

@lbgtlove / lbgtlove.tumblr.com


Shark Week may be over, but we can’t stop caring. Around the world every hour an average of 11,416 sharks are killed. We like to think the US has no part in the decreasing shark population, but sadly that is not true. Currently the US is 7th in the world for shark fin exports. We need to ask ourselves.. where are these fins coming from?

One place is shark tournaments. So many people are not aware of just how devastating these tournaments are to the shark population. We are killing sharks faster than they can reproduce. Do you know sharks do not become sexually mature until around 15-33 years of age. The average gestation period (pregnancy) for sharks is 1-2 years. In fact the Frilled Sharks gestation period is 3 and a half years.. These tournaments are unnecessary and are ultimately destroying our ocean…

Ways to get involved:

-Call and email your local representatives and demand they put an end to shark tournaments.

-Ocean cleanups

-Send emails to corporate when you see a food store that sells shark meat.

-Support shark Conservations, research centers, shark scientists and oceanographers.

Here are some of my favorites ..

O'Seas Conservation Foundation

Craig O'Connell

Project Hiu Foundation



Saving the Blue


I want to take a moment to thank every single person who’s shared this.. I can not express how much it means to me. This needs to be in the spotlight.. I can not tell you how many people I talk to about shark culling, finning and tournaments.. they always say no.., that’s not happening?? How can we help with things people aren’t aware of .. we need to keep talking until there isn’t a person who doesn’t know what is happening! So many people say they love sharks.. where are they now? You can not claim to love an animal and turn your back on them.. we need to be their voice.. I’m done hearing everyone hoping for better for future generations.. NO it starts with us.. we can be the change. We can make a difference.. don’t let them make you feel like we can’t ..

Message me to find ways you can get involved.

Rebirth Garment’s mission is to create gender non-conforming wearables and accessories for people on the full spectrum of gender, size and ability. The line creates a community where all people can confidently express their individuality and identity. Our identity is that of QueerCrip, a politicized umbrella term that encompasses queer, gender nonconforming identities, visible and invisible disabilities/ disorders—physical, mental, developmental, emotional ect. In particular, our trans* and disabled communities have very particular clothing needs that are not adequately served by mainstream clothing designers. Instead of being centered on cisgender, heterosexual, white, thin people, Rebirth Garments is centered on QueerCrip people.
Rebirth Garments challenges mainstream beauty standards that are sizest, ableist, and conform to the gender binary. Instead, we maintain the notion of Radical Visibility, a movement based on claiming our bodies and, through the use of bright colors, exuberant fabrics, and innovative designs, highlighting the parts of us that society typically shuns. Through Radical Visibility, we refuse to assimilate and can create a QueerCrip dress reform movement.

Read more about RebirthGarments here.

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