
Lovely ladies

@barricade--girls / barricade--girls.tumblr.com

" Did you see them, going up to fight? Children of the barricade, they didn't last the night"
🌸🌺🌸🌺🌸🌺🌸🌺🌺🌸🌺🌸🌺🌸🌺 A blog dedicated to the ladies of les mis

“i brought you something.” cosette’s voice was full of light as she came in from outside. “what is it?” éponine took a moment to look up from her work to see her lover holding out a single red blossom. she couldn’t give you the name, but as everything else cosette gave her, it was lovely. “what’s that for?” a small smile was on her lips as she asked. “it reminded me of you.” “oh? how’s that?” éponine could feel her smile grow wider. 


Here’s a Monument Valley au Cosette I drew a couple months ago but never posted for some reason! The proportions may or may not be Wrong but that’s not important.

anyway Monument Valley is a good game y’all should try it


The father turned towards the younger girl who sat on the bed near the window, and shouted to her in a thundering voice:— Quick! get off that bed, you lazy thing! will you never do anything? Break a pane of glass! The little girl jumped off the bed with a shiver. Break a pane! he repeated. The child stood still in bewilderment. Do you hear me? repeated her father, I tell you to break a pane! The child, with a sort of terrified obedience, rose on tiptoe, and struck a pane with her fist. The glass broke and fell with a loud clatter. Good, said the father. In the meantime, a sob became audible in one corner. What’s that? cried the father. The younger daughter exhibited her bleeding fist, without quitting the corner in which she was cowering. 

You see, my beautiful young lady, pursued Jondrette, her bleeding wrist! It came through an accident while working at a machine to earn six sous a day. It may be necessary to cut off her arm. 

— Les Miserables, Victor Hugo


Lovely Ladies

Shout out to all the ‘lovely ladies’ in Les Miserables. Today is the day to celebrate all the incredible women Victor Hugo created, especially those with little character development or voice. But more importantly, today is the day to celebrate those women in today’s society whom Victor Hugo’s characters represent - those women who struggle to make their own voice heard and who make huge sacrifices in the hope that their daughters may live in a better world. Years on, his book is still relevant, especially to women today, on International Women’s Day. Spread the love and awareness my fellow ladies.


Cosette, Musichetta and Éponine Teacher AU because it’s les mis wlw and women appreciation week (and also because it’s break time, the only time when it’s fun to think about school and stuff): 

  • Cosette is the adorable, super nice music teacher that everyone loves and about half oft he school has a crush on
  • Patterned dresses and thermos with little dots on them
  • She and the school band always help out the theatre department with their plays 
  • (talk to me about drama!teacher Montparnasse and literature!teacher Jehan oh my god)
  • Everyone was kind of shocked when that one time the drummer got ill last minute and Cosette, totally unfazed, took over still wearing her lace-collared pastel dress
  •   Musichetta teaches astronomy and somehow manages to make the scientific concepts easy to understand while also telling the students about star signs and ancient stories
  • Confuses a lot of people at first because she looks more like a weirdly dressed art or literature teacher (so like Jehan but with well, actually nice weird clothes) but then she slays with her PhD in Astronomy and Astrophysics
  • People are a little scared of her and a lot in awe
  •   Éponine had a lot of trouble at first adjusting to her job as a PE teacher because she wasn’t sure if and how she was going to get the respect of the students so he was very strict at the beginning
  • But the first time a little girl fell and scraped her knee, she hugged her and told her stories about how her little brothers always came home with their knees scraped and her little sister who never wanted to cry, until the little girl calms down
  • From that point she knows she’s chosen the right thing to do
  • She still strict, teaches self-defence glasses for young girls with R and Bahorel but she has a soft heart too, and that’s why everyone respects her

{ cosette, éponine and musichetta } *i do not own any of the images used


cosette, eponine and musichetta marching on women’s day

  • cosette’s sign: “woman free from man, everyone free from capital”
  • eponine’s sign: “sisterhood not cisterhood”
  • musichetta’s sign: “disability rights are a feminist issue”
  • they all have black lives matter patches on their jackets
  • eponine punches a man in the face (he asked “what about brotherhood?”)
  • an anarchist high fives cosette and she smiles really brightly
  • several people light up when they see musichetta’s sign
  • afterwards they all go back to cosette’s and make hot chocolate
  • eponine and cosette hold hands while musichetta knits and they watch a movie
  • eventually they sleep in a triple spoon in cosette’s giant bed
  • they love and take care of each other this day and every day
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