
Hotting Up The Soup

@angryangryowl / angryangryowl.tumblr.com

Ducky, 31, Brit, artist, fic-writer, fangirl. Hobbies include giving wings and halos to people who really don't deserve them. Star Wars - Gotham - Sherlock - Supernatural - Band of Brothers - The Good Place - Turn: Washington's Spies - Torchwood - Doctor Who - Fucking Awful Puns .Asks open, come say hi!

Headcanon #51

Gwen has an absolutely terrible memory. She leaves post it notes everywhere just so she remembers to do things. Ianto tried to help her color code her post its once, the experience ended with both of them in tears and a week long ban on the color green.


Who never thought about this?

This bothers me

it’s a gas?

fire cannot have a shadow because it is a source of light jesus christ i hate this website

This is the same website that believed you could have unlimited chocolate if you cut it the right way.

These people are our future

Okay so I really really want to know how you trumpet fellating douchefucks managed to spring fully formed into the world, knowing every single little thing that has ever existed ever?

Because shit, that would be some groundbreaking scientific and theological wetdream.

OP is basically going “wow, this is a cool thing. Who else never really considered why this cool science thing does this cool science thing” and eventually some assholes turn up and go; ” i hate this website”, to “THESE people are our future”?

What the frickity frick you fun sucking vampiric pisslords.

Shit son, you are literally the perfect example of why kids go “science is hard and boring”. Because instead of going “Heck yeah! This weird thing happens because gases! Because flames! Because light! Because the world is weird and fun and dude if you think this thing this is cool check out this and this and this!” 

Because instead of going “Yeah, not everyone knows as much as science about me. Everyone has to learn things somewhere; come on friend have I got so much to show you.”

You went; “I’m self absorbed as heckle and I think that everyone MUST  know or they’re just silly ignorant peasants aha lol im smart. Screw this website and the kids on it.”

I could go on all day, but you know what friend? We all have to start somewhere, because education in a single county district can be as unequal and bollocked up as heck, let alone between countries, between ages, between classes, between days and I have so much to show you.

Let’s start here;

Good luck.

i’ve never seen this version yelling at the science hipsters before, good addition


open and raw communication with your partner may be uncomfortable and feel so ugly and vulnerable but it solves soo many problems in the end


The idea that was sold to us of "love is effortless and you should communicate telepathically with your partner" is false. Love is awkward as hell. It's A LOT of straight up talking and realization of your self - your own needs. It's important to make those needs heard. Do not deny yourself full love

that idea robs us of so much intimacy, the intimacy that comes with honesty and vulnerability and being known.

I can't overstate how important this is, and as skin-crawlingly awkward as it can sometimes be (I mean, I'm British), better, healthier relationships definitely come out of this. Realising what you both want and need and how that fits together can be hard work, but what you'll get out of it in the long run is so worth it.


times are tough. have this blessed short film from xmas of my sister and brother figuring out they can macarena to cascada’s “everytime we touch”

If I ever get married, this is mandatory at my wedding.


» Happy 10th Anniversary Torchwood!  ♥ ↳  ❝Torchwood: outside the government, beyond the police. Fighting for the future on behalf of the human race. The 21st century is when everything changes. And Torchwood is r e a d y.❝

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