
"over thinking kills your happness"



Adorable niece #mashallah



The idea that Africans are starving and dying because it’s overpopulated is simply not true. Looking at the natural resources Africa has to offer, this idea doesn’t even make sense. The fact that people still believe this in 2017 is extremely upsetting.

Africa accounts for 20% of the world’s landmass, yet its population only account for about 16% of the world’s. While Asia accounts for 30% of the world’s land mass, with 60% of the world’s population.

Europe only has 6% landmass, but almost 10% of the world population. Looking at population density, Africa has an estimate of 90 people per square kilometre, against 250 in Asia, and 190 in Europe. If we’re being real, Europe should be considered the most overpopulated.

So, tell me why… Africa is constantly bombarded with people from the West pushing the agenda to stop population growth in Africa… if it’s not to take advantage of Africa’s natural resources? I’m just saying.

I mean… Africa IS the richest continent in the world in terms of natural and mineral resources. Africa outsold every continent out there in this department and has been undefeated since forever. The West has been trying for centuries to get rid of Africans, destroying any and everything, for the sole purpose of taking advantage of its riches.

Let’s not talk about the abundance of fake ass non-profit organizations, the numerous assassinations of presidents funded by the West in order to keep corrupt presidents in power, the continuous looting of the West and debts forced upon Africans.

You know… Some people African countries are still being forced by countries like France to pay colonial taxes? Is that not messed up? But for one dollar a day, eh? But this isn’t just Europeans, the Asians are hopping on this trend as well, subtly but surely.

I don’t want to keep popping up on your dashes, so I’m just going to leave you with this quote from the former president of France, “Without Africa, France will slide down into the rank of a third world.”

This alone says a lot.

Where can I look for a house ?


I’m done with America and fools living in it


Things I personally love about dark brown skin women

1. They age like fine wine. You’ll have a 25 year old wife FOREVER…dark skin women who take care of themselves do not age.

2. Their skin literally glows when absorbing the sun’s energy.

3. Melanin, melanin and more melanin….and all its wonderful benefits that comes with it.

4. Because dark brown skin women have little to no neanderthal DNA their genes are the closest to being a complete human without defects. In essence dark brown skin women are the original (eve gene) master copy which all other variations of humans come from.   

5. Deep dark brown eye’s are not only genetically perfect without any defects but also exuberate a sense of depth and wholeness. Like glazing into the dark sky on a moonless night.

6. “The blacker the berry, the sweeter the juice”…..is actually true. An abundance of melanin does give dark skin a slightly sweet scent so long as the host is healthy. 

7. “The darker the flesh, the deeper the roots”…..Yes dark brown skin women can genetically trace their lineage back further than any other human being without genetic interceptions.

8. It’s totally natural to love dark brown skin women. In fact it takes several generations of abuse, brainwashing and psychological conditioning to NOT (colorism) LIKE darker skin tones. We must literally be psychologically trained to dislike dark skin. 

9. Dark brown skin women are absolutely beautiful no ifs ands or buts about it. 

10. Despite the global melanin envy we’re experiencing today, there is absolutely nothing more desirable, sexy and attractive than a dark brown skin woman who’s totally in love with her complexion……despite the envy.  

……..but y’all not listening though

Black women deserve respect no matter their occupation or personality. Black women deserve love and peace in the midst of constant devaluation. Black women deserve life and safety. Black women deserve the end to oppression against their very being. A Black woman deserves so much more than what the world offers her.

endlessrebel (via endlessrebel)

With out a doute Black women deserve all that is good🙎🏿‍♀️🙎🏾‍♀️


Reblog if you think fanfiction is a legitimate form of creative writing.




Hell yes!



Better than reality!!!


IG : Miss.Cameroon @ laviebyck spring collection ✨✨✨✨

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