
♋ E S C A P E ♋

@abncrmal-blog1 / abncrmal-blog1.tumblr.com

♋ Independent Nonfandom OC ♋ ♋ Read rules before interaction ♋

Owaaugh! Hey!” were her first words when coming into contact with the other being, falling backward with a rather hard impact, considering the small of her back had the unfortunate fate of landing on a rock..That was gonna bruise, and it’s this guy’s fault. Great. Her team had received his ship’s automatic distress signal, and of course made their way to see if help was really needed. They didn’t expect a minor Galra patrol, which they took care of easy enough. Shiro had deemed it necessary to split up and and search for the owner of the small shuttle, and now here we were, her back bruised from where the suits armor didn’t cover her..With some stranger hovering over her, looking quite excited for someone who had just been hunted. 

She groaned when moving to slide out from under him, huffing in annoyance while looking back at the other. She held her hand at her bayard, ready in case he wasn’t a friendly, and asked while wincing, sitting up.

Hey, are you the owner of the shuttle that crash landed here? If so, my team and I are here to help…But it looks like you don’t really need it, do you?”


Shortly after listening to the minuscule statement,  the question came to mind of how the stranger knew that he needed help - until it clicked, not a second after coming to mind. The distress signal. Of course it had been that, he must’ve forgotten to deactivate it. Letting out a distress signal was both a way to get help, yes, but also a way to run into enemies who caught trail of the transmission. It was a double edged sword when one was in the experiment’s position, Yggdrasil’s expression of momentary giddy replaced with a look of utter speechlessness. He wasn’t aware of any sort of team in the area - so just who did this stranger belong to? 

He moved to fix himself in a more comfortable position, albeit a bit rushed. This was certainly a new way to meet someone, that was for sure. It occurred to him that he had been silent, the experiment clearing his throat and regaining his composure that had been briefly lost in the thrill of being chased. Slightly widened scarlet hues took in the other with a mixture of curiosity and paranoia  - were they a Galran spy or something? 

“Yeah, it’s mine. You better not have touched it, that thing took me weeks to repair last time some idiot decided to crawl in the control paneling.” Spoiler: the idiot was him. He was a fighter, not a mechanic. There was a tighter feeling of seriousness and slight hostility in the experiment’s next words, which he didn’t seem to hesitate in saying. 

Who’re you with?” 


    “ Oh? ” Even Fushimi is uncertain as to whether the word had slipped with intent to mock the stranger slumped against the close-by wall, trying & very poorly succeeding at attempting to blend in with his dark surroundings– or perhaps his own surprise, mindlessly taking on a verbal form. Not that he was pleased to be the one to find a suspect, but alas.

    It would be interesting. He’d yet to be properly scolded for not performing his duties entirely seriously, because - ( essentially ) - he’d yet to return with less-than-above-average results for his work. With any luck, this would be another one of those cases.

    “ That was quite a loud sound just now. ” The clanking had been much less than discreet, and Fushimi had only been a couple streets down when he’d heard it. The culprit was presumably a young man on the run, from what he’d heard. How amusing, that said criminal was potentially curled up on the ground before him in that very moment.

    “ I just thought… I’d make sure nobody was hurt. ”


Son of a bitch. He only had himself to blame for the Blue arriving. If he’d been more careful with the case, then perhaps it wouldn’t have made such a sound, and he’d still be in the clear. Unfortunately, careful was so rarely a word in his vocabulary that he’d even think to use - especially when trying to get away from a crime scene. 

The sentiment of no one being hurt drew the strain to his feet with a look of mixed disdain and annoyance on his face, the hooded young man taking a glance to his rifle case. The blue was a little late to make sure no one was hurt, Yggdrasil keeping the thoughts to himself. He had always wondered if Blue sabers could be cracked by a mere bullet - no, he stopped that train of thought where it was. The best way out of the situation would be augmentation of his arms or legs - he could jump to higher ground, or punch as hard as he could. 

“I just wanted a damn nap.” Untrue, not that it would have stopped the strain from saying so even if it was true. Was a nap after murder so difficult of a request? Yggdrasil looked over the blue,not making any moves towards or away from him. Ten seconds would be needed to fully augment his limbs. If he could stall for that long and focus on his legs, he could get the hell away from such a situation... Then again, this might have been an opportunity for a rush if he played his cards right...

“Is that really so much to ask for?” 

@go-ennokami started following you

Hit after hit. Break after break, blight after blight, pain after pain. Yggdrasil had become accustomed to behind hurt, to wondering if it was the last time he would ever wake up. His masters never seemed to care - a mutual relationship of hurt what what Yggdrasil could look forward to when he went into a partnership with some want-to-be big name god. 

Nursing the blot of tinted skin on his abdomen with a piece of his shirt drenched in the blessed water, Yggdrasil couldn’t help but stay on guard. Barriers or not, he never trusted shines that didn’t relate to him. 

Hearing footsteps only served to put the stray further into his small pit of paranoia - did they belong to a stranger? A god? He bit the inside of his lip, wringing out the cloth and giving a side look to the other

“If you’re the ruling god here, I’ll get out as soon as it’s gone. Have mercy.”

Even the plea was devoid of potential emotion - if he was going to be kicked out, then he wouldn’t make it worse by trying to kiss someone’s ass. 

@ex-homra  started following you

You know, running sucked. The more the strain ran, the more he hated it. It was a good exercise in theory, sure. But it wasn’t his preferred method of getting the hell away from a crime scene that he might have caused.  When the pay was good, one could only turn down a job for so long. Yggdrasil counted himself lucky that he hadn’t ran into any blues or, god forbid,  golds. Taking shelter in the small alleyway, the strain already had a plan.He’d wait, lay low, and then hoof it as fast as he could back to his apartment. Legally, he might have been okay. With only one witness and little to no evidence he was there, he could have stayed there for quite a while before anyone truly noticed. Unfortunately, that one witness had the nerve to call for help. 

Thus spawned his current situation. 

Flipping his hood down and allowing for some room to move, Yggdrasil practically tossed the rifle case over his lap, the clank of it against the walls of the building making him wince ever so slightly. None the less, he was safe for now. He’d have to start moving sooner or later, safeties sake, but for now? The strain was all too content with leaning his head back against the wall and catching a few moments of sleep. 

That lasted all of five minutes until he heard the dreaded sound of footsteps. 

Muttering a curse under his breath, the strain flattened himself to the wall and tried to blend into the shadows as best he could. The one time he wanted a break, the one time. Then again, if he wanted a break, he probably shouldn’t have murdered someone. 


     “A shrine?” It was the choice of phrase that caught Kazuma’s ear. Most would have chosen to say ‘my shrine’ or ‘my master’s shrine’, rather than a shrine in general. When your very existence was tied to that shrine and its God, it was matter of pride to speak vaguely of it. This was getting more suspicious by the minute.

     With a frown, the Exemplar slid his glasses further up the bridge of his nose. “Which shrine are you attached to? The one nearest here is–” Kazuma paused for a fraction of a second, mentally double-checking his knowledge of the surrounding area. “The Lady Kofuku’s. I happen to know she has only one Shinki.” By rough estimation, Daikoku had to be at least twice this boy’s size.


That was the million dollar question - which shrine was he attached to? He could have went to one of the shrine’s belonging to one of his masters, though the only purpose that would serve would be to blight both him and his unfortunate keeper. He didn’t want to show up to one of those shrines, especially if one of his masters was there, that’d just be awkward. 

Good question.” He brushed the subject aside, hoping to get out of that territory. “I’m not exactly familiar with that god.” Kofoku - a god of poverty, weren’t they? The stray personally had no idea, within catching a few stray glimpses of that shinki, they had been quick to get away. A stray wouldn’t last two seconds around that beast. “Are there any other ones close by?” The thought occurred to him that this stranger was being treated like a GPS - oh well, if it wasn’t broken, why should he have tried to fix it?” 

@exxemplary   placed a hit  

Killing. That had been hard, for once in his life, taking a life had been hard. Tracking the former scientist down, getting any information he could about what was going down, it had taken months. And now, standing over the body, Yggdrasil couldn’t help but feel.. Defeated, in a way. He expected more from this, not just the click of a trigger and the end of his hunt. He could use the information he had gotten to start his tracking of another retired lab rat - but what was the use doing that now? His fun was over, his hunt was over, the only thing he could do was go back to his temporary hotel room and watch TV until the next nightfall, when he could get on his way. 

Stepping away from the corpse slightly, Yggdrasil couldn’t help but wait. He crouched to the ground, almost as if he was a baseball umpire, and waited. Something would happen, wouldn’t it? Surely it would have to happen, someone would come, the body would do something, it couldn’t be this boring of a day. 

He hadn’t realized he’d fallen asleep until he heard the slight sound of a footstep. 

Jolting from his perch and to his feet, Yggdrasil took a quick step back and drew his pistol. Better safe than sorry - just who was here with a corpse and a monster? Taking a quick look over the newcomer, Yggdrasil’s hold on the weapon slacked ever so slightly. 

“The fuck are you here for and the hell are you doing?” He left out the obvious question of who are you - asking that question early on ruined the suspense, crushing his chances of getting that feeling if things went sour. 


     The snappy retort that so promptly followed the collision was something of a shock to Kazuma. More so due to the fact he had, in truth, not been paying his surroundings as much mind as he typically did, and so hadn’t noticed the youth come bolting around the corner at breakneak speed.

     Kazuma kept his embarrassment neatly hidden, however, only permitting a small degree of surprise onto his features as deft hands brushed the wrinkles from his suit. For somebody who had just been slammed into, he looked remarkably unruffled. “Are you alright? You–” Green eyes narrowed at the youth with a flicker of uncertainty. Had that been a hint of blight he caught sight of before the hood interfered? “Where are you going in such a hurry? You’ll draw undue attention to yourself from those of the Near Shore, if you keep that up.” He couldn’t help the chiding tone, despite being unable to determine true age among spirits, the stranger appeared younger and Kazuma was naturally inclined to adopt a superior role in unknown situations.


This guy is a shinki?  Make no mistake, he had no problem with those who kept themselves to one sole god. It was a personal choice and, despite what he thought at times, he had no right to tell them to have more than one. In all honesty, having a multitude of names on one’s skin was nothing but a pain. Trust me, I already have their attention, don’t need to draw it at this point.” Bastards have been chasing me all day. Having one master meant you had a better chance of being protected from his such situation, he’d admit that with no problem. With multiple, one’s safety was never a guarantee once they were out of range. A handy idea in a battle with multiple masters, sure - but outside of a fight, it was nothing but a burden and a nuance. 

Talking to another shinki - how long had it been since a conversation with one? A few months, maybe a year, time was always hard to keep up when one was a ghost. “I’m trying to get to a shrine.” A lie, but one he could work with. Going to a shrine could provide a good opportunity to get his blight healed, not mentioning the possibility of rest.


  ☁ >


        footsteps hardly making any sound as the young assassin traversed the halls,         following the muzzled person as he expertly navigated through the place. it         wasn’t that she completely trusted him ( she would be quite of a failure as an         assassin if she did so, especially towards a completely mysterious stranger,         after all ), but in the matter of needing to track down a little skittering mouse         in an unfamiliar place and with such restricted timeframe to do so, she was         to make the necessary adjustments. it was just customary to do so, and if         things went down brutally, she was more than capable of holding her own.                 was she human? that was a peculiar statement, but with the nature of the         person she is talking to, it wasn’t completely… unnatural. of course she’s         human, but did how her mind function classify for a human’s? veronica was         well aware of the fact that she isn’t entirely normal nor human, but not that         she had cared at this point.  ❝ of course, i am.  ❞         did she work for whoever owned this place… well, did this person need to         know that? maybe. but what were the chances that this place was under         surveillance? the last thing she needed was for anyone to know how to         track her down, which would not only deem her mission a failure, or at         least according to her personal codes. instead, she brandished the emblem         stitched at the sleeve of her coat - a symbol of the red and silver coat of         arms with the words “varia”. they only worked for the vongola, no matter         how autonomous they may be, and even hardly allied themselves with the         same famiglia, at least that should placate the man’s immediate question.


How odd. Taking a brief second to examine the coat of arms, he found himself at a loss for what to say. He didn’t necessarily recognize that particular seal, meaning that it was either highly advanced or not good enough to bother with. He’d have to ask about it another time, do a quick search for the strange emblem. Would Tobias know of it? No, he got rid of the thought of asking him. The only thing that would bring would be confusion and, more likely, anger as to why he hadn’t reported such a girl on the grounds. Perhaps it belonged to one of the underground organizations who had wished for his creation so direly? If that was the case, he’d make a note to snap the other in half - if not, he’d merely continue with his job as if nothing had happened. 

He was not a grateful creature. His creation had been a bluff, the ramblings of a deranged madman, supported by his followers of science. Oh how he loathed the thought of standing next to someone who had unknowingly aided in his creation and torment, the monster taking a quick whiff of the air once again. “I figured.” He didn’t hate humans by any means, merely hating the freedom they boasted and took for nothing. To not have to walk with chains or have your voice restrained - what a wonderful feeling that must have been. 

“You don’t smell like a lab rat, hence why I asked.” Giving reason to his questions was something he had been ordered to do by the white coated rats who ran his little circus. He moved forward, tracking a scent that reeked of blood. With a few more breaths, he came to a stop, and directed a hand to point at a small building, no less than two stories large. The smell was coming from in there - his training was screaming at him to go in and deal with it himself. 

“In there.” 


     “I’m no ‘fraidy cat!” But he sure did bristle like a cat at the insult. “I’m gonna get the stupid thing outta that tree, pal. I’m just tryin’ to figure out a way that doesn’t involve me getting shredded in the process. That happens to be Mrs. Yatou’s cat, he’s kinda famous for being a world class jerk.”


“I could just jump up there and get it.” Climbing the tree wouldn’t be a problem, the experiment fairly sure he could augment his arm good enough to grab the cat without fear of dropping the idiot feline. He had no idea who ‘Mrs. Yatou’ was, nor did he care. As far as he was concerned, the cat was his problem, not his owner. “Not like it’d be that much work. Hell, it’d probably save both of us some trouble. You good with that, cat?” He’d make sure to call the other some variant of that, if only because of the bristle in his hair that caught the experiments attention. 


              ❝ They’re kinda chasing me down, so yeah, there’s quite a lot around. They apparently don’t like it when you break their things. ❞ Really, they’re more mad cause you stole the yellow lion back in your escape but you’re really not sorry.


“I know that feeling, trust me.” Breaking their things wasn’t his primary offense to the heinous empire - being one of their things was far worse. He had to wonder just why such a guy would try to break something belonging to them, he didn’t seem like a fighter. “Are you fighting them, a fugitive, what?”

@guidcnce started following you

He didn’t want a master. That fact was cut clear with every word he said, every gesture the stray made, every plausible action screamed that sole fact into existence. Would he have minded one? Being told what to do was a never ending irk, he’d just blight them until they either let him go or moved on to another shinki. Would he have minded one now, finding himself faced with not one, not two, but three phantoms? Not much. Allowing a barrier to hold them back would work for a time, the stray resorting to running with the creatures kept coming. It was during a sprint, mid stride, that Yggdrasil turned the corner - 

And ran face first into a pedestrian. 

He stumbled only slightly, shooting a glare to the other he’d collided with. The bits of tinted skin on the corner of his face showed the few marks the creatures had managed to induce, much to his chagrinWatch where you’re going.” It was a brief statement, the stray checking over his shoulder and flipping up his hood. Lost them for now, thank the gods. Not really - what had they ever done for him? 


🌸 Guiding Light; [ Although the blog is still very much under construction, I have a Rules Page up and the Ask Box is open as I continue work. If you’d be interested in RPing with a new Kazuma from Noragami (anime and manga), could you please Like/Reblog this and I’ll check out your blog? I am crossover and OC friendly! Thanks!

                                                             ♥, Kit ]


             You pass the strip of fabric over without arguments, && promptly tear off another strip, && then another && another; you think that it will take more than one or two bandages to really keep him from losing too much blood.  ❝ Are you gonna be okay to walk? It’s not safe to stay here. ❞


He pressed the fabric to his head first - that was the most important cut. Head wounds always bled a lot, the sooner he could stop it the better his chances were. “Walking shouldn’t be a big problem, ‘s long as I keep my balance.” That hopefully wouldn’t be an issue i he could manage to stop the bleeding. “Are there Galrans around or somethin’?” 

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