

I like pretty slash pairings, bad puns, Marvel, baking shit and books. And, like, 3 people.

is being into coffee an older sibling thing bc everyone i know who loves coffee is the oldest child

like every oldest child ik loves coffee, the middle child hates it/prefers tea, and the youngest will drink it but only if its super sweet n has a ton of milk

rb w/ if ur oldest, middle, or youngest child and how u feel about coffee

Youngest but I prefer flat whites or straight espresso 🤷‍♀️


Want more info? Here ya go: 


“The idea of two sexes is simplistic. Biologists now think there is a wider spectrum than that.”

As a biologist I am reblogging this so hard.

Biological sex is not and has never been a binary. The complexity of the natural world cannot be contained in neat little societal boxes. Stop using science to justify your bigotry.

The complexity of the natural world cannot be contained in neat little societal boxes. Stop using science to justify your bigotry.

I have written a few blog post that presents the science on the diversity of sexuality and gender:


Sassy HYDRA agent

*deep menacing accent* “How did you take down Captain America?” *matter of fact European accent replies* “We shot him in the legs because his shield is the size of a dinner plate and he is an idiot”

sassy hydra agent: hello mr. barnes were going to take your arm off bucky barnes: i think i just need help sassy hydra agent: give you cool robot arm

@garnier-fx there’s another one! 


sassy hydra agent: well if it isn’t captain america…

captain america: but it is me.

sassy hydra agent: no, it’s, an expression.

captain america: your nazi tricks won’t work on me!


I just realised where Kylo got his name from:

Ky = sKYwalker

Lo = soLO

Ren = literally just his birth name with an R

which means that when he was choosing his super scary Dark Lord name, he just mashed up the surnames of the most positive figures in his life. poor sod can’t even evil right


literally a ‘what is your star wars name’ meme

2nd two letters of your mother’s last name Last two letters of your father’s last name

1st three letters of your name but with an R


Adar Rre

well that’s disappointing as hell

Urht Run

Olon Rab

Lsrs Rem

Arfo Rish


Inly Rte


Irne Roa

Ptan Ruc

that’s almost convincing

Rell Rel

….how am I the Moon Moon of this freaking thing?


Imco Rhy


Wios Ret

Okay, I’m kinda digging this


How many Fannibals are there on Tumblr?

I thought that this idea that the Supernatural Fandom had was really cool, because of that, I wanna do a headcount for all Hannibal Fans on Tumblr. So reblog this if you are a Fannibal!
Please reblog this only once or this will be pointless. Let’s show everyone that even if our show is gone, we’ll all still be here, lurking in the shadows of Tumblr.
Let’s make them hear us, folks! Raise your forks!

Counting heads, you say?

almost 3k Fannibals, nice!

Fannibal 5 Eva


i’m scared of walgreens

when i went to america i really Did not like walgreens. it’s not like real life in there it is something else. first of all i entered and the checkout guy goes “welcome to walgreens, again and again and again” it was weird and unnerving and not welcoming at all. then the next thing was they had big mirrors along the back wall of the store and i thought that the store was double the size and i was like how is it so big in here when it wasn’t this big outside, when walgreens was really just playing mined games with me. also that’s where i discovered that in america u don’t have the tax included in the price of the item and that’s fucked up and disgusting and rly added to why i fear walgreens


Obviously made the mistake of going to shadow walgreens

shadow walgreens engulfed all locations 15 years ago. Shadow walgreens is walgreens

I feel like an attempt should at least be made to make a distinction between the two so that the brave men and women who gave their lives defending walgreens from the encroaching nothingness didnt die/dissapear from the euclidian plane in vain. But fuck me i guess

I’m terrified of Rite Aid, honestly. Everyone I’ve been at has a creepy low ceiling, shadowy haunted shelves and one person working at most. I’ve literally gotten spooked and given up on the Cheetos I️ wanted so desperately when I️ was unable to find another living person in the building and began to think I’d wandered into some evil mirror world or a slasher flick. Set the Cheetos down gently and just booked it.

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