

@blacklivesmatter-blog / blacklivesmatter-blog.tumblr.com

in the Black tradition of the call and response, #BlackLivesMatter is both a Call to Action and a response to the ways in which our lives have been de-valued. what are you doing to make sure that #blacklivesmatter? what does #blacklivesmatter mean to you?

How should I best use my white privilege to bring attention to Black Lives Matter and convince people of the merits of said movement?


MN– Talk to your friends, family, cousins, co-workers, every white person you know about antiBlackness and white supremacy.

AntiBlackness lives in every corner of the world, and inside all of us. Yes, even Black people, and it usually manifests as internalized oppression or racism. So we all have to work to undo that in ourselves and in the world.

I can talk facts and numbers and write stories all day, but some white folks will never hear it from me. That’s where the work of white allies comes in. We need you to do that work, because it’s emotional laborious and draining, and it’ll most likely be better received coming from a white person because, honestly, that’s how white supremacy works.


Our BLM communications strategist Miski Noor on how white folks can show up for the movement and for Black folks. 


How do you feel media/art influences cultural movement in regards to race?


MN– Media/art play an incredibly important role in movement work. In fact, there is no movement work without art, in my opinion.

While our work focuses on grassroots local organizing, and it is that organizing work that makes space for everything else, the contributions of artists is crucial. For example, organizers doing the work on the ground made space for Beyonce and other artists to be more radical, more pro-Black with their work. But Beyonce is Beyonce, and her contributions, her celebrating her Black life and that of her children’s and all Black women/femmes, is invaluable. We need those sorts of cultural interventions to reach even more folks.


Art is crucial to our movements. 


Day 6 of #BlackFuturesMonth celebrates the Black Muslim community. This powerful poster was created by @snkhalifa.

The accompanying article was written by Miski Noor and can be read here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/black-muslim-futures-matter_us_589894fde4b09bd304bc5291

“My whole life is emblematic of what Black Muslims face in America on a daily basis: Erasure.”



Day 3 of #BlackFuturesMonth comes with a double punch from two heavy hitters: Alexis Pauline Gumbs @alexispaulinegumbs & Tatyana Fazlalizadeh @tatyanafazlalizadeh. These two weren't playing around with the Black feminism convo. 

Tatyana describes her poster: “Black women and girls fight against a lot of things in our daily lives. Misogyny and anti-blackness to begin. My poster depicts a teenage black girl wearing the names of black women who have lost their lives due to state-sanctioned violence, street harassment, transphobia, misogynoir, sexism, and racism. Paired with an excerpt from Audre Lorde’s poem “Harriet”, my poster illustrates the fight for black women and girls to live freely, to speak and be heard, to be seen, to be valued.”



ARTNOIR + Black Lives Matter: Black Futures Month || ANSWER TIME on February 14th, 10am (PST) || 1pm (EST)

Submit Your Questions Here

ARTNOIR is excited to be collaborating with Black Lives Matter on their Black Futures Month project during Black History Month. This project is designed to inspire people during this challenging social & political climate through art and the written word to dream about tomorrow today. 

Each day in February, Black Lives Matter will release an original piece of art and an accompanying written piece to reclaim Black History Month and demonstrate the importance of using art as both an inspiration and an organizing tool. Artists from around the world have been commissioned to use their genius to promulgate the conversation about systemic racism and violence against Black people.

Today we are thrilled to co-host an interactive Q&A with visual artist Delano Dunn, digital all-rounder Babusi Nyoni and organizer/writer Miski Noor for a candid and spirited conversation via Tumblr’s Answer Time series. 

Our conversation explores how visual art and writing can serve as a platform to discuss pressing issues that impact Black communities throughout the diaspora from education to immigration.

Send us your questions and join the conversation live on  February 14th, 10am (PST) || 1pm (EST) on our Tumblr site.


Our first art piece for #BlackFuturesMonth is by the phenomenal M.Y. of @blackstothefuture. The accompanying article is by our own, @theshanellem can be read here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/black-imagination-vital-way-forward_us_5891dc4fe4b0522c7d3e1467 "Of the many things we’re compelled and encouraged to do first in the face of Trump’s attacks on our basic rights and humanity, dreaming isn’t necessarily one of them. But in the face of unimaginable assaults on our futures, we absolutely cannot cede our ability to imagine for ourselves."



Today is the last day of February, which means it’s the close of Black Futures Month. Our final theme for the month is Black Excellence, and is depicted here in FOREMOST’s piece titled: Constitutional. You can find FOREMOST @4oremost at twitter.com/4oremost and instagram.com/4oremost

Here’s to a brilliant, excellent, and unequivocally BLACK future y’all. 

#BlackFutureMonth #BlackLivesMatter #VisionOfABlackFuture


Black Futures Month celebrates Black Economies. This artwork was created by Nikki Pressley. You can find her at twitter.com/thequietwalk and instagram.com/nikkigullah.

#BlackFutureMonth #BlackLivesMatter #VisionsOfABlackFuture


Today we celebrate the arts for Black Futures Month. This inspiring artwork was created by Ethan Parker @ethandrawsstuff. Also find him at instagram.com/YoungPrick twitter.com/EthanDrawsStuff facebook.com/EthanDrawsStuff

The accompanying article was written by Hari Ziyad and can be found here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/hari-ziyad/black-arts-do-matter_b_9334674.html?1456589282 #BlackFutureMonth #BlackLivesMatter #VisionsOfABlackFuture


Today we celebrate labor unions and collective work for Black Futures Month. This powerful poster was created by Alyssa Etoile @etoilearts. Also find her at instagram.com/alyssa_etoile and twitter.com/alyssaetoile  The accompanying article, written by Alicia Garza can be found here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/alicia-garza/do-we-care-for-black-women_b_9272422.html?1456320277

#BlackFutureMonth #BlackLivesMatter #VisionsOfABlackFuture


Today Black Futures Month uplifts the right to housing and employment for all. Sandra Khalifa @snkhalifa​ created this striking poster. You can also find her at www.instagram.com/sandra_nadine and twitter.com/snkhalifa

#BlackFutureMonth #BlackLivesMatter #VisionOfABlackFuture

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