
So Embarrassing

@bandaloth / bandaloth.tumblr.com

This blog is just a dumpster for me to store trash, in other words...it's my art blog. (links: main blog / art tag )

When you get this, reply with 5 things that make you happy and then send to the last 10 people in your activity


Ohhh boy, I feel like I’m really bad at this kind of stuff but I’ll try!!! ( >ω

1.) Drawing!! I mean how could I not put this!? I love drawing silly stuff for you guys!

2.) Talking to my friends. Sounds super cliche, but whether we met on the internet or irl I love you guys ♥♥

3.) One Punch Man! I feel like this is probably a dumb answer, but I do love opm and all the other opm fans! Who knows what I’d be doing right now without it!

4.) FOOD. I miiight just be saying this cause I haven’t been eating much and I miss food, but hey it IS pretty dang cool!! I think I would DIE without it!!

5.) MAKING new friends! Haha gotta throw some more cheesey stuff on here!! But yeah, making new friends and knowing people want to be my friend makes me super happy!! Gives me the butterflies and everything!


Opm dub: complete English OVA commentary (with links)

Oh man! I’ve been waiting for AGES to finally see these in English, ever since seeing the subs for them way back. My main incentive to compare how gay the translations are, and I can certainly say, I’ve not been disappointed! 8D

Below are my thoughts and impressions from each one, complete with links and a transcription of fun quotes I enjoyed! Have fun! 


Heyyy guess what just came in the mail today!!! Haha why spend money on dumb things like college when you can buy anime, right? 

Anyone want me to see if I can try and post the english OVA’s tonight?

Omg!! It can with some pics with the characters on it and a little one of Genos’ notebooks!!! It’s so cute!! And it has a bunch of behind the scenes, interviews, and stuff like that!! I’ll have to go through it and see what’s all in it :D



Look at this adorable Green Tea Kit-Kats themed valentine the lovely @bandaloth sent me!!! :D OMG it’s so freaking adorable, thank you so much!! (My nendos love it too, lol!) 💖💖💖

Ahhhhhh, I was so surprised to get such a great a package, haha! Thank you thank you thank you!! (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ


YAYY!! I'm so glad you like it!!◝(⁰▿⁰)◜

Lol you were so sweet for sending so many people Valentines!! I just HAD make you something special!!!


I just couldn’t keep myself from sketching a continuation to @bandaloth‘s adorable comic that I still haven’t stopped crying over I featured his synthetic ears here, I hope you don’t mind!! I already headcanon that Nyan is very finicky with his appearance, getting upgrades and trying out prototypes left and right, a lot of times Saitama can’t keep up with all the changes. (Nyan being insecure about his appearance? No, I have no idea what you’re talking about) I personally like Sai with leg hair and I have no regrets ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_


AAAHHH LOOK AT THIS!!! Omg he fell asleep!!! THIS IS THE CUTEST THING EVERR ( >ω< ) !! (and aww poor nyan being insecure about himself :’(

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