
The Cindy Masterpost

I’ll edit and reblog this with updates as I post new bits of the Cinderella story I’m working on, but for now, here are all the current chapters out:

Part One (In Which Things Would Be Simpler If The Prince Was A Horny Piece of Shit)

Part Two (In Which No Rats Were Harmed In The Making Of These Horses)

Part Three (The OG post which technically is kind of told out of order because there’s a reblog and like, look, I could see this was becoming a thing, but I didn’t think it would be a thing-thing but now it’s a thing-thing and I have to deal with it. I mean I’m writing a masterpost for cryin’ out loud)

Part Four (In Which Cindy and the Fairy Godmother Run from the Cops)

Part Five (In Which The Prince Begins His Investigation While The Narrator yells About Foot Fetishes Because look I’m sick of that joke I’m SO FUCKING SICK of that joke it’s so fucking unoriginal.)

Part Six  (In which we meet The Queen because fuck you she was alive in the Rogers and Hammerstein version)

Part Seven (In which news of the slipper is spread throughout the kingdom and the narrator talks about this one time when they passed out at a Dickens fair and that’s totally definitely relevant.)


Welllp These Are Books — the 2021 Version

Hello, hi, hey there! It’s me. Reader of many books. Like, so many books. Many, many, many books. Some of them ridiculous. Some of them excellent. Almost all of them involving kissing of some sort. As promised (or warned, depending on how you look at it) these are some of the best books I read this year while waiting for grown adults to answer their emails. Under the cut because, as advertised, I have read a lot of books this year. Answering emails takes a lot of time, apparently.

She says, without a trace of bitterness.

Happy New Year, everybody. Here’s to a 2022 filled more fictional characters making out.


apparently this is a thing in Japan too, and it gets translated as “Mundane Halloween.” There are so photos online and they’re all so good?????

“Person going to work on a windy day"

“Woman who’s having her bang cut but the hairdresser is nowhere to be found"

"Zookeeper in charge of the pandas"

Here are two more:

"Not pregnant lady when someone yield seat to her on subway"

And my favorite

"Person on thermal infrared camera"

Might share more tomorrow.

Influencers taking selfies at a gym

Starbucks barista working her ass off on Halloween but gotta keep up that smile

Person who sits on wet paint

Person who's still loading

Boyfriend carrying girlfriend's shopping bags

I love these so much

Finally a halloween tradition I can get behind


It looks so fun


Fantasy books written by women are often assumed to be young adult, even when those books are written for adults, marketed to adults, and published by adult SFF imprints. And this happens even more frequently to women of color.

This topic’s an ongoing conversation on book Twitter, and I thought it might be worth sharing with Tumblr. And by “ongoing,” I mean that people have been talking about this for years. Last year, there was a big blow up when the author R.F. Kuang said publicly that her book The Poppy War isn’t young adult and that she wished people would stop calling it such. If you’ve read The Poppy War, then you’ll know it’s grimdark fantasy along lines of Game of Thrones… and yet people constantly refer to The Poppy War as young adult – which is one of its popular shelves on Goodreads. To be fair, more people have shelved it as “adult,” but why is anyone shelving it as “young adult” in the first place? Game of Thrones is not at all treated this way…

Rebecca Roanhorse’s book Trail of  Lightning, an urban fantasy with a Dinétah (Navajo) protagonist has “young adult” as its fifth most popular Goodreads shelf. The novel is adult and published by Saga, an adult SFF imprint. 

S.A. Chakraborty’s adult fantasy novel City of Brass has “young adult” as its fourth most popular Goodreads shelf. 

Tasha Suri’s Empire of Sand, an adult fantasy in a world based on Mughal India, has about equal numbers of people shelving it as “adult” or “young adult.” 

Book Riot wrote an article on this, although they didn’t address how the problem intersects with race. I also did a Twitter thread a while back where I cited these examples and some more as well. 

The topic of diversity in adult SFF is important to me, partly because we need to stop mislabeling the women of color who write it, and also because there’s a lot there that isn’t acknowledged! Besides, sometimes it’s good to see that your stories don’t just end the moment you leave high school and that adults can still have vibrant and interesting futures worth reading about. I feel like this is especially important with queer rep, for a number of reasons. 

Other books and authors in the tweets I screenshot include:

TLDR: Women who write adult fantasy, especially women of color, are presumed to be writing young adult, which is problematic in that it internalizes diversity, dismisses the need and presence of diversity in adult fantasy, and plays into sexist assumptions of women writers. 


my fav trope is like, nonhuman characters not understanding human needs/customs but still being super supportive of their human companion

“look what I found while exploring this planet’s surface!” “kilrak please I’m trying to sleep” “ah yes your human circadian rhythm. *stage whispering* I am supposed to be quiet during this time in your rhythm, yes?”

“the book I purchased on ragnok V says humans require physical touch when upset. therefore, I shall engage in a ‘hug’ with you.” *supremely awkward five-armed hug ensues*


“this pamphlet I received recently says that humans require companions and packmates in the form of small earth creatures. you should have told me this before we departed earth, but it is no worry. we will have to stop at the next trade planet to get you one of these ‘cats’ or ‘dogs’.”


imagine the aliens really purchasing a kitten for one of their rough and world-weary scifi badass human companions and watching in helpless wonderment what ensues 

“she’s been cuddling that small animal for the past fifteen minutes just going ‘kitty, kitty’. did we - did we break our human?”

a more seasoned alien puts one of their tentacles around the younger one as the rest of the team gathers to watch their human make kissy noises. 

“no, kilrak,” the alien says. “we did good.” 

“Human-Steve! I have heard that today is the anniversary of your hatching! According to my human culture pamphlet, it is customary to set a sugary pastry on fire while chanting your species’ growth incantation and presenting sacrifices wrapped in shiny paper. I am afraid to ask, in case this ritual is sacred and this request therefor insensitive… but may I be allowed to participate? It sounds much more fascinating than molting.”

“Human Steve, I have read about your ritual dance called ‘The Hokey Pokey,’ performed mostly at mate-bonding celebrations after the guests reach an elevated level of intoxication. But Human Steve, how do I know WHICH left foot to put in, put out, and shake all about? I do not… Human Steve, why are you laughing?”

“Human-Steve, you are… you are eating, but it is not one of your ritual fueling times. Are you dying? Is everything alright? Have you not been receiving enough sustenance? Do I need to get you better things to eat? Human-Steve, why are you trying to hide that food?”


“Human-Steve, my research has informed me of a grave oversight in your care that I, as your companion, have made! Thus, I have gathered collections of fictional human literature to read aloud at the time of your bed. Which is more to your liking: “The Care and Keeping of Cacti” or “1001 Crossword Puzzles?” Human-Steve? Human-Steve, I am serious.“

One of the things I love the most about this post is how “Human-Steve” makes me think that there is also an alien called Steve in the squad, and I just imagine the first meeting and introduction where there is the human guy introducing himself as Steve and then there is this huge blue guy with like 5 legs and bug eyes and apparently Steve is like a completely regular name on his planet too in some intergalactical coincidence

that was off topic sorry.


that was the best possible tangent, thank you for this addition

Anonymous asked:

You’re an absolute wonder when it comes to finding fics! I’m trying to find a fic from Murder Under the Mistletoe where Phryne sneaks into Jack’s room? Could you help me?

Too Great a Risk

“But Jack, if I lock my door, nobody could get in.” 

“It’s too great a risk, Miss Fisher. Lock it tight. Goodnight.”

If ever Phryne looked like she was scheming, this is that moment…

Anon, we think the fic that you are looking for is Snowy Shenanigans (aka Mischief Managed) (2017) by @deverewinterton but for good measure here’s some others where Phryne gets what she wants…

  • Jack the Lionheart (2018) by justare - Phryne tricks Jack into entering her room, and then locks the door.
  • A Million (2014) by CollingwoodGirl - Phryne doesn’t sneak into Jack’s room but concerned about his head injury she watches over him as he sleeps.

And, as a ‘Can you believe it’s nearly Christmas?’ bonus, here are some other Murder Under the Mistletoe related fics…

  • Sweet surprise (2018) by @deverewinterton - Phryne makes unexpected call at Jack’s house the day after their return from the chalet… there is baking…
  • So Deep You’re Really a Part of Me (2015) by elizajane - Part of a series but possible to read as a standalone. After the Christmas in July celebration Phryne decides it’s time. 
  • Nerves and Mistletoe (2015) by Dovesummer - a glimpse of Phryne’s thoughts at the Christmas in July party.
  • Stay For A While (2014) by WeLoveSherlolly - At the chalet Jack is checking everyone is safe. When he gets to her door, Phryne invites him in.

If you are in need of even more festive cheer, check out our Fics of Christmas Past, Part One and Part Two.

Thanks for the ask, Anon, and hopefully you enjoy these even if we haven’t been able to find the exact one you were after. As always if we’ve missed any fics please feel free to link to them in a reblog or comments.


I heard about a pipeline protest, what’s going on?

There is a proposed pipeline expansion being currently constructed that will bring nearly 1 million tar sands per day from Alberta, Canada to Superior, Wisconsin.

It’s known as the Line 3 Pipeline. Indigenous ppl have been protesting it with the help of allies. As of recently though the situation has escalated to police brutality and suppression of rights, including treaty rights.

Why is Line3 so bad?

Good question. A brief peek at this map makes it very clear to see why the Ojibwe ppl would be upset.

  • Pipeline 3 violates several treaties with the Ojibwe people. Treaty rights surpass the authority of even the constitution.
  • But that hasn’t stopped police from breaking those rights and making over 600 arrests since the protests started.
  • The placement of it puts at risk the water that 18 million humans and wildlife rely on. That’s 23% of all of public freshwater, nearly ¼ of our entire supply. x
  • It also will be carrying several kinds of tar sands crude. which is a carbon intensive oil which contains 37% more carbon than conventional oil, meaning worse for our environment than normal oil.
  • The pipeline would have the climate cost equivalent to 50 coal power plants
  • The company in charge if it is infamous for it’s spills. They’ve already spilled drilling fluid more than 5x. x
  • Theyre even abandoning their first attempt at the pipeline once the replacement is constructed because of all the issues it’s had (that’s right, they’ve failed once already) x

As such, Water Protectors have been protesting against it. Going so far as locking themselves to equipment, crawling in pipes, and getting arrested. Anything to stop construction.

Not only that but the pipeline has given cause for concern that there would be an increase in MMIW2SG (Missing and murdered Indigenous Women, 2 Spirit, & girls, a national crisis) The concern is not unfounded.

In March, the anti-violence and anti-human trafficking nonprofit Violence Intervention Project requested reimbursement from Enbridge’s public safety fund for anti-human trafficking efforts associated with the project. x

Recent Timeline of Events & Escalation

  • July 27th it was found Blue Lives Matter was going to start organizing to “help” the police. x
  • July 28th the White Earth Nation ordered a 48 hour cease & desist, which Enbridge ignored. x
  • July 29th HR- 1374, a bill that would allow foreign corporations (like Enbridge) to publically hire state officials to brutalize/kill protesters that disrupt “critical infrastructure” (like pipelines) passes the House and goes on to the Senate. x
  • July 29th police started using rubber rounds & pepper spray. x
  • July 30th A vehicle swerved into Water Protectors. x
  • July 30th Additionally, Enbridge spilled drilling liquid again (called a frac-out) on the same day. x
  • July 30th 2 Enbridge workers are found in a sex trafficking sting x
  • August 1st we learn Water Protectors have not been allowed to change out of the clothes covered in the chemicals law enforcement used, their dietary needs have been ignored, and they’ve been treated poorly while in custody. A call to action is posted x

What Can I Do?

  • Get educated, firstly
  • Sign this petition to tell Biden to take action
  • Sign this petition against HR-1374
  • Follow Indigenous creators/media. A good place to start are the ones I’ve linked through out this post & going through the #StopLine3 tags
  • We’re having a very hard time trying to spread awareness due to media suppression so please spread this like wildfire
  • Leave comments under (big) creators that pride themselves on being green or eco-friendly asking them to raise awareness.
  • Answer the call for action and contact the Pennington County Jail and demand humane treatment of Water Protectors. Read the script too if that’s easier:
I am calling today to demand that water protectors are treated humanely and fairly, that their dietary needs are respected and their medications be given properly.
  • Tweet their accounts as well. Demand humane treatment
  • And contact your state representatives & tell them you WILL NOT vote for them again should this HR-1374 pass. That this bill is against your interests as a constituent & NOT a reflection of your states values.
Find your Congressperson: x
Find your Senator: x
Different camps have different security practices. Some camps welcome you to come directly there, some want to have you vetted first to protect themselves and their work.

Join Us in The Fight to Protect Our Water


My other posts are getting long and confusing with all the updates. Please reblog this post.


“I just wanna remind all my chronically online leftists if youre sitting around debating theory and asking questions like ‘When is the revolution gonna happen?’ um… but you are not at places like this, you’re not donating….

Umm, you are missing the fact the revolution is happening right now. Water protectors, Indigenous, non-indigenous allies are coming together to protest against a multi-national oil corporation going through sovereign treaty land. So if you’re asking yourself ‘when is the revolution happening?’ I’d say it’s happening right now and you’re just not part of it.”

What can you do? Watch part 2 where they explain. I’ve linked their Linktree as well since it contains sources on how to get involved & where to donate (as well as the Google doc they mention in the video). (spoiler tho: get involved or donate)

Other useful things:

  • Red Lake Bail Venmo: Stars_On_Stone
  • Red Lake PayPal: bit.ly/HelpRedLake
  • Learn More & donate: Stop line 3

Stay Updated:

OP’s links & Google doc:

src: x


edit: updated to fix the links and added some more


So... I found this and now it keeps coming to mind. You hear about "life-changing writing advice" all the time and usually its really not—but honestly this is it man.

I'm going to try it.


I love the lawyer metaphor, because whenever I see “John knew that...” in prose writing I immediately think “how?  How does he know it?”  Interrogate your witnesses.  Cross-examine them.  Make them explain their reasoning.  It pays dividends.

All of this, but also feels/felt. My editor has forbidden me from using those and it’s forced me to stretch my skills.


This is your "show not tell" advice explained!



Anonymous asked:

Hey did you happen to see that post about indigenous brands to shop from or to support. I’m looking for it at the moment

While we're at it on this 4th of July:

Donate to the Quileute Tribe's Move to Higher Ground fundraiser



Visit the website for the Lakota Law Project where you can donate, educate yourself, and/or sign the petition to tell Biden to Stop Line 3


Follow Otaes aka @ndn.o on Instagram or their Patreon for Indigenous history lessons


Visit the website for the Native American Disability Law Center for resources on how to help


For resources on MMIW, visit the websites for Coalition to Stop Violence Against Native Women and MMIW USA


If there's more Native and Indigenous orgs/businesses/ppl that y'all know, please add them!


Catch Up Game

Tag 9 people you want to know better/catch up with

I was tagged by the absolute delight that is @superchocovian, who had me at "chocolate". Thank you, lovely!

Last song: Chasin' Echoes -- The Lonely Biscuits

Currently reading: Born A Crime -- Trevor Noah

Currently watching: Shadow and Bone

Currently craving: i just got done eating chicken with braised fennel and saffron risotto, so i'm good for about the next--- GRILLED CHEESE, OK? i AM CRAVING A GRILLED CHEESE SANDWICH. 😂😂😂


weird asks that say a lot


1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans?

2. chocolate bars or lollipops?

3. bubblegum or cotton candy?

4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you?

5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups?

6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear?

7. earbuds or headphones?

8. movies or tv shows?

9. favorite smell in the summer?

10. game you were best at in p.e.?

11. what you have for breakfast on an average day?

12. name of your favorite playlist?

13. lanyard or key ring?

14. favorite non-chocolate candy?

15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?

16. most comfortable position to sit in?

17. most frequently worn pair of shoes?

18. ideal weather?

19. sleeping position?

20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?

21. obsession from childhood?

22. role model?

23. strange habits?

24. favorite crystal?

25. first song you remember hearing?

26. favorite activity to do in warm weather?

27. favorite activity to do in cold weather?

28. five songs to describe you?

29. best way to bond with you?

30. places that you find sacred?

31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names?

32. top five favorite vines?

33. most used phrase in your phone?

34. advertisements you have stuck in your head?

35. average time you fall asleep?

36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing?

37. suitcase or duffel bag?

38. lemonade or tea?

39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie?

40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?

41. last person you texted?

42. jacket pockets or pants pockets?

43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket?

44. favorite scent for soap?

45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero?

46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in?

47. favorite type of cheese?

48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be?

49. what saying or quote do you live by?

50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?

51. current stresses?

52. favorite font?

53. what is the current state of your hands?

54. what did you learn from your first job?

55. favorite fairy tale?

56. favorite tradition?

57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome?

58. four talents you’re proud of having?

59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be?

60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be?

61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?

62. seven characters you relate to?

63. five songs that would play in your club?

64. favorite website from your childhood?

65. any permanent scars?

66. favorite flower(s)?

67. good luck charms?

68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?

69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned?

70. left or right handed?

71. least favorite pattern?

72. worst subject?

73. favorite weird flavor combo?

74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen?

75. when did you lose your first tooth?

76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)?

77. best plant to grow on a windowsill?

78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store?

79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo?

80. earth tones or jewel tones?

81. fireflies or lightning bugs?

82. pc or console?

83. writing or drawing?

84. podcasts or talk radio?

84. barbie or polly pocket?

85. fairy tales or mythology?

86. cookies or cupcakes?

87. your greatest fear?

88. your greatest wish?

89. who would you put before everyone else?

90. luckiest mistake?

91. boxes or bags?

92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights?

93. nicknames?

94. favorite season?

95. favorite app on your phone?

96. desktop background?

97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized?

98. favorite historical era?


wei wuxian be like “wow who raised this nice young man” when he first meets lan sizhui like he’s your son you and your boyfriend did you stupid bitch


by contrast when he meets jin ling he’s like “clearly whoever raised u is a clown” and he’s right. it’s jiang cheng



It’s going up in the city tonight and I won’t be on here but before I leave for the night here are a list of local resources to share.

Direct Donations/Financial Help for Daunte’s Family

  • Gofundme
  • Cashapp: $hubby98 (Chyna, Daunte’s girlfriend and the mother of Daunte Jr.)
  • Venmo: @thuy-jones (community member who will pass funds to Chyna)
  • Paypal: @holisticheaux (community member who will pass funds to Chyna)

If sending via money transferring apps please put “For Daunte Jr.” in the subject line so the funds can be properly allocated!

Community Donations for Protesters and Protective Equipment

DocumentingMN: local community member run organization providing plywood for Black owned business in the cities and well as hot meals and safety gear

Venmo: @DocMN
Paypal: @DocumentingMN

Freedom Street Health: community medic organization, apart of Twin Cities Workers Defense Alliance. Providing first aid supplies for on the ground medics

Cashapp: $clamdunk
Venmo: @zwine

Brooklyn Center School District: urgent need for food and essentials for the community

Rebuild Brooklyn Center Shops Gofundme: mutual aid to help rebuild businesses that were looted/destroyed on Sunday April 11th

Minnesota Freedom Fund: bail relief fund

The Bail Project: bail relief fund

George Floyd Square: community led and guarded autonomous zone on 38th and Chicago that provides community space and organizations to gather

Venmo: @marciahoward38thstreet
Paypal: @marciaxthree
Twitter: @GeorgeFloydSQ
Instagram: @38thandchicagogfs

Community Members to Follow for Updates and Information

Unicorn Riot: livestreaming broadcasts

Twitter: @UR_Ninja
Instagram: @unicorn.riot
Facebook: Unicorn Riot


Twitter: @MnUrising
Instagram: @mnurising

MN Teen Activists

Instagram: @mnteenactivists

H.P Rogers, Ben Hovland, and Daviss: photojournalists

Instagram: @hpr_photography and @benjovland
Twitter: @daviss 
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