
Welcome Babes!

@kays-current-obsession / kays-current-obsession.tumblr.com

Hey, I'm Kay! Talk to me! Ask box is always open!!

Beneath the Billows

Deep within the streets of Kings Landing there lives a young woman. She leads a very ordinary, mundane life and is quite content with it. That is until she meets the Rogue Prince and gets entangled with political affairs, love affairs, family drama and dragons.

You lay on your bed, the sweet whispers of sleep just barely upon your body when you hear loud footsteps and screaming outside your door. Startled by the uncommon commotion you scramble to your feet, yanking the bed side candle from the table. 

Peering out the window you see crowds of people scattering as the clanks of what you can only make to be armor comes closer.

Beneath the Billows
Chapter 4

A lot of time has passed since your abrupt departure from Kings Landing in the middle of the night. You hadn’t been able to say goodbye to Lady Keyn or anyone for that matter, and every night you lay awake wondering if she was okay, if she had enough wood for her fires to keep her warm. You vividly remember throwing a bit tantrum when you were awoken by the guards and Daemon. A fit suited for an ill-tempered child, a fit that Daemon had quickly shut that down with a single look.

The Targaryen Law Firm
Headcanons of working for one of the largest and most powerful law firms in the world.
  • You were 6-months post graduation when you found the application for the receptionist position at Targaryen Law.
  • You nervously bit on your fingernail as you clicked through the prerequisite questions. Half thinking that this was all a waste of time. There’s absolutely no way you would get it.
  • Well you did. And now here you are. A month and a half later. Sitting at the front desk of the infamous Targaryen Law, the tallest building in all of Kings Landing.

Aemond, to Ser Cole: I don’t give a shit about tourneys.

Aemond, winning every single tourney just to consecrate reader as Queen of love and beauty: a toast to the most beautiful Queen of love and beauty.

Aegon: Yeah, slay Queen!

Aemond, ready to kill Aegon:


HotD Fanfiction Discord is Live!

Hello all!

Just want to let you know that I and some fellow House of the Dragon fanfiction writers have gotten together and set up a Fanfiction Hub:

The Discord has spaces for general chat, character discussion (depraved and romantic) and fandom art. People have the option to opt in to any of the above writers’ private channels in the #intake channel, which will serve as a specific location to interact with others and the writer themselves on their stories. You can choose as many or as little as you want, and even without opting in there are spaces to interact about the fandom in general!

If you are interested in joining, the Discord link is available here! We’d love to have you around!

Come hang out with us !!

Anonymous asked:

Your master list doesn’t work

Like none of the links do? What the fauck 😂

I’ll fix it!

Thank you 😘

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