

Black lesbian. Radical feminist. Minors don't interact please. Women = female fuck your feelings.

these people hate women



Kill him.

women have always been denied bodily autonomy throughout history. none of this is new. we’ve always understood. they talk as if the subjugation of the female sex class isnt one of the widest spread and oldest forms of oppression. it predates anything having to do with trans politics. why are they trying so hard to convince everyone that women arent systemically oppressed by patriarchy and have been for thousands of years? but when something big enough happens where you cant ignore women being treated as 2nd class citizens, they frame it like we’re just a privileged group getting a taste of “real” oppression for the first time. what the hell


children deserve to be children, and not have anything related to sexuality thrown at them. They should be learning languages, building their motor skills, growing their brains. And when they are of age, they should learn about sexual exploitation of women, how gender is a tool of subjugation and read Engels or radfems.


Someone I know shared this on her story and like ngl I had to go check who this guy even was but...damn dude you got the whole squad laughing (not)

we need to cyberbully more men fr

Kill all men 😌

Here’s all the comments from the irony-poisoned brain dead morons 😌 I hope the male validation keeps all the women in the comments warm tonight!

And a few sensible queens

I took a look through the comments as well and the very few people who were pointing out how this was kinda fucked up were getting dogpiled bc apparently "white feminism" is fair game


Straight men see anal sex as inherently degrading and that’s why 1.) they hate gay men and 2.) they want to do it to women so bad


Today I called a girl homophobic as a joke and she almost started crying

She said “my neighbors are a lesbian couple! I’m the least homophobic person you’ll ever meet”

I said “Kelsea I’m really sorry I hurt your feelings but I need you to know that homophobic people can have lesbian neighbors” and she just got even more distraught and said “I’ve been inside their house and I wasn’t even afraid or anything”



She entered the Home of Phobia and wasn’t even scared


love that the BBC was like “it isn’t all trans women just some and enough for it to be a problem” and deranged freak hetmale gendies went “actually you dumb fucks it’s all of us” like yes show your ass for us king


Right wingers refuse to accept women's oppression is oppression, left wingers refuse to accept women are females, we are truly in hell.


"The only reason you would think the phrase 'pregnant person' is dehumanizing is if you don't think women are people."

Shut up. "Person" is dehumanizing to me as a woman because it includes men and men aren't human. Hope this helps.

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