriously this guy knows how to write.


like, the most compelling ships for me always stem out of one thing: the characters have a profound, ongoing effect on each other’s senses of selves. when they are apart, the characters’ actions are still affected by each other. the way they approach the world changes because of the other. 

which is this deeply Austenian view of ideal romantic relationships as mechanisms by which we come to know ourselves better and become better versions of ourselves. good romance, for me, is always tied in with a sense of self-actualization, and the way in which a beloved partner allows a person to know themselves better.


Write fanfiction guiltlessly. Do it not only because it’s good practice, not only because you don’t feel like putting your energy into original stuff, but because you do feel like putting your energy into fandom. Write fanfics of epic proportions or tiny one-shots; write fluff or angst or cliches or tropes; publish the roughest version or keep the twelfth draft for only yourself. Do it without feeling bad. You owe no one anything; the act of creation is a gift in and of itself, and it doesn’t matter if you’re creating fanfic or original stories or whatever else you want. All that matters is you enjoy it, because why else would you do it at the end of the day?

Write fanfiction guiltlessly.


Tips on Class-Difference Romance

Big Theme, Write Small

I’ve heard this several times in my writing career and it reigns true every time I write something as broad as this. The bigger the message you’re trying to get across, the smaller the subject you write about should be. If you’re dealing with something massive like class discrimination, focus on something small that embodies the heart of the issue. A great example of this is in Pirates of The Caribbean, where the difference in class is illustrated in one of the beginning scenes where the governor proudly rides down the street of his town in a horse-drawn carriage, splashing a peasant with mud. It’s small, but it hits hard, and it’s subtle enough that many of these small focus points will build major tension.

Understand vs. Overcome

There’s a severe difference in the message you send to your reader between having your characters understand each other’s personal struggles and flaws, and having them change or “overcome” them. When you write a story around one or both of your characters denying or escaping their personal background in order to please the other, it sends a toxic message that one cannot be loved by someone who is “above them”. That they must either rise to their level or concede. 

Social Status =/= Personality

Certain tropes surrounding social systems and classes reign true and have their place in your character’s profile, but cliches cannot be the foundation of their constructed narrative. Even if your story completely revolves around class differences, well-rounded characters must have 3-dimensional arcs, personalities, flaws, and goals. 

What drives the individual protagonists?

As we’ve established, the main driving force for your characters should be more complex than overcoming their systematic struggles, and it shouldn’t simply be winning the heart of the other. Give them motivations, goals, and challenges that stand in their way, or no subplots or dimension will evolve as you explore your story.

Big Bad vs. Small Bad

There’s a distinction to be made between the “big bad” (the class difference and its inherent challenges), and the “small bad” (those who represent and embody parts and pieces of the big bad through unique perspectives and focus). In a story of the romance genre, it’s important to have the big bad v. the small bad outlined and fleshed out in order to give your story some flavor. 

If you enjoy my blog and wish for it to continue being updated frequently and for me to continue putting my energy toward answering your questions, please consider Buying Me A Coffee, or pledging your support on Patreon, where I offer early access and exclusive benefits for only $5/month.

Shoutout to my $15+ patrons, Jade Ashley and Douglas S.!


the rubber duck

For anyone curious what they mean by the rubber duck, rubber duck debugging is a tactic used by programmers to figure out bugs in the code. To do it, they explain the code, verbally, line by line, to the rubber duck until they find it. 

It’s also very useful for writers, and I’ve used it multiple times with rubber ducks, stuffed animals, and my friends.


11.3k into the rewrite, the stars are aligned, my head is a little spacey either from euphoria or living within itself for too long but it’s still going great, friends

16.2k into the rewrite and I’m honestly wondering why FOR THE THIRD CONSECUTIVE YEAR March is my most active writing month. Is this an astrology thing。。。。


11.3k into the rewrite, the stars are aligned, my head is a little spacey either from euphoria or living within itself for too long but it’s still going great, friends

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