
rule of fire

@ignicracy / ignicracy.tumblr.com

parlaveritrix the cunning, qualified wizard, black-hearted witch. affiliated with isola radiale.

she has been wandering too much, lately. it is hard to sit still. beneath her skin her magic hums and shifts like a restless beast and she has noticed those around her using just one or two more spells, or bearing a gleaming new weapon at their hip, and it is--throwing her off. psychosomatic, certainly, but the symptoms are jarring enough to send her roaming the streets of spirale, looking for--

see, it’s like this. magic wells up and spills over and floods. parley is a finite thing and she is very steadily becoming waterlogged, capsizing, going under. her fingers tremble and the corners of her vision are clouded with stars and her thoughts catch and tangle and disappear. she is desperate for an outlet, going wild for the want of it.

but the best she has found is an open-air theatre, all carved stone and creeping vines, and she has taken centre stage for an audience of no one. incantations sound like strange poetry if you say them right, line and verse decorated with a language that sounds like spitting flame, and she has gone from praying that the words will conjure something to putting on a show. there’s no one here to see, after all. why not waste the day like this?


parley had always assumed that anyone who said they could smell magic was lying. magic smells like dusty old tomes and dustier old wizards, if anything, the wearying fragrance of libraries and archives and shelves at the back of someone’s office stacked with moth-gnawed scrolls. magic itself smells like nothing; it’s the effects, the lingering consequences (ash and the reek of burnt flesh).

they are not lying, it turns out. not specifically. simplifying, perhaps, reducing the experience to the barest descriptors, but maybe there is nothing to describe the sensation of brushing up against a leyline, skimming the surface of a well spilling over. even parley falters, now, trying to define it. like being submerged, like swallowing quicksilver, like collapsing inward and reaching out out out all at once.


the onslaught is a convenient excuse to stumble, stagger and catch her tiny frame on the folds of the man’s robes, breathe deep of incense and gold. “i--sorry, i don’t--quite know what’s come over me--!”

(making no attempt to right herself, get her bearings; letting the other be a lifeline.)


coming at you live from the bottom of a well it’s a starter call, tentative cap at five but we’ll see what happens

He stops in front of her. Back slouch and his freaky zombie face staring down at her like some horror movie come to life. Which technically he is. The firstborn of the sun merely stares down, unable to comprehend what she was doing. Did she forget something. Of course he meant no harm, but without the need of a voice, he finds it hard to voice that. So he tries the next best thing which is to raise his hand in a gesture of hello. 

when her words don’t result in a sudden eruption of fire and the thing in front of her being burned to a crisp, she’s forced to reconsider her situation. first: this thing doesn’t seem to want her dead just yet, or she would have been done for by now. second: well, now she just looks like an idiot. parley takes a moment to suck in a deep breath, hold it, exhale very slowly, before straightening up and inclining her head towards the other. “i--hello. sorry. bad first impression. but you do look very... spooky.”

Oh baby, Pembroke paused, setting down his beer bottle and rubbing his arms as if he were cold, looking rather uncomfortable. You’re makin’ my blood boil. Don’t think I like that.

so she’d been staring at him over the lip of her own drink, far more attentive than the situation called for. something about him smells just that little bit off, like the copper-dust tang of magic but wrong, so parley had--gotten a little focused. “my mistake,” she responds, trying to keep her tone aloof. “i thought men took things like that as a compliment.”

The undead, were a liability in every way. The chances of them becoming insane, hollow, mindless were high when purpose was taken away. And so the nameless king found himself like a specter, roaming the streets of wherever at night. and scaring the locals as well. 
It was unsettling to say the least.A being who was twice as tall…. doing that. 

she’d known from the start that coming this deep into the towering cyberpunk structures of fibonacci was a mistake. she put up a brave front, sure, but when it came down to it anything that could even maybe do her harm sent her skittering--so down here, in the gloom, she’s jumping at every shadow.

only that one isn’t a shadow. that one is towering and shambling and absolutely horrifying. to parley’s credit, she doesn’t scream--but she does yelp, leap backwards, scramble for a wand she doesn’t have and get halfway through an incantation she’s forgotten how to cast. something something conjure fire--


send me a ❖ + a question and my muse will be forced to tell the truth.


just want to say thank you for putting up with my spotty presence. i think i’ve sorted out whatever was keeping me away till now, so look out for me ! i’m not sure how many pre-event threads i’m going to keep going so i’ll make a starter call later i think. for rebuilt city adventure time

A smirk decorates his face for a moment. Seems like the message got through. 
“ Yes. “
The sinister look on his face lightens. If not for the circumstances one might even mistake it for a friendly one. With a short, self-content huff and a quick press of fingers Ogata lets his grip go. He’s content with this result.
“ That was all there was, right? “

against all better judgment she considers flicking through her camera roll thoughtfully just to tease him, but--but the way his face can storm and clear over in the span of a heartbeat has set her on edge, and toying with him like that would be foolish in the extreme. instead she fumbles with her phone, shoves it in the pocket of her jeans.

one step, two step back. deep breaths. “that’s it. i’d only just seen you. or i would have known to take the flash off.” parley sighs, turns as if to leave, then pauses.

“what were you doing, stalking around like that, anyway?” oh, idiot girl. curiosity kills.

—✕ █ ▌❝So, I take it you’re SUICIDAL then? Fine by me. Don’t even have to clean up your body — just kick it down the hole and be done with it.❞ He shrugs, making it known that he can see her PLAIN as day. Having once scavenged to survive, the sheer audacity of behaving as if one is INVINCIBLE is enough to earn his cutting tongue. Is she so ARROGANT to believe that a lack of a police force would guarantee her survival?

“are you planning on killing me over this? really? a handful of books that belong to no-one?” her tone is aloof, but her grip on the book she’s holding is white-knuckled to keep her fingers from trembling. as stubborn and irresponsible as she may be, she’s still a coward at heart, and she knows this man could do plenty of damage to her if he chose to. “seems a bit of an overreaction.”


* interview the muse

  • do you miss anyone? 
  • how are you doing?
  • do you believe in ghosts?
  • what makes you laugh? ’ 
  • list your top three bands or singers. ’ 
  • how many blankets do you sleep with?
  • does your name hold any special meaning to you? ’
  • gum, cake, pie or ice cream?
  • favorite book?
  • are you a good person?
  • describe love.
  • have you ever taken part in an uprising? ‘
  • favorite song?
  • name a guilty pleasure.
  • the most embarrassing thing that’s happened to you today?
  • tell me one truth and one lie.
  • do you like people? 
  • what motivates you?
  • describe the perfect weekend. 
  • any pet peeves? ’
  • do you need a hug? 
  •  would you like to have kids? ’
  • do you have any tattoos? 
  • classical, oldies, punk, hip hop or country? 
  • when was the last time you cried?
  • are you religious?
@ignicracy ’d for an itty bitty starter
—✕ █ ▌❝What are you doing?❞ He can’t quite tell in this city whether someone is a looter or not, what with all the rubble everywhere. Besides, is there really ANYTHING to loot? ❝If you’re trying to steal, you could be a bit more SUBTLE.❞

parley straightens up from her half-crouch, still thumbing idly through the pages of a half-ruined book (poisonous flora and you, if the smudged title is to be believed). “unless you're about to arrest me for looting--and as far as i was aware, this place does not have a functioning police force--i’ll be as overt as i like, thank you.”


5!! (for the prompt prosey thing hehe)

fever dream.

the thing parley never quite learned about magic is that a body is a vessel, not a conduit. it wells up from within, seeps insidious through veins and pools in fingertips. she knew–that if she used too much, it would turn her lips blue and her breath would come ragged, that if she pulled too hard at the source it would wrench itself free at the roots and she would be set adrift, too. that was why she borrowed the magic of others, after all. loop a handful of students into some greater working and let them exhaust themselves building it, step in later and twine your workings with theirs like choking ivy and revel in the way your heart still beats strong.

(she did not have many friends in college.)

but magic clamors to be used. it comes in a trickle and a river and a tide and overflows, fills you up and spills over. this is something she is only now beginning to learn. parley still knows the words to all her spells, can still scratch out the runes in the air and whisper driftwood-spark incantations and shape the summon in her mind but–but she has forgotten how to turn word and will into something physical and her magic is running over.

this is where she ends up. stars clouding the edge of her vision and a copper-iron tang from biting her tongue and her hands shaking, shaking, shaking. she is by the great yawning pit at the center of spirale, searching ink black for answers or reprieve and finding neither. instead--instead her eyes cross and out of the hollow crawls something towering, burning red and driftwood blue, lashed around with chains that wither and rust and crumble away as she watches. on the nape of her neck, the brand sparks to life, burning a fierce trail down her spine with its own inner heat.

efreeti, her efreeti, back to finish what she started. the witch trembles and gasps for one fractured breath and screams.


* (2) word prompts

send a number and i’ll write a prompt about the following!
  1. good day
  2. missing person
  3. twitching hands
  4. whistling wind
  5. fever dream
  6. stern words
  7. treasured item
  8. fake smile
  9. clean clothes
  10. muggy afternoon
  11. something lost
  12. endless day
  13. hot meal
  14. blurred vision
  15. teaching moment
  16. screeching tires
  17. heated argument
  18. creeping memories
  19. street corner
  20. first aid
  21. bedtime story
  22. fragile confession
  23. childhood lullaby
  24. honored promise
  25. walking target
  26. positive attitude
  27. monster teeth
  28. rage personified
  29. home again
  30. broken bones
  31. stuffed animal
  32. first snow
  33. worried glances
  34. shattered glass

‘ tell me one truth and one lie. ’


“i have never taken a life, and the thought of it scares me half to death, or--” she fans out her fingers in front of her, curls them one by one into her palm until there are four left stretched out, trembling with peculiar weakness. “or i spent my time in study drawing so much magic from my classmates that i pulled the beat right out of their heart, too. this many dead,” she says, twitching the curled up fingers just so, “and the rest...”

parley smiles, pleasant, hums under her breath. “you can decide which is which.”


* interview the muse

  • do you miss anyone? 
  • how are you doing?
  • do you believe in ghosts?
  • what makes you laugh? ’ 
  • list your top three bands or singers. ’ 
  • how many blankets do you sleep with?
  • does your name hold any special meaning to you? ’
  • gum, cake, pie or ice cream?
  • favorite book?
  • are you a good person?
  • describe love.
  • have you ever taken part in an uprising? ‘
  • favorite song?
  • name a guilty pleasure.
  • the most embarrassing thing that’s happened to you today?
  • tell me one truth and one lie.
  • do you like people? 
  • what motivates you?
  • describe the perfect weekend. 
  • any pet peeves? ’
  • do you need a hug? 
  •  would you like to have kids? ’
  • do you have any tattoos? 
  • classical, oldies, punk, hip hop or country? 
  • when was the last time you cried?
  • are you religious?
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